
jiā dé bǎo
  • Home Depot
  1. 然而,家得宝(HomeDepot)却并不理会这一套。

    Home Depot ( hd ) has balked at all of this .

  2. 家得宝(HomeDepot)也关闭了Expo品牌的家装设计连锁中心。

    Home Depot ( hd ) shut down its Expo chain of home design centers .

  3. 对大型零售公司的攻击才刚开始,比如塔吉特(Target)、家得宝(HomeDepot)和史泰博(Staples)。

    Breaches at major retailers like Target , Home Depot and Staples were only the beginning .

  4. 当初我在家得宝(HomeDepot)公司担任运营副总裁,曾与她共事多年。

    I worked alongside her for many years as EVP of operations at home depot ( hd ) .

  5. 近年来,美国零售商百思买(BestBuy)和家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)等大型国际品牌都被迫退出了中国市场。

    Big international brands such as US retailers Best Buy and Home Depot have been forced to abandon China in recent years .

  6. 与此类似,家得宝在纳德利担任CEO期间,于2004年宣布了中国扩张计划。

    Similarly , home depot had announced plans to expand in China in 2004 under then-ceo Nardelli .

  7. 美国家装业巨擘家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)过去两年间,也已陆续关闭其在中国的5家超市。

    Home Depot , the US home improvement giant , has closed five of its Chinese superstores in the past two years .

  8. 而近些时日最突出的例证,莫过于知名连锁店家得宝(HomeDepot)和塔吉特百货(Target)的信用卡数据接连遭窃了。

    The most salient example these days is the rash of thefts of credit card data from big-name retail chains like Home Depot and Target .

  9. 美国零售商经历了艰难的一年,沃尔玛和家得宝(homedepot)的排名均有所下滑,但特易购的排名继续攀升。

    US retailers had a tough year , with Wal-Mart and home depot both falling in the rankings , but Tesco continued to rise .

  10. 家得宝(HomeDepotInc.)去年在中国关闭了大约一半的门店,因为它发现中国人很少有兴趣自己搞装修。

    Home Depot Inc. closed about half its stores here last year , finding scant interest among Chinese for do-it-yourself renovation .

  11. 我曾经和一个负责家得宝(HomeDepot)网络运营业务的家伙谈过这件事,他也认为这是个大问题。

    I was talking to the guy from Home Depot who runs online for them , and he was saying that was a big issue .

  12. 芭比的撤退紧随家得宝(HomeDepot)和百思买(BestBuy)之后&这两家美国零售商由于打不开市场,双双关闭了在中国的门店。

    The withdrawal comes on the heels of store closures in China by US retailers Home Depot and Best Buy , which both struggled to crack the local market .

  13. 在索尼影视娱乐(SonyPictures)和家得宝(HomeDepot)等大企业近期遭遇网络攻击,并被舆论高调曝光后,对网络安全服务的需求预计会出现激增。

    Demand for these services are expected to soar after high levels of publicity for recent attacks on big companies from Sony Pictures to Home Depot .

  14. 在朋友们的帮助下,他从家得宝(HomeDepot)买来草皮、躺椅和20棵棕榈树,有的棕榈树高约2.1米,布置在黑色柏油屋顶上。

    With help from friends , he covered his black-tarred roof with turf grass , lawn chairs and 20 palm trees , some seven feet high , bought from Home Depot .

  15. “这三家公司百思买、家得宝和芭比都不够迎合本地消费者的偏好和习惯。”中国市场研究集团(ChinaMarketResearch)董事总经理雷小山(ShaunRein)表示。

    " None of the three companies – Best Buy , Home Depot or Barbie – have catered to local consumer preferences and habits enough ," said Shaun Rein , managing director of China Market Research Group .

  16. 他所使用的是一个从家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)买来的通用压缩机,再装上一个气针(就是用来给篮球或者自行车轮胎打气的那种)来精确地控制空气的喷射。

    He uses an all-purpose compressor he bought at Home Depot and fitted with an inflating needle ( the kind used to inflate a basketball or a bike tire ) to precisely direct the air flow .

  17. 全球销售额最高的美国家居建材零售商&家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)关闭了其在北京的最后一家门店,这突显出一些西方公司在尝试将外国商业模式移植到中国时所面临的困难。

    Home Depot , the largest US home improvement retailer by sales , has closed its last store in Beijing , highlighting the difficulties that some western companies face when trying to transplant foreign business models into China .

