
shòu ràng rén
  • assignee
受让人[shòu ràng rén]
  1. 除非购买者长期或永久地更换原先的受让人,否则不能重新分配授权用户ftl。

    An authorized user FTL cannot be reassigned unless the purchaser replaces the original assignee on a long-term or permanent basis .

  2. 受让人必须通过有效的法律行为而取得财产;

    The assignee must take a legitimate act to acquire the property ;

  3. 专利权是指依法批准的发明人或其权利受让人对其发明成果在一定年限内享有的独占权或专用权。

    Patent right is a kind of monopolized or special right approved by law for inventors or alienee in definite term .

  4. 这项协议将具有约束力,并符合其利益的G及A和各自的继承人和允许的受让人。

    This Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of G and A and their respective successors and permitted assigns .

  5. 善意受让人须实际占有动产,在以占有改定方式交付动产时,笔者主张不发生善意取得。

    The property should be occupied actually by the goodwill buyer .

  6. 明确了债权让与通知的主体除让与人外,还应包括受让人。

    It clears that subject should include assignee except for grantor .

  7. 受让人可以成为让与通知的主体;

    The transferee can be the principal part of the notice .

  8. 在通知的主体方面,债权受让人进行通知应该有一些特殊的要求。

    The notice of assignee should have some specific requirements .

  9. 受让人财产的所有权所转让给的那个人。

    One to whom or to which ownership of property is transferred .

  10. 债务人可以向受让人主张抵销。

    The obligor May avail itself of any set-off against the assignee .

  11. 赃物善意受让人利益保护的困境与出路

    Difficulties and Solutions in Interests Protection For Bona Fide Transferee of Thievery

  12. 债权让与受让人利益之保护

    Protection of Assignee Interests in the Assignment of Credit

  13. 因而,未能较好地平衡债权受让人与债务人的利益。

    Thus , to better balance the interests of creditor and debtor assignee .

  14. 受让人须通过交易性质的法律行为有偿取得财产;

    Alienee must acquire property with repayment by legal action with business characteristic ;

  15. 其法律效果主要发生在原所有权人、让与人和受让人之间。

    Its legislative effect is mainly valid to the owner , assignor and concessionaire .

  16. 通知也应当是受让人的一种权利;

    Notification is also a right of transferee ;

  17. 赠与是指转让人将土地使用权无偿转移给受让人的行为。

    Donation means that the transferor transfers land use right gratis to the transferee .

  18. 让与人接到通知后,应当协助受让人排除妨碍。

    After receiving notification , the assignor shall assist the assignee in removing any obstacles .

  19. 本协议书对机汇和直销商的合法继承人及认可受让人有同等约束力。

    This Agreement is legally binding on all successors and assignees of OV and Distributor .

  20. 合同本身规定了风险,受让人仍然签约。

    The contract itself provided notice of the risks , and the grantee still contracted .

  21. 善意取得的成立以受让人的善意为基本前提。

    The transferee 's bona fide is the basic premise of bona fide gains 's constitution .

  22. 受让人财产、权利、利益转向的一方。

    A party to which a transfer of property , rights , or interest is made .

  23. 受让人是否有权许可他人使用让与人的专利;

    Whether the licensee is entitled to let others to use the patent of the licenser ;

  24. 债务人在一定程度上代表了交易的静态安全,债权受让人则是动态交易安全的代表。

    To some extent , obligor represents static safety , while assignee represents dynamic safety of dealing .

  25. 未来权益又分成为受让人而设的和为让与人而设的两大类。

    Future interests are divided into two categories , one for assignee and the other for grantor .

  26. 凡提到的文件的一方,包括该方的继承人和被许可的受让人;

    A reference to a party to any document includes that party 's successors and permitted assigns ;

  27. 动产抵押物的交易会引起抵押权人和标的受让人之间的利益冲突。

    The trade of the chattel mortgage subject could cause a conflict between the mortgagee and assignee .

  28. “承包商”指《协议书格式》中规定的当事方或者其受让人。

    " Contractor " means the Party stated in the form of agreement or any assignee thereof .

  29. 另一方面,动产抵押物的受让人得到的是一个负担有抵押权的所有权。

    On the other hand , what the new owner of chattel gets is an ownership with burden .

  30. 出让合同中规定必须拆除的技术设备,受让人应按时拆除。

    The grantee shall demolish and remove in time such technological equipment as required by the grant contract .