
jūn zī
  • Military posture;soldier's stance/presentation/image
  1. 几名游客问新兵是否愿意摆出军姿来让他们拍摄。

    Several visting fans asked the recruits if they would pose for photographs ,

  2. 我想很少人会赞成杨老师的话:站军姿是一种休息。

    I think few students agree with Mr Yang-standing at military posture is a rest .

  3. 难道下蛋前一定要站军姿吗?

    Must we attention before lay eggs ?

  4. 中国学生展示他们的瓶子:军训学生头顶半瓶水走军姿

    Chinese cadets show their bottle : Militaryrecruits ordered to march around with half-filled drink containers on theirheads

  5. 这些中国军训学生头顶瓶子走军姿,展示了自己精神饱满的一面。

    These Chinese military cadets prove they have a lot of bottle after being orderedto march around with drink containers on their heads .

  6. 几名游客问新兵是否愿意摆出军姿来让他们摄。“好让我们的儿子知道,如果他到西点军校来学习会得到什么。”

    Several visting fans asked the recruits if they would pose for photographs ," to show our son what to expect if he should attend West Point . "