  18. 根据2012年的一项调查,进入中国市场的欧洲公司中有22%正在考虑撤离,其中电器零售商万得城(MediaMarkt)已经退出,就像家得宝(HomeDepot)一样。

    According to a 2012 survey , 22 % of European companies in China were considering exiting , and electronic retailer media markt has already left , as has Home Depot ( hd ) .

  19. Bay还为eBayNow制定了宏伟规划。eBayNow是一个iPhone上的应用,它能在三个城市为用户提供一项特别服务,在一小时内送到来自eBay合作伙伴如塔吉特(Target)和家得宝(HomeDepot)的商品。

    EBay also has big plans for eBay Now , the iPhone app that offers one-hour shipping of items from partners like Target ( TGT ) and Home Depot ( HD ) in three cities .

  20. 由于近期爆出了家得宝和塔吉特(Target)存在信用卡漏洞,人们对安全问题十分关注。Twitter坚信公司已经采取了预防措施,保证所有的支付和快递信息都将经过加密并得到妥善保管。

    In the wake of recent security concerns , such as the Home Depot and Target credit card breaches , the company confirmed that it has taken precautions to ensure that all payment and shipping information is encrypted and safely stored .

  21. 嗨Ellen我在家得宝我超喜欢给大家提供疯狂有趣的美容小招

    Hi , Ellen , I 'm here at the Home Depot . Well , you know how much I love giving my fun crazy beauty tips to people ,

  22. 家得宝(HomeDepot)、史泰博(Staples)和Lowe's等大型零售商,正将越来越多的店面空间划拨给此类产品,尽管人们还不清楚现在它们的市场到底有多大。

    Large retailers such as Home Depot , Staples and Lowe 's are devoting more and more floor space to such products , even though it is unclear how large the market for them is today .

  23. 来自美国的家居建材DIY连锁超市家得宝,多年来一直试图说服中国中产阶级自己动手装修房子,正准备撤出中国。

    Home Depot , an American DIY chain , is retreating from China after trying for years to persuade middle-class Chinese people to decorate their own homes .

  24. 家得宝随后宣布,将进行资本重组,计划(目前仅完成了一半)以出售HDSupply所得资金,通过回购225亿美元股票,向股东返还现金,并计划发行120亿美元债券。

    The retailer then announced it would restructure its capital , with plans currently only half completed to return cash to shareholders by buying back $ 22.5bn in shares , funded by the HD Supply sale and a planned $ 12bn bond issue .

  25. 巴斯金是亚特兰大传播咨询公司TribeInc.的CEO,为家得宝(HomeDepot)、可口可乐(Coca-Cola)、塔吉特(Target)、保时捷(Porsche)北美和其他大公司服务。

    Baskin is CEO of Atlanta-based communication consulting firm tribe Inc. , which has worked with Home Depot ( hd ) , Coca-Cola ( KO ) , target ( TGT ) , Porsche of North America , and other big outfits .

  26. 2007年的1月3日,当布莱克接替鲍勃o纳尔德里(BobNardelli),出任家得宝首席执行官的时候,这家公司正陷于危局,销售额停滞不前,客户服务糟糕透顶,供应链破败不堪。

    When Blake succeeded Bob Nardelli as CEO on Jan. 3 , 2007 , the company was in crisis , with stagnant sales , poor customer service and an antiquated supply chain .

  27. 杀毒软件制造商Avast首席执行官文斯施特克勒(VinceSteckler)说,当看到个人信息被从美国零售商——如Target和家得宝(HomeDepot)——那里被窃取时,人们会感到害怕。

    Vince Steckler , chief executive of Avast , an antivirus software maker for consumers , says people become scared when they see thefts of individuals " data from companies such as Target and Home Depot , the US retailers .

  28. 家得宝在华最大的竞争者,将是总部设在英国的百安居(B&Q),百安居是欧洲最大的家居零售商翠丰集团(Kingfisher)旗下品牌,在中国有50多家店铺,市场占有率近20%。

    Home Depot 's biggest competitor in China will be UK-based B & Q , part of Kingfisher , Europe 's largest DIY retailer , which has more than 50 stores and nearly 20 per cent of the market .

  29. 目前,家得宝在中国大陆只剩下七家店面。

    It now has only seven stores on the Chinese mainland .

  30. 家得宝的中国门店当时在亏钱。

    Home Depot stores in the region were losing money .