
  • 网络Activities;Active record;activation record;Activity Log
  1. 在此清理器中,开发人员可以定义一个活动记录事件,比如aftersave。

    In the sweeper , a developer can define an active record event , such as after_save .

  2. 活动记录设计模式实现内经常提供的一个很棒的特性是动态finder方法。

    A cool feature often provided in active record design pattern implementations is dynamic finder methods .

  3. 东太平洋海隆13°N附近沉积物中的热液活动记录

    The Hydrothermal Activity Records in Sediments from East Pacific Rise 13 ° N

  4. Java堆(也叫解释器堆)用来保存所有java方法的活动记录。

    The Java stack ( also known as the interpreter stack ) is used to hold the activation records of Java methods .

  5. 这是由于每次调用一个函数时,都有一个相关活动记录(activationrecord)(也称为堆栈帧)。

    This is because each time a function is called , it has an activation record ( also called a stack frame ) associated with it .

  6. 我们不妨设想一下,假如用户要补上个人在Facebook诞生之前数十年间的生活片段,他们将要花多少时间上传照片,整理活动记录。

    Imagine the hours users may log uploading photos and labeling events from the lost decades B.F. ( before Facebook ) .

  7. 它掌握本地代码的活动记录(堆帧stackframes),VM代码包括解释器循环功能。

    It holds the activation records ( i.e.stack frames ) of native code , and VM code including the interpreter loop function .

  8. 再也不需要活动记录(activationrecord),所以我们将删掉它,并将尾部调用的函数重定向返回到调用我们的函数。

    The activation record isn 't needed anymore , so we are going to cut it out and redirect the tail-called function back to the function that called us .

  9. 本文为活动记录栈定义了一种偏序关系,它不允许字节码程序递归调用子例程(这种约束与Java虚拟机规范是一致的)。

    We define a partial order on subroutine records , which means subroutines cannot be called recursively in bytecode programs . This choice conforms to the Java virtual machine specification .

  10. 然后展示了PHPV5.3的LSB特性,并给出了单例和活动记录设计模式。

    Then it shows how PHP V5.3 's LSB feature resolves those issues , while showing implementations of the singleton and active record design patterns .

  11. 如果以前没有学习过活动记录&Rails底层的持久性层,我建议您先阅读跨越边界系列中以前的这篇Rails文章。

    If you 've not seen Active Record the underlying persistence layer in Rails before , I recommend that you take a look first at this earlier Rails article in the Crossing borders series .

  12. 本网站伺服器仅能读取读者cookie中在网站上的活动记录,无法读取读者在其他网站的活动记录。

    The web server can only read the user 's activity logs on this website stored in the cookies , but can not read the user 's activity logs on any other website .

  13. 干预方式包括编制宣传册、填写WHP活动记录册等形式。

    It included the preparation of brochures , filling record book of WHP activities and so forth .

  14. ActiveRecord的静态findById函数是活动记录设计模式的实现内常见的一个方法的例子。

    ActiveRecord 's static findById function is an example of a method typically found in an implementation of the active record design pattern .

  15. 显然,活动记录的生产实现将远比此更为复杂并会处理除findBy外的一些方法前缀。

    Clearly , a production implementation of active record would be far more sophisticated and handle a number of method prefixes other than findBy .

  16. 通过本文,您将看到在V5.3出现之前曾存在问题的一些设计模式:单例、生成器、工厂方法和活动记录。

    For the scope of this article , you 'll look at a few of the design patterns that had issues prior to V5.3 : singleton , builder , factory method , and active record .

  17. 采用运动活动记录表(MAL)、Wolf运动功能实验(WMFT)和Barthel指数作为疗效评测工具,分别于治疗前、治疗后即刻、治疗后1个月和3个月时进行疗效评估。

    Motor activity logs ( MALs ) were compiled , and the Wolf Motor Function Test ( WMFT ) and Barthel Index ( BI ) were used to evaluate the therapeutic effects before treatment and at 0 d , 1 month and 3 month after treatment .

  18. 采用在体电活动记录给药后1,5,10,15,30,45,60及90min输尿管平滑肌动作电位变化及尿流量变化。

    The changes of action potential of smooth muscle and urinary flow were recored with electrical activity after administration for 1 , 5 , 10 , 15 , 30 , 45 , 60 and 90 minutes .

  19. 在我学习活动记录时,有两个问题困扰着我。

    As I learned active record , two problems plagued me .

  20. 研究人员们观察了20世纪70年代以来的全球热带飓风的活动记录。

    Researchers looked at the global record of tropical cyclones since the 1970s .

  21. 所以活动记录在积极地管理关系。

    So active record is actively managing the relationship .

  22. 安全规则有:1.root用户的所有活动记录;

    All of root user 's activities records .

  23. 您必须拥有超级用户权限,才能清除活动记录。

    You must be set up with Full User access to purge activity records .

  24. 活动记录模式则可用来在域类内包装关系数据库持久性方法。

    You use the active record pattern to wrap relational database persistence methods in domain classes .

  25. 从一开始起,活动记录就帮助我发展了对持久性的理解。

    From the very beginning , active record has helped to evolve my understanding of persistence .

  26. 一个活动记录的每个实例都关系到数据库内的特定行。

    Each instance of an active record class is tied to a specific row in a database .

  27. 它不复制数据,例如,特定的请求、任务或者活动记录。

    It does not copy the data , such as specific request , task , or activity records .

  28. 这些不经意间将采莲活动记录下来的诗歌,对于研究唐代的农事活动具有很重要的参考价值和现实意义。

    These involuntarily poetry have great reference and realistic significance on the farming activities study of Tang Dynasty .

  29. 滇西古特提斯造山带的威尔逊旋回:岩浆活动记录和深部过程讨论

    Wilson Cycle of the Paleo-Tethyan Orogenic Belt in Western Yunnan : Record of Magmatism and Discussion on Mantle Processes

  30. 活动记录包含了这个函数的所有与调用有关的数据,包括参数和本地变量。

    The activation record contains all of the call-specific data for the function , including parameters and local variables .