
shòu huì xínɡ wéi
  • act of accepting bribe
  1. 共同受贿犯罪必然要求各主体间主观上有共同受贿的故意,客观上实施了共同受贿行为,且实行行为具有多样性。

    Joint bribery crime must require that even ' subject has joint intent to take bribes and implements the common act of accepting bribe together , and the act is of variety .

  2. 据NPR新闻的霍华德·贝尔克斯报道,受贿行为牵涉到2010年发生的煤矿爆炸中,当时造成29名梅西矿工死亡。

    NPR 's Howard Berkes reports the alleged conspiracy precede the explosion in 2010 that killed 29 Massey coal miners .

  3. 司法部长洛蕾塔‧E‧林奇(LorettaE.Lynch)还在纽约东区当联邦检察官时,就开始主持这起调查,她说“一次又一次,一年又一年,每项赛事”都有行贿受贿行为。

    Bribery occurred " over and over , year after year , tournament after tournament , " said Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch , who has supervised the investigation from the days when she was the United States attorney for the Eastern District of New York .

  4. 而那些涉嫌“黑袜丑闻”案的队伍都有受贿行为。

    And those infamous black sox teams were on the take .

  5. 特定关系人挂名领取薪酬属于典型的受贿行为。

    Specific relation person accepting salary is typical receiving bribe .

  6. 基于传染病模型的受贿行为传播过程分析

    The Analysis of Corruption Behavior Based on Epidemic Spreading Model

  7. 首先,斡旋受贿行为应单独设置斡旋受贿罪。

    First , mediation bribery should be set mediation bribery crime alone .

  8. 行贿者描沭了部落首领的受贿行为。

    The briber described the tribe head 's bribery .

  9. 美国联邦调查局查明这个参议员有受贿行为。

    FBI found out that the senator committed bribery .

  10. 国家工作人员的受贿行为则危害到了其职务的廉洁性。

    Government workers are taking actions that endanger the integrity of his office .

  11. 论公务员单纯受贿行为&受贿罪疑难问题研究

    On Public Servants ' Single Bribery-Study on Some Problems concerning the Crime of Bribery

  12. 事后受贿行为的种类与认定

    The Type and Identification of Post Factum Bribery

  13. 坐牢补偿费,是一种腐败官员们变着戏法收受贿赂的新型受贿行为。

    Prison Compensation , a new kind of bribery , means the corrupt officials accept bribes trickily .

  14. 梅西能源一位前高管声称,公司前任首席执行官在违反煤矿安全法一案中也有受贿行为。

    A former executive of Massey energy claims that the defunct company CEO was part of the conspiracy to violate mine safety laws .

  15. 分析得出正常的优惠价格应该是预先设定的、不针对特定人的且具有有因性的特点,以此区别于享受特殊优惠价格的受贿行为。

    The normal promotional prices should be pre-set , not for particular people , to distinguish from a bribee who has a particular price .

  16. 这四人的受贿行为将面临至少五年的刑期,而商业间谍罪的最高刑期可达七年。

    The four face jail terms of at least five years for bribery , and the maximum penalty for industrial espionage is seven years .

  17. 受贿行为是一种极其腐败的现象,它腐蚀着国家工作人员的廉洁,阻碍着社会的前进、经济的发展。

    Bribery and corruption is a phenomenon , it corrupting the integrity of national staff and hinder the progress of society and economic development .

  18. 工商行政管理机关在监督检查商业贿赂行为时,可以对行贿行为和受贿行为一并予以调查处理。

    The administrative departments for Industry and Commerce may , when supervising and inspecting commercial bribery , investigate and handle briberies and corruptions as a whole .

  19. 瑞士还在对2018年及2022年世界杯主办权申请过程中据称存在的受贿行为进行调查,主办国家分别是俄罗斯和卡塔尔。

    Switzerland is pursuing a separate inquiry into alleged bribery for the rights to host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups , awarded to Russia and Qatar .

  20. 增设影响力交易罪:全面规制间接受贿行为&兼评《刑法修正案》(七)草案第11条

    Division on the Crime of Influence Trading : Comprehensively Regulate Indirect Bribery Behavior & Comment on Draft of " Amendment on Criminal Law "( seven ) Clause

  21. 本部分主要介绍了《联合国反腐败公约》第18条规定的影响力交易罪和其他国家关于影响力受贿行为的相关法律规定。

    This part mainly introduces the trading in influence crime ruled by United Nations Convention against Corruption under Article 18 and related legal requirements of other countries .

  22. 官方媒体新华社称,由省级卫生行政部门负责组织的医疗设备集中采购,是对贪污受贿行为的打击。

    The official Xinhua news agency said collective equipment purchasing , which would be organised by provincial-level governments , represented an attack on corruption and bribe - taking .

  23. 现有刑法只对利用影响力的受贿行为进行处罚,而对于相对的行贿行为却未进行立法,笔者认为应立法予以完善。

    The existing Criminal Law only punished the bribery , and the legislation to punish to the bribery had not yet , I believed that legislation should be improved .

  24. 警察对新的法律没有表示太多,但是警察署的发言人表示出了乐观的态度,他说这项法律将会奏效,减少受贿行为以及城市里的交通事故。

    Police officers are not saying much about the new law , but spokesmen for the city police forces express optimism that it will work to reduce corruption and traffic accidents in the city .

  25. 但是由于理论界和司法界对这一要件的性质存在不同的理解,直接影响着对受贿行为的定性,影响着法制的统一。

    However , different understandings have existed in quality of prerequisite between the academic field and the judicial field , which produces the impact on characterization of bribery behavior directly and uniform of legality .

  26. 当事人双方都犹豫不决的时候,调解+审判的模式即可发挥作用,但是要监督法官的受贿行为,防止其偏向某方而有失公正。

    If both parties in doubt ," mediation + judge " mode can play a role , but the judge to supervision " corruption " behavior , prevent its turn to a party and lose the justice .

  27. 但是,其在一定程度上已尽可然地反映了受贿行为的社会危害性,是对以赃入罪的进一步深入和发展,具有一定的理论和实践意义。

    However , it has to a certain extent , can naturally reflects the bribery social harm , is the " the amount of conviction . " the further deepening and development , has certain theory and practice sense .

  28. 本文认为由现代经济组织体的特点和刑法一般预防的目的所决定,刑法应着重关注商业受贿行为对交易资源所有者利益的侵害。

    This paper believes that the modern economic organizations and the characteristics of the criminal law generally determined by the objective of prevention , criminal law should focus on the acts of commercial bribery transactions against the interests of the resource owners .

  29. 公司、企业或者其他单位的工作人员的受贿行为是在侵害了公司、企业或者其它单位的物质性利益的意义上应受刑事惩罚而构成犯罪。

    Companies and enterprises , or other units of staff in the bribery act is a violation of the companies , enterprises , or in other units of the material interests of the sense should be subject to criminal punishment and constitutes a crime .

  30. 通过对利用职务上的便利、受贿行为、贿赂范围、为他人谋取利益、犯罪主体、回扣和手续费的分析,建议通过立法:1.将索贿罪与受贿罪分离,规定不同的量刑幅度;

    Analyzing using business advantages , bribery action , obtaining the benefits for others , crime subject , the rake-off and handling charge , which should be established by legislation : 1.We should distinguish the crime of asking bribery from the bribery crime , prescribing different penalty ;