
  • 网络household expenses;Household Spending
  1. 这笔钱不算多,但是能帮助支付家庭开支。

    It was not a fortune but would help to cover household expenses .

  2. 给你的孩子(们)举出一些家庭开支方面“需要”的例子,比如水电费和医疗费,再举出一些家庭开支方面“想要”的例子,比如新家具或者DVD。

    Give your child ( ren ) examples of household expenses that are " needs ," like utilities and medical expenses , and those that are " wants ," like new furniture or DVDs .

  3. 由于食物是我们每周最大的家庭开支,苏珊娜和马特每周都会和不同的家庭待在一起

    With food our biggest weekly household expense , Susanna and Matt spend time with a different family each week .

  4. 有时,青少年缺乏睡眠是因为课余工作,他们做这些工作是为了挣些额外的钱来上大学,用于家庭开支,或者仅仅是为了买衣服。

    Sometimes teens lack sleep because of after ﹣ school jobs that are taken on to earn extra money for college , family expenses , or simply for clothes .

  5. 作为一个单身母亲,我妹妹不得不工作赚钱,支付家庭开支。

    As a single mum , my sister had to work to pay the bills .

  6. 所以这段话里的getarealhandleonourbudget意思是好好掌握我们的家庭开支预算。可见习惯用语getahandleon含义是控制掌握某事。

    Let 's get a real handle on our budget so we can cut down our spending and start saving some money .

  7. Walker教授表示,这样可以节约家庭开支,还可以减少对环境的影响。

    Professor Walker says this reduces home operating expenses . It also reduces the effect on the environment .

  8. 服装生产商VFCorp。的首席执行长怀斯曼(EricWiseman)说,电子产品占据了普通家庭开支预算的大头。

    ' Electronics has taken a huge chunk out of the average household spending budget , 'said Eric Wiseman , CEO of apparel maker VF Corp.

  9. 查尔斯顿交响乐团的市场总监艾米利•罗宾斯基(EmilyRybinski)说,由于薪水减少,她和住在南卡罗来纳州约翰岛的丈夫将削减家庭开支。

    Emily Rybinski , director of marketing for the Charleston Symphony , says she and her husband , who live in Johns Island , S.C. , will scale back on spending as a result of the pay cut .

  10. 汽车在中国的家庭开支中是热门消费品。

    Cars are a hot commodity for the Chinese household .

  11. 你还可以做些什么来节省每月家庭开支呢?

    What else can you do to cut your monthly household expenses ?

  12. 他正尽力减少家庭开支。

    He is trying to reduce the family 's expenses .

  13. 税收优惠造成的财政收入减少额预算有限的收入对家庭开支预算的约束

    Tax expenditures budget the restraints on the family budget of a limited income

  14. 郭发表了一份家庭开支的详细报告来说明是怎样做到的。

    Guo published a detailed report of his family expenses to show how .

  15. 同时,也可分担水电费或其他家庭开支。

    The costs of utility bills , and household expenses can be shared .

  16. 对家庭开支谨慎而对他人慷慨;

    Tight with the family , generous to others ;

  17. 我们已把家庭开支削减到最低限度。

    We have cut our housekeeping to the bone .

  18. 上个月,日本仍在与通缩和家庭开支下滑作斗争。

    The country is still struggling with deflation and household spending slumped last month .

  19. 收入减少了,我们不得不紧缩家庭开支。

    With less money coming in , we had to pare down household expenses .

  20. 由于俩人都失业了,兰姆夫妇不得不减少家庭开支。

    Both unemployed , the Lamp couple had to pare down their house hold expenses .

  21. 他正在当年的旧文件中搜寻伊丽莎白时代一般家庭开支的细节。

    He is hunting up details of Elizabethan household expenditure in a document of the time .

  22. 所以,你需要每月都审查这些家庭开支预算,以确保自己得到了最实惠的折扣。

    You have to review these monthly household expenses periodically to be sure you are getting the best deal .

  23. 短期来看,人们会设法将家庭开支预算的15%左右节省下来。

    In the short term , people get by and save about 15 per cent of their household budget .

  24. 食品是最基本的必需品,食品开支在低收入家庭开支中所占比重大大高于其他开支。

    Food is the most basic of necessities and takes a much higher proportion of the income of low-income households .

  25. 预料物价上涨包括肉类价格的猛涨,在今后几个月内,将对消费者的家庭开支形成新的压力。

    Rising prices-including sharp increase in meats-are expected to put a fresh squeeze on the family budget in coming months .

  26. 那是他作为一个英语教师的一段经历,他能维持家庭开支的时候也学着成为一个好作家。

    It was his experience as an English teacher that gave him the skills to be a great writer while providing for his family .

  27. 有限的收入对家庭开支预算的约束收入减少了,我们不得不紧缩家庭开支。

    The restraints on the family budget of a limited income With less money coming in , we had to pare down household expenses .

  28. 他们需要做的,可能是监督工人安装新的供暖系统,或者负责所有的家庭开支,而不是擦拭银器、接待客人这类传统的活儿。

    Instead of polishing silver or greeting guests , the Butler may oversee installation of a new heating system or pay all the household bills .

  29. 是该将双方所有的固有资金及盈利都放到一个共同账户中,还是二人分别拥有各自的账户,然后新开一个共同账户用于存储家庭开支?

    Should you merge everything you have and earn into one joint account , or should you maintain individual accounts and open a joint one for household expenses ?

  30. 随着牛奶每加仑几乎要4美元,鸡蛋每打2美元以上,美国家庭开支变得紧张起来。

    A.With staples like milk now selling for almost $ 4 a gallon and the price of eggs at more than $ 2 per dozen , Americans'household budgets are being squeezed .