
jiā tínɡ zhì liáo
  • Family therapy;family treatment;domestic treatment
  1. 家庭治疗设备辅助终端的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Auxiliary Terminal System for Family Treatment Equipments

  2. 个性化多媒体家庭治疗儿童功能性构音障碍

    Individualized multimedia family treatment in children with functional articulation disorder

  3. 俄罗斯的公共医疗服务已经激起了公众对家庭治疗的兴趣。

    The Russian health service has stimulated public interest in home cures .

  4. 方法20例人格障碍的患者被随机分为A组(系统家庭治疗组),B组(药物治疗组),进行临床对照研究。

    Method A clinical controlled study was conducted in 20 patients with personality disorders who were randomly divided into group A ( systemic family therapy ) and group B ( drug therapy ) .

  5. 越来越多的咨询心理学者开始学习家庭治疗和婚姻咨询,甚至认为是否会用这种方法被看作是一种职业的象征(ProfessionalSymbol)。

    Now , more and more counselors and therapists begin to use family therapy approach and it is thought of as a Professional Symbol that whether can use this approach or not .

  6. 本文采用社会心理干预(SPI)的家庭治疗方法对出院的精神分裂症病人进行康复治疗。

    Family therapy of social psychologic intervention ( SPI ) was used for the rehabilitation of discharged patients with schizophrenia .

  7. 和其它经典的家庭治疗一样,Bowen家庭治疗模式也建立在系统理论的基础之上。

    Like other classical family therapy , Bowen 's is also based on systems theory .

  8. 目的:观察比较CKS治疗器与超短波治疗膝关节炎的治疗效果,探讨有效、简便、实用的临床及家庭治疗方法。

    AIM : To observe and compare the therapeutic effects of CKS therapeutic device and the ultrashort wave on gonarthritis .

  9. 后者包括MBTI在组织发展与团队建设中的应用,在职业辅导、师生互动、家庭治疗等领域的应用。

    Application in organization development and team analysis , application in career guidance , teaching-learning style study and family therapy .

  10. 它既被用于家庭治疗的同时也被用来做为药方中的一位药,如PUVA。

    It is used both as a home remedy as well as in the form of delicately formulated recipes , like PUVA .

  11. 结果表明:SPI家庭治疗对病员恢复社会功能、改善与家庭成员间的关系,防止精神分裂症复发等方面有显著的效果。

    It was indicated that family therapy of SPI has significant effect on the recovery of social function , improvement of relation between the patient and members of the family , and preventing relapse of schizophrenia etc.

  12. 结论:CKS治疗器配合肌力训练治疗膝关节炎是一种有效、实用性强、便于携带的临床及家庭治疗方法。

    CONCLUSION : The CKS therapeutic device combined with muscle strength training is a clinical and family therapy for the treatment of gonarthritis with the features of effectiveness , practicability and convenience for being carried .

  13. 热水袋烫伤家庭治疗指导与护理

    Home treatment and nursing of patients scalded by hot water bag

  14. 但是,家庭治疗装置可能很昂贵。

    However , devices for household treatment can be very expensive .

  15. 广州地区29例血友病患儿家庭治疗及护理现状调查

    Investigation on 29 Hemophilia Children 's Home Care Status in Guangzhou

  16. 1例神经性厌食患者的结构式家庭治疗

    The structural family therapy of anorexia nervosa : a case report

  17. 家庭治疗措施对轻度晒伤有一定作用。

    Home-treatment measures may provide some relief from a mild sunburn .

  18. 浅论家庭治疗的工作概念(二)

    On the Working Concepts for Family Therapy ( 2 )

  19. 中国社会的发展促使人们认识到家庭治疗的现实意义,家庭治疗在中国的发展有着重要的现实基础。

    Chinese social development makes people realize the significance of Family therapy .

  20. 社会工作本土化:文化视角下的家庭治疗

    Nationalization of Social Work : Family Therapy in the View of Culture

  21. 短期系统家庭治疗精神分裂症对照研究

    A Controlled Study of Short-term Systemic Family Therapy for Schizophrenics

  22. 青少年儿童行为障碍的家庭治疗

    The Family therapy of behavior obstacles of adolescents and children

  23. 科学进化观在家庭治疗及教育中的体现

    On the embodiment of scientific evolution conception in family therapy and education

  24. 糖尿病胃轻瘫病人的家庭治疗和指导

    Family Treatment and Guide to Their Diet in patients with Diabetic Gastroparalysis

  25. 青少年学习障碍的家庭治疗:个案报告

    Family therapy of adolescent with learning disability : an individual case report

  26. 将它和补骨脂使用是有益于家庭治疗白癜风的。

    Its use with Psoralen is beneficial as a home remedy of vitiligo .

  27. 整合:西方家庭治疗领域的新趋势

    Integrating : The Current Trend of The Family Therapeutical Sphere In Western Countries

  28. 这份报告刊登在「姻与家庭治疗」刊上。

    The report was published in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy .

  29. 儿童和青少年问题行为的家庭治疗

    Family Therapy of Problematic Behaviors of Children and Teenagers

  30. 结论西方系统家庭治疗技术基本适用于中国青少年儿童家庭,有跨文化适用性。

    Conclusion Systemic family therapy basically suits Chinese family with people under 18 .