
huó dònɡ wǔ tái
  • arena
  1. 物理学的活动舞台是空时。

    The arena of physics is spacetime .

  2. 电子商务模式的出现可以为企业实施供应链管理提供有力的信息技术支持和广阔的活动舞台。

    The appearance of e-commerce mode can offer effective information technical support and wide moving arena for the enterprises ' implementing of SCM .

  3. 我国加入WTO后,中国的贸易环境发生了巨大的变化,中美双边经贸关系的沟通渠道和活动舞台从双边领域扩大到了多边领域,双边经贸关系已成为世界多边贸易体制的一个组成部分。

    After China 's WTO accession , great changes have taken place to China 's trade environment , with the bilateral trade relations expanding to a multilateral scenario , and integrated into the world multilateral trading system .

  4. 而且流动方便无异于活动舞台,因此深受群众喜爱。

    On their " moving stage ", they are deeply loved by masses .

  5. 活动舞台车的密封性能设计

    Sealing Design of the Mobile Stage Truck

  6. 这就为我国志愿者队伍的发展和志愿者作用的发挥提供了广阔的发展空间和活动舞台。

    This situation has provided a vast arena for the volunteers ' development and the effect bringing into play .

  7. 并且,以此为转机和活动舞台引发出人们的新思考。

    And , what cause a people for a favourable turn and revolving stage with this is new think .

  8. 针对漳州舞台设计要求给出了8块活动舞台运动控制的配置方案;

    Aiming at the design requests of the project , the paper gives the collocation scheme to control the motions of 8 flanks of mobile stages .

  9. 如何在社会主义市场经济建设这个真切的现实生活、这个真切的理论活动舞台中来发展马克思主义哲学这是我们从事马克思主义研究的工作者当前面临的一大难题但也是一个巨大的机会。

    It is a big problem yet a great chance for Marxists about how to develop Marxism in the socialist market economy as our true real life place .

  10. 这些,都为中医这种注重恢复人体自然状态与功能的医学提供了更大的活动舞台&这,实际上才是中医能够在当代社会中存活的基本理由。

    Such shortcomings of modern medicine has further enlarged the space for TCM to demonstrate its effect in restoring the natural state and functions of the human body .

  11. 在政治领域内,秦汉之际诸侯分立与争战的政治格局是纵横策士赖以存在的社会基础,同时也为他们提供了广阔的历史活动舞台。

    In the political sphere , the political pattern of dukes ' divisions and struggles provided social circumstances and broad historical stage for the political counselors ' living .

  12. 大工业产业、都市服务业以及新经济领域、文化产业、社区建设等,为女性提供了新的活动舞台。

    Large industries , urban service sector , as well as new economic sectors , cultural industry and community development-all these have also provided new stages of operation for women .

  13. 总之,《莱茵报》时期为青年马克思提供了一个观察、研究和批判现实社会的活动舞台,是马克思思想苦旅中的一个重要时期。

    In short , the " Rheinische Zeitung period " . for the young Marx provided an observation , research and critical realism social activity stage , Marx thought Journey are an important period .

  14. 航空公司的每条航线就是一个细分的空运市场,整个航线网络则是其空运市场的活动舞台,因此提高航线和航线网络的经济性是增强航空公司竞争力的关键。

    Each airline is a fine air transportation market segment , and the whole airline-network is airlines ' market domain , so improving the economy of airline and airline-network is a key problem to strengthen competition of airlines .

  15. 近年来随着普通高校体育教学改革的不断深入和教育观念的不断更新,田径运动也逐渐淡出了普通高校体育教学的活动舞台,究其原因是多方面的。

    With the continuous deepening of the College Physical Education reform and education , the concept of constantly updated in recent years , the athletics gradually fade PE teaching activities of the stage , the reason is that many .

  16. 我们思考着自己生活的时代,生活的地区;我们在人生的活动舞台上既当观众,又当演员;我们观察四季更迭,春秋代序,我们听见了——

    to think that we exist in such a point of time , and in such a corner of space , to be at once spectators and a part of the moving scene to watch the return of the seasons , of spring and autumn , to hear -

  17. 季节性节日的庆祝活动和舞台表演还将包括中国传统语言节目、戏剧和杂技表演。

    Celebrations of seasonal festivals and stage shows will also incorporate Chinese language , performers , theatrics and acrobatics .

  18. 几个世纪以来欧亚大陆一直是世界地缘政治的中心和重要力量活动的舞台。

    For centuries , Eurasia has been the world 's geopolitic center and the stage for major powers ' activities .

  19. 地理环境是历史发展的空间,当然也是政治、军事活动的舞台。

    Geographical environment is the space of historical development , certainly it is also the stage of the political and military .

  20. 河西走廊是我国西北地区著名的民族交通枢纽,历史上是多民族活动的舞台,有明显的文化边缘性特征。

    Hexi Corridor is the famous hub of communications in history , and the center of various nationalities , and is characterized by cultural border .

  21. 这片咖啡杯形状的草地也是主持小学话剧,公共阅读,音乐会和其他文化活动的舞台。

    The grassy plaza features a reading cafe and a stage that hosts elementary school theater plays , public readings , concerts , and other cultural events .

  22. 黑格尔在《法哲学原理》一书中指出:自从有人类所记载的文字开始,家庭一直是其成员进行暴力活动的舞台。历经时代变迁,家庭暴力问题依然痼疾不化,历久弥新。

    Hegel once pointed out in the book philosophy of law principle : " Since words began to be used to record things , family has been a stage where members perform violence . " Over time , family violence problems still exists and even becomes more severe .

  23. 鄂尔多斯是古“河套人”的故乡,是中国北方各民族最早活动的历史舞台。

    Ordos is the hometown of the ancient " Hetao People " and the historical arena of the earliest activities of the various ethnic groups living in the north of China .

  24. 世博会这一全球跨文化交际活动的文化舞台,承载着参展国独特的文化特色和人文精神,而世博会国家馆则是参展国独有文化的载体和文化传播的手段。

    World Expo is a cultural stage of intercultural communication of participating nations of unique culture characteristics and humanity , and the most attractive actors on the stage are national pavilions carrying participating national cultures and culture transmission approaches .

  25. 作者认为生态旅游具有六大特征:(1)旅游活动以大自然为舞台;

    The author regards the ecotourism possesses six characteristics : ( 1 ) The traveling activities take nature as their stage ;

  26. 甲午战争后中国社会变动的形势为他提供了参与中国政治活动的时机和舞台。

    The change of Chinese society after Jia Wu War provided the right time and stage for his participation in Chinese political activities .

  27. 现在,世界范围内有超过20位前领导人的女性亲属活动在国家政治舞台上,她们包括三位总统或总理,至少6位反对党领导人或总统候选人(见下表)。

    There are now more than 20 female relatives of former leaders active in national politics around the world . They include three presidents or prime ministers and at least half a dozen leaders of the opposition or presidential candidates ( see table ) .

  28. 如果说体育教师和学生是体育与健康教学活动的主角,体育与健康教学环境就是师生活动的舞台、道具和台词,缺乏这些内容,体育与健康教学活动就失去了依托。

    If the teachers and students are main parts of PE teaching , the PE and health teaching environment is the stage , potion thereon accordingly .