
yá zhōu zǔ zhī
  • periodontium;paradentium;peridentium
牙周组织[yá zhōu zǔ zhī]
  1. 实验性牙齿移动过程中牙周组织中整合素αVβ3的表达变化及弱激光照射的影响

    Study of the Expression of Integrin α V β 3 in Periodontium and the Effect of Lower Power Laser Irradiation during Experimental Tooth Movement

  2. fibromodulin在正常牙周组织、炎性牙龈组织和牙周损伤愈合过程中的分布与表达

    Distribution and Expression of Fibromodulin in Normal Periodontium , Inflamed Gingiva and during Periodontal Wound Healing

  3. 结果牙周炎大鼠灌服益肾清火方3个月后,与B组相比,C、D组的牙周组织炎症明显改善;

    RESULTS : It was found that the periodontal inflammation of group C and D were improved significantly ;

  4. 结论:P物质可能直接作用于牙髓和牙周组织,细胞在牙髓及牙周炎症、修复反应中发挥作用。

    Conclusion The findings further support the hypothesis that Substance P may have regulatory effects on pulp and periodontal tissues directly via neurokinin-1 receptors .

  5. PCR检测龈下菌斑中齿垢密螺旋体与牙周组织破坏的关系

    PCR detection of Treponema denticola in subgingival plaques and the linkage between periodontal tissue destruction and spirochete infection

  6. 正畸牙齿移动中IL-1β在骨质疏松大鼠牙周组织中的分布变化

    Distribution of IL-1 β in Periodontium of Experimental Osteoporosis Rats during Orthodontic Tooth Movement

  7. IL-6表达蛋白与mRNA转录在咬合力影响大鼠牙周组织改建中的变化及意义

    Expression of IL-6 and it ′ s mRNA transcription in the process of rat periodontium remodeling influenced by various bite forces

  8. He-Ne激光对兔正畸牙周组织血管改建影响的实验研究

    Effect of He-Ne Laser Irradiation on the Blood Vessel Remodeling of Orthodontic Periodontal Tissue of Rabbit

  9. 目的:研究BMP在牙齿生长发育和牙周组织改建中的作用;

    Aim : To investigate the role of BMP in tooth development and periodontal remodeling .

  10. IGF-1基因转染骨髓基质细胞应用于牙周组织工程的基础与动物实验研究

    Basic and Experimental Study of MSCs Transfected with IGF-1 Gene on the Periodontal Tissue Engineering

  11. 目的建立小型猪牙囊细胞(dentalfolliclecells,DFCs)的体外培养方法,并观察其体外培养特性,为牙齿再生和牙周组织工程研究提供依据。

    Objective To develop a culture model for the dental follicle cells of miniature pig and investigate the biological characteristics .

  12. 正畸加力后大鼠牙周组织中BMP的分布变化及其意义

    Distribution of Bone Morphogenetic Protein ( BMP ) in Periodontal Tissue of Rats during Orthodontic Tooth Movement

  13. 兔牙周组织在正畸力下bFGF变化的研究

    An evolution study on basic Fibroblast Growth Factor ( bFGF ) in the Rabbit 's periapex under the orthodontic power

  14. 鉴于以上理论基础,我们推测CGRP是牙周组织再生中必不可少的调节因子。

    Based on above-mentioned rationales , we speculated that CGRP was an indispensable factor in periodontal tissue regeneration .

  15. 结果表明:IL-1能够加速正畸牙齿移动,可以增加牙周组织中的破骨细胞,并能加速牙槽骨的改建。

    The results suggested that IL 1 can promote the tooth movement and increase the number of osteoclasts and can also promote bone remodelling .

  16. 本研究应用有限元法分析正畸力作用下尖牙牙周组织的应力分布,用VB编程确定在此应力状态下牙齿在一定时间内的移动距离和移动后的位置。

    A particular program and the stress distribution were used to calculate the movement distance and find the new position of canine during a week .

  17. 核心结合因子a1、骨形成蛋白及骨桥素在小鼠牙周组织发育中的免疫组化定位研究

    Expression of Core Binding Factor a 1 , Bone Morphogenetic Proteins and Osteopontin in the Developing Periodontal Tissues of Mice

  18. MMP-3在咬合创伤牙周组织中的表达

    Expression of MMP-3 in periodontium with traumatic occlusion

  19. 通过组织学观察,计算机图像分析系统对兔牙周组织中MMP-9的表达变化进行平均灰度分析,比较压力区与张力区的表达变化。

    Immunohistochemical technic and computer image analyses were used to study the expression of the MMP-9 in the periodontal tissues of the rabbits .

  20. MMP-1及MMP-8在大鼠牙周炎模型牙周组织中的表达与分布

    Expression of MMP-1 and MMP-8 in periodontal tissues in rats with periodontitis

  21. 目的:观察骨质疏松大鼠雌激素治疗后牙周组织中骨形成蛋白(BMP)的分布,探讨雌激素对牙周组织中BMP的作用以及BMP对牙槽骨改建的影响。

    AIM : To research the effects of estrogen on BMP distribution in periodontal tissues of the first orthodontic maxillary molar in osteoporosis rats .

  22. 当正畸牙齿移动时,矫治力诱导牙周组织产生无菌性炎性因子,必然会导致MMPs表达增加。

    During orthodontic tooth movement , periodontal tissues secrete inflammatory factors that will inevitably lead to much more expression of MMPs .

  23. 结论金合金PFM是一种较钛合金PFM对牙周组织健康影响更小的修复体。

    Conclusion The gold alloy PFM may affect periodontium less than the titanium alloy PFM in observation period of this study .

  24. 目的:研究咬合力丧失后诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)影响牙周组织改建的分子机制。

    Objective : To study the effect and molecular mechanism of induced nitric oxide synthase ( iNOS ) on periodontium remodeling after bite force loss .

  25. 犬下颌骨牵张成骨后恒牙胚牙周组织TGF-β1、BMP-2的表达

    Expressions of BMP-2 , TGF - β 1 in periodontal tissue of dog 's fourth premolar germ during mandibular distraction osteogenesis

  26. 结果显示:BMP在正常牙周组织中主要分布于牙周韧带中,尤其是牙槽骨和牙骨质表面,并与不同部位的骨改建活动相一致;

    BMP is mostly located in the periodontium , especially near the alveolar bone or cementum , that is always associated with bone remodeling activity .

  27. 目的探讨骨形成蛋白(BMP)超家族的成员BMP-2在大鼠正畸牙齿移动过程中牙周组织的分布和表达。

    Objective To investigate the distribution and expression of bone morphogenetic protein-2 ( BMP-2 ) in periodontic tissues during orthodontic tooth movement in rats .

  28. 结果:BMP在豚鼠成熟的牙周组织中主要分布于靠近牙釉质和牙槽骨附近的成纤维细胞胞浆内;

    Results : BMP was mainly found in the plasm of fibroblasts in periodontium of Guinea-pig , especially along the surface of tooth and alveolar bone ;

  29. 目的:观察引导组织再生术(guidedtissueregeneration,GTR)后不同时期牙周组织的再生情况,以确定达到最大牙周组织再生量时屏障膜留置体内的合适时间。

    AIM : To observe the periodontal tissue response to guided tissue regeneration ( GTR ) in different period in order to explore an appropriate indwelling time of the barrier membranes after GTR .

  30. 目的比较引导牙周组织再生术(GTR)和牙周翻瓣术治疗牙周病的疗效。

    Objective Compare the treatment effects between guided tissue regeration ( GTR ) and periodontal flap procedure in periodontal disease .