
  • 网络High-tech warfare;Warfare in a Hi-tech Age
  1. 现代高科技战争医疗卫勤保障探析

    Study on Medical Support in Modern High Science and Tech War

  2. 从历史的视角看现代高科技战争的生态环境灾难

    A Historical Analysis of Ecological Environmental Disaster Caused by Modern High-tech Wars

  3. 试谈高科技战争条件下的航空维修保障

    About Aircraft Maintenance and Support Safeguard in High Scientific And Technical War

  4. 在现代的高科技战争中,雷达的作用无可替代。

    In modern high-tech war , radar is irreplaceable .

  5. 20世纪90年代以来发生的数次局部战争,拉开了现代化高科技战争的序幕。

    Several local wars since 1990s raised the curtain of modern high-technology war .

  6. 论体能训练在现代高科技战争中的地位和作用

    On status and role of military physical training under modern hi-tech warfare conditions

  7. 这些情况在飞行部队未来高科技战争情况下将更为常见。

    And these factors can be common in the circumstance of future high-tech war .

  8. 高可靠性在高科技战争中的地位

    The Actions of High Reliability in Modern War

  9. 孙武的备战思想对未来高科技战争仍然有着重要的指导作用。

    Sun Wus military thought has a great significance to the future high-tech war .

  10. 现代高科技战争对战伤急救物资和设备的运输提出了更高要求。

    Modern high-tech war sets a higher standard on the transportation of first-aid materials and equipments .

  11. 美国是应当脚踏实地地在传统战争中投入资金,还是更多地关注高科技战争?

    Should America pour more money into boots on the ground or concentrate on high-tech warfare ?

  12. 现代高科技战争对雷达系统设备的功能与性能提出了越来越高的要求。

    Modern war with high-science and technology requires powerful function and high performance of radar system .

  13. 在现代高科技战争中,制空权的争夺已经成为战争最重要、最激烈的部分。

    The contention of air supremacy become the most important , fiercest part in modern high-tech wars .

  14. 现代高科技战争要求雷达具有较强的生存能力和较高的工作性能。

    The enduring survivability and the high working performance of radars are required by the modern high tech wars .

  15. 高科技战争条件下重要人防工程的综合防护雷击种类及其综合防护技术浅析

    Complex Prevention of Key Civil Defence Projects during High - Tech War Lightning strike category and integrated lightning protection technologies

  16. 只有不断地巩固国防基础才能确保在未来局部高科技战争中的胜利。

    Only by strengthening the base of national defense can we ensure the victory in the future regional hi-tech war .

  17. 随着科学技术的发展,未来高科技战争对飞行器的技术指标提出了越来越高的要求。

    With the development of science and technology , the future high-tech war puts forward ever-increasing demands on indicators of aircraft .

  18. 军事信息系统安全体系建设是军队信息化建设以及打赢未来高科技战争的重要保障。

    Military information system security architecture is an important ensure for us to win a future war of high science and technology .

  19. 广大士兵在高科技战争考验和社会主义市场经济新形势下,面临许多新的心理问题。

    Under the high technology war test and socialism market economy new situation , many soldiers have kinds of the new psychology problems .

  20. 高科技战争条件下,对后勤装备实行远程维修是非常必要的。

    Under the coming high science and technology war condition , it is very necessary to carry out the remote maintenance of the logistics equipment .

  21. 近两场战争表明,现代战争是以信息技术为主的一种全方位、立体化、在多维空间展开的高科技战争,反辐射武器是主要的电子进攻武器。

    Recently two wars show modern war is a omnidirectional and tridimensional high-tech war in the multidimensional space . Anti-radiation weapon is mainly electronic offence weapon .

  22. 为适应现代高科技战争,防弹复合材料在人体防护和军事装备的防护方面已得到广泛的应用,如防弹背心、头盔,以及坦克、飞机、舰船等的防护部件。

    Ballistic composite with outstanding ballistic properties and without twice kill-wound effect has been widely applied in body defence and military arms for the modern high-tech war .

  23. 在高科技战争中,日益严重的光电威胁尤其是光电制导武器的威胁对舰船的生存提出了严峻的挑战。

    The increasingly serious photoelectric threat , especially the threat from the photoelectric guided weapon brings forward the severe challenge to the survival of naval vessel in the high-tech war .

  24. 未来高科技战争条件下,军人心理行为训练在提升官兵整体素质和部队战斗力方面的地位和作用日益突显,成为部队战备训练的重要组成部分。

    The future high-tech war conditions , military training in ascension psychological behavior , the overall quality and troops fighting men position and increasing army training , become the important component .

  25. 当今世界高科技战争对弹药的要求越来越高,弹道修正弹以其灵巧性与智能性得到广泛关注与重视。

    Ammunition is endued with higher requirement on intelligence and dexterity in the modern warfare . The trajectory correction projectile is a kind of guided ammunition widely used all over the world .

  26. 随着信号处理理论、信号检测理论和计算机技术的发展,以及高科技战争的需要,对现代声纳系统提出了更高的要求。

    With the fast development of signal processing technology and signal detection technology and computer technology and the need of modern high-tech war , modern sonar system is being digitized and intelligentized .

  27. 现代高科技战争呈现出的新模式和新特点引发了新的伦理问题,从而对参战医护人员的道德心理构建提出了更高要求。

    The new pattern and new characteristics of high-tech war cause new ethical problems , thus setting higher requirements on the moral psychology construction of the medical staff who enter a war .

  28. 介绍了三大自然灾害对信息与通讯网的危害。就如何在高科技战争中保障我国现有信息与通信网的安全,提出了战备措施。

    This article , by analyzing the Harmfulness of three Natural disasters , has put forward some countermeasures on how to build a security environment of our information and communication in the high technology war .

  29. 电子战在现代战争中起着十分重要的作用,贯串在现代高科技战争的整个过程中,是陆海空天电五维立体战场中至关重要的组成部分。

    The Electric War ( EW ) run through the whole process of modern high-tech war , composing the absolutely necessary part of the ground-air integrative tri-dimensional battlefield , so it is very important in modern war .

  30. 现代高科技战争中武器装备的技术保障任务越来越繁重,维修检测难度越来越大,其技术系统也越来越复杂,故障率和战损率大大增加。

    Technical support in modern high-tech war has been becoming more and more heavy , difficult and complex . And its technology system is becoming more and more complicated , the fault rate and damage rate are increasing .