
jūn huǒ shānɡ
  • arms dealer
  1. 总部在三蕃市的海关人员,最近确认Herrmann作为一个国际军火商,曾在1980年,与伊朗合作过,并可能卷入了11月的突袭事件。

    The San Francisco-based Bay Guardian , recently identified Herrmann as an international arms dealer working with Iran in1980 , and possibly involved in the October Surprise .

  2. 真名叫埃米尔·沃斯,德国军火商

    for Emil Voss , German arms dealer ,

  3. 在帕迪利亚翻拍的影片中,由冷面CEO雷蒙德•塞拉斯(迈克尔•基顿饰演)领导的跨国公司OnmiCorp成为了美国头号军火商。

    Padilha 's remake is set in a world where multinational corporation OmniCorp , led by ruthless CEO Raymond Sellars ( Michael Keaton ) , has become the US military 's major contractor .

  4. 几年前,佩尔•松丁(PerSundin)与妻子参加晚宴时,妻子叮嘱他:“别跟别人说你是做什么工作的。”松丁既非银行家、二手车销售员,也非军火商,而是瑞典一家唱片公司的主管。

    Don 't tell people what you do , " Per Sundin 's wife insisted as they went to a dinner party several years ago . Sundin wasn 't a banker , used-car salesman or weapons producer , but the head of a record label in Sweden .

  5. 大药厂在这和军火商是一丘之貉。

    Big pharmaceuticals are right up there with the arms dealers .

  6. 难道我们现在说美国的军火商有罪?

    Are we now to find the American industrialists guilty ?

  7. 把它卖给一个军火商。

    We sell to a man who buys such things .

  8. 你知道是谁会继承地球?军火商

    You know who 's going to inherit the Earth ? Arms dealers .

  9. 但你现在正变成一个军火商。

    But you want us to become arms dealers .

  10. 我会搞坏军火商的名声。

    I was giving arms dealers a bad name .

  11. 他是芝加哥的军火商。

    He 's a weapons man from Chicago .

  12. 当面跟当地军火商买

    face to face with the local dealer .

  13. 其实是国际军火商

    was an international arms dealer .

  14. 有了新一代的军火商,当然就要有新一代的警察

    Of course , a new breed of gunrunner , requires a new breed of cop .

  15. 所以你决定顺便来问候你的军火商?

    So at the same time you thought you 'd drop in on your arms dealer ?

  16. 沙特军火商阿德南专为沙特皇家提供军火。

    Saudi businessman Adnan made his money as an international arms dealer for the Saudi royal family .

  17. 来自世界各地的军火商将在这里买卖武器装备。

    Arms dealers from around the world came to the park to buy and sell military gear .

  18. 批评的人说,台湾要求外国军火商聘用台湾本地代理的作法,滋生腐败。

    Critics say corruption is fostered by the Taiwanese practice of requiring foreign defense contractors to use local agents .

  19. 1933年,他们斥责军货商,但是现在,他们就是军火商。

    In 1933 they had reviled the arms manufacturers above all others . But they were all arms manufacturers now .

  20. 他还称他拥有的武器都是合法的,均从古董商和军火商处购得。

    He also claimed that all of his weapons were legally held , bought from antique dealers or from gun dealers .

  21. 但是,军火商对第一次世界大战的自私的推崇,对他产生了很大影响。

    But very influential was the suggestion that the First World War had been whipped up by the self-interest of the armament manufacturers .

  22. 有趣的是,他们并非一开始就是人们印象中的古怪,喜欢自爆的发明家,商人或者军火商。

    Interestingly , they weren 't always the eccentric and self-destructive inventors , tradesmen , and arms dealers we know them to be today .

  23. 她赢得了玩世不恭的军火商和爆炸专家的信任,这两人起初并不情愿加入行动。而夏威夷?

    She wins the trust of a cynical weapons dealer and an explosives expert , both of whom were reluctant to help at first .

  24. 太阳风:您的心理状态,是看国家人民的意愿,还是看金融寡头和军火商的眼神?

    The solar wind : Your state of mind , is to look at the national will of the people , or look at financial oligarchs and arms dealers in the eyes ?

  25. 要嘲笑一个军火商去鼓吹道德是很容易的,尤其是这个公司在实施它一尘不染的规定之前达成的那些交易还在挣钱的时候。

    It is easy to scoff at the idea of an arms firm preaching ethics , particularly one that is still making money from deals concluded before its squeaky-clean rules were put in place .

  26. 正如特纳所说,对于前几名军火商之间的进一步整合,五角大楼兴趣已经不大。当然,如果军费预算从其创纪录高位回落,这一态度可能会变化。

    As Mr Turner says , there is little appetite at the Pentagon for further consolidation among the top players , though this could change if the defence budget falls back from its record run .

  27. 中国武器主要卖给政府,但有视频显示,部分先进武器会流入叙利亚武装组织的手中。虽然军火商吹嘘中国武器的威力,但失误却很常见。

    While most Chinese arms are sold to governments , videos suggest that some advanced weapons find their way into the hands of militant groups in Syria . While successes have been trumpeted by dealers , failures are still common .

  28. 他还称他拥有的武器都是合法的,均从古董商和军火商处购得。莱恩的女儿,现年40岁的塔塔尼亚,也表示莱恩是个军火迷,他所有的武器都是登记在案的。

    He also claimed that all of his weapons were legally held , bought from antique dealers or from gun dealers . Lane 's daughter , Tatania , 40 , also insisted Lane " holds firearms licences " for his hobby .

  29. 约翰·大卫·华盛顿在片中饰演一位特工,他得知可以令时间倒流的秘密武器后,就火速开始了寻找罪魁祸首的任务,后者是肯尼思·布莱纳格饰演的一名残酷成性的乌克兰军火商。

    John David Washington stars as a secret agent who learns about mysterious weapons that move backwards through time , and then dashes off on a mission to find the man responsible , a sadistic Ukrainian arms dealer played by Kenneth Branagh .

  30. 日本最大军火生产商三菱重工(MitsubishiHeavyIndustries)的社长宫永俊一(ShunichiMiyanaga)表示,该公司正寻求扩大对海外的军火销售。为赢得澳大利亚一笔价值360亿美元的潜艇合同,该公司调整了相关努力。

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries , Japan 's biggest arms producer , is taking aim at more deals to sell its weapons abroad , according to its chief executive , as it revamps efforts to win a $ 36bn submarine contract from Australia .