
  • 网络modernization of the army
  1. 新兵素质的高低将直接影响和决定军队现代化进程。

    The modernization of the army is directly influenced by the quality of the new recruitment .

  2. 美国国防部长RobertsGates最近展开的调查,令美国取消了部分未来战斗系统项目,这个庞大的军队现代化项目最主要的承包商就是BAE。

    The review recently undertaken by Robert Gates , America 's defence secretary , resulted in the cancellation of part of the Future Combat Systems programme , a big army-modernisation project for which BAE is a prominent contractor .

  3. 九、加快推进国防和军队现代化

    Accelerating the Modernization of National Defense and the Armed Forces

  4. 加强国防建设,实现国防和军队现代化。

    To accelerate national defense development and achieve national defense and military modernization .

  5. 国防和军队现代化建设取得重大成就。

    Great progress was made in the modernization of national defense and the army .

  6. 他们将继续使军队现代化。

    They will continue to modernize the army .

  7. 这种现状是不适应军队现代化建设的需要的。

    And this situation cannot meet the requirements on the modernization of the military forces .

  8. 在阿富汗的军事行动凸显了欧洲盟国军队现代化的需求。

    The need for modernisation has been starkly shown up by the operations in Afghanistan .

  9. 我军体制编制改革,是推进军队现代化建设的重大战略决策。

    The reform of system and establishment for army units is a great strategy advancing modernization construction .

  10. 因此,军事人方资源开发就成了军队现代化建设的重要内容。

    Therefore , the development of military human resource becomes important contents for the troops ' modernization .

  11. 印度预计在10年内将支出300亿美元来使其军队现代化。

    India is expected to spend $ 30 billion over the next decade to modernize its military .

  12. 减少数量,提高质量,是军队现代化建设的一条基本方针。

    Reducing quantity and improving quality is a basic principle upon which the army is to be modernized .

  13. 新中国国防和军队现代化建设的重大成就和历史经验

    Major Achievements of New China in Modernization of National Defense and the Armed Forces and the Historical Experience

  14. 中国一直在加大军备开支,不断推进军队现代化,中国在亚太地区的军事地位也进一步得到了增强。

    China has been investing heavily in its military , modernizing its forces and becoming a stronger regional power .

  15. 中国表示需要实现军队现代化,中国的计划对任何国家都不会构成威胁。

    China says it needs to its forces . It says its plans are not a threat to any country .

  16. 世界主要国家普遍进行军事战略调整,加快以高技术为基础的军队现代化建设。

    All major countries have made adjustments in their military strategies and stepped up the modernization by relying on high technologies .

  17. 过去一年,国防和军队现代化建设取得新的成就。

    Last year further achievements were made in the modernization of national defense mid the People 's Liberation Army ( PLA ) .

  18. 中国表示,以国际标准衡量,中国的国防支出属于中等水平,这种迅速增长是为了满足长期被忽视的军队现代化需求。

    China says its defence spending is moderate by international standards and that rapid increases are needed to modernise its long-neglected forces .

  19. 中国已向全世界宣告了军队现代化,因此印度需要做好准备。

    China has announced to the whole world about the modernisation of its armed forces , so India needs to be prepared .

  20. 随着军队现代化建设的不断发展,军队营房建设已经成为军队后勤工作的重要组成部分。

    With the continuously development of the modernization , troop barracks building have become an important part of the military logistics work .

  21. 强大的国防必须有一个面向新军事革命需求、领军世界科技前沿、瞄准国防和军队现代化趋势的国防科技创新组织系统。

    Research on Present Situation and Countermeasures of Innovative System of Science and Technology for National Scientific and Technological Innovation Trial-City of Hefei ;

  22. 信息技术的迅猛发展给军队现代化建设注入了新的活力,实现信息化已成为军队现代化建设的必然趋势。

    The rapid development of information technology has injected new vitality into military modernization . Informatization has become an inevitable trend of military modernization .

  23. 确保塔康设备技术性能先进、工作稳定可靠,对于我国军队现代化、信息化建设具有重要意义。

    To make TACAN system being advanced in technology and operating stably and reliably plays an important role in our military modernization information construction .

  24. 新时期军队现代化建设对军校学员综合素质的培养提出了更高的要求。

    In the new period , military modernization puts forward higher requirements on the training of comprehensive quality of cadets with centralized diploma education .

  25. 战士学员是军校学员的重要组成部分,在军队现代化、正规化建设中发挥着不可替代的作用。

    Soldier Cadets is an important part of military cadets , which plays an irreplaceable role in the construction of military modernization and normalization .

  26. 初级指挥人才的培养是军队现代化建设的重要组成部分,院校教育承担着初级指挥人才培养的主要任务。

    The training of primary commanders is the important constitute of troop / s modernization construction , which is mostly undertook by military colleges .

  27. 军队现代化建设跨越式发展,是我军提出的一个充满远见、智慧和想象力的宏伟战略构想,是贯彻新时期军事战略方针,加速军队信息化建设的重要选择。

    The modernization construction of PLA includes a major strategic thinking which is characterized by foresight and sagacity and full of wisdom and imagination : leaping development .

  28. 然而,随着军队现代化建设的发展,部队生活服务中心在体制和管理上还存在着不够健全、不尽合理和不很科学的地方。

    However , with the development of the military modernization , there are still some not quite reasonable and not very scientific points in military living service center .

  29. 加强国防和军队现代化建设,在全面建设小康社会进程中实现富国和强军的统一!

    Strengthen national defense and military modernization , in the process of building a moderately prosperous society in the realization of the unity of the rich and strong army !

  30. 总结晚清裁军思想及其实践过程中的成功和不足、经验和教训,从而为军队现代化建设提供一点思路和参考。

    Summing up success and lack , experience and teach of disarmament thoughts and the process , then provide some way of thinking and reference for troops modern developments .