
  • 网络malocclusion;dento-maxillofacial deformitities
  1. 下颌恒切牙先天缺失与牙颌畸形

    The Relationship between the Congenital Hypodontia of Mandibular Incisor and Malocclusion

  2. 18例12~20岁严重骨性Ⅲ类牙颌畸形非手术正畸治疗的初步研究

    Preliminary study of non-surgical treatment of severe Class ⅲ malocclusion in 18 patients of 12-20 years old

  3. 下切牙先天缺失与牙颌畸形关系的分析研究

    Analysis and Research of Malocclusion from Congenital Hypodontia of Mandibular Incisor

  4. 牙颌畸形的治疗及其对颜面美容的影响

    Treatment of dentomaxillary deformities and its influence on facial esthetics

  5. 外科矫治牙颌畸形21例总结

    CONCLUSION OF 21 CASES OF JAW DEFORMITIES : Correcting by surgical orthodontic operation

  6. 牙颌畸形儿童与正常儿童社会心理因素的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Social-Psychological Factors of Dental-Occlusal Deformity Children and Normal Children

  7. 牙颌畸形辅助诊断及辅助矫治设计系统的建立与应用

    Establishment and Application of Orthodontic Diagnosis-assisting and Orthodontic Design-assisting System of Dental Maxillofacial Deformity

  8. 方法整复牙颌畸形、修复齿槽裂隙、修复唇裂。

    Methods : Correetion of dentomaxillofacial deformities repair of alveolar cleft and lip cleft .

  9. 19例唇腭裂患者继发牙颌畸形正畸正颌联合治疗的经验

    Orthodontic and Orthognathic Treatment of Dentofacial Deformities Post Surgical Repairing of Cleft Lip and Palate in 19 Cases

  10. 目的:探讨下颌恒切牙先天缺失情况,与牙颌畸形的关系以及下尖牙近远中径的变化。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship among the congenital hypodontia of mandibular incisor and malocclusion and the variation of medial distal dimension of mandibular canine .

  11. 目的:通过牙颌畸形儿童与正常儿童社会心理因素的对比研究,探讨引导患儿克服心理障碍的有效途径。

    Objective : to study the effective way to conduct malocclusion children to overcome psychological obstacles through comparative study of social-psychological factors of dental-occlusal deformity children and normal children .

  12. 随着糖尿病牙颌畸形的患病率增多,生活水平的提高,越来越多的糖尿病病人要求正畸治疗。

    With the increase of morbidity of DM deformities of teeth and mandible , and the improvement of living standard , more and more suscepts of DM request orthodontic therapy .

  13. 患齿病种及构成比情况:受检者所患牙病中,除龋齿外,以牙颌畸形(构成比39.3%)、牙髓炎(构成比19.65%)检出率高。

    Kinds of dental disease and constituent ratio : Of all the dental diseases , except caries , the detection rates of dentomaxillary deformity and pulpitis were the highest ( constituent ratios were 39.3 % and 19.65 % respectively ) .

  14. 215例成年人前牙列牙颌畸形的矫治

    Orthodontic Treatment for Malocclusion of Adult Patients ' Anterior Teeth & Report of 215 Cases

  15. X线颅颌面影像分析是口腔正畸学、正颌外科学等学科对牙颌、颅面畸形进行科学研究和临床诊断、治疗的基本手段。

    Cephalometric analysis is a basic method in the study and the clinical diagnosis and treatment of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics .

  16. 下颌体部截骨术同期矫正牙颌及颏部畸形

    Simultaneous Surgical Correction of Dentomaxillary and Chin Deformities with Mandibular Body Osteotomy

  17. 对23例成人牙周病继发牙颌畸形的患者,在牙周基础治疗控制牙周炎症的基础上,应用Edgewise固定矫治器矫治或活动-固定矫治器联合矫治。

    Adult patients with secondary malocclusion resulting from periodontitis were treated by Edgewise fixable technique or fixable removable appliance after basics periodontal therapy and inflammation control .

  18. 方法将40例牙列拥挤,需做减数治疗的牙颌畸形患者,随机分为实验组和对照组各20例。

    Methods Forty patients , who suffer from handicapping dentofacial anomaly and need pull out the maxillary first premolar teeth , were divided into test group ( 20 patients ) and control group ( 20 patients ) randomly .