
  • 网络Visa;Visa card;Visa Inc;WISA
  1. 请在我的万事达/维萨/美国运通信用卡账户中扣除。

    Please debit my Mastercard / Visa / American Express card .

  2. 这场纠纷的主角是世界两大信用卡品牌——维萨和万事达。

    The chief protagonists in the row are Visa and Mastercard , the world 's leading credit card brands .

  3. 这项服务在启动之初将只支持万事达卡,不过谷歌在周一宣布,已将维萨、Discover和美国运通卡加入到服务中,未来将能够一并使用。

    At launch the service works with MasterCard but Google announced Monday that Visa , Discover and American Express have been added to the service and could be available in the future .

  4. 最好的是陈年玛尔维萨,或者我最喜欢的纽约玛尔维萨特藏(NewYorkMalmseySpecialReserve),后者是稀有葡萄酒公司(RareWineCompany)按照18至19世纪的马德拉风格酿造的。

    Best of all would be vintage malmsey , or one of my favorites , New York Malmsey Special Reserve , a bottling from the Rare Wine Company made in the style of Madeiras from the 18th and 19th centuries .

  5. 在办公室人员进行大的变动以后,维萨美国(VisaU.S.A.)公司加州福斯特城项目协调员伊丽莎白•伯格发起了一次赛舟会,以帮助公司员工学会如何在一个新环境里合作共事。

    After an office shake-up , Elizabeth Burg , a project coordinator for Visa U.S.A.in Foster City . , Calif. , staged a regatta to help employees learn how to work together in a new environment .

  6. 今年第一季度,年内规模最大的ipo美国信用卡和借记卡公司维萨(visa)的发行使数据出现了扭曲,新兴市场企业仅占交易总额的28%。

    In the first quarter , the biggest IPO of the year from visa , the US credit and debit card company , distorted the numbers with emerging market companies making up only 28 per cent of the deals .

  7. 卡片支付公司维萨(Visa)发表了类似评论,而可口可乐(CocaColaInc.)则表示:任何有损国际足联世界杯使命和理想的问题,都令我们担忧。

    Card payments firm Visa V - 0.20 % issued a similar comment , while Coca Cola Inc. KO - 0.20 % said that Anything that detracts from the mission and ideals of the Fifa World Cup is a concern to us .

  8. 卡片支付公司维萨(Visa)发表了类似评论,而可口可乐(CocaColaInc.)则表示:“任何有损国际足联世界杯使命和理想的问题,都令我们担忧。”

    Card payments firm Visa V - 0.20 % issued a similar comment , while Coca Cola Inc. KO - 0.20 % said that " Anything that detracts from the mission and ideals of the Fifa World Cup is a concern to us . "

  9. 最甜的马德拉葡萄酒通常是用玛尔维萨白葡萄做成的,被称为“玛尔维萨甜酒”(malmsey),用它来搭配巧克力最合适。

    The sweetest Madeiras , generally made from the malvasia candida grape and labeled " malmsey , " are what you want with chocolate .

  10. 事实上,在宝洁、维萨信用卡(Visa)和莫尔森(Molson)等品牌在冬奥会前夕发布,到目前为止被分享次数最多的前20则奥运广告中,没有一条走的是滑稽搞笑路线。

    In fact , of the top 20 most shared Olympics ads so far , released in advance of the games by brands like P & G , visa ( V ) , and Molson , not one is funny .

  11. 我能从我的维萨信用卡提取三百美元吗?

    Can I withdraw three hundred dollars on my visa card ?

  12. 是的,我们接受维萨、万事达和美国运通卡。

    Yes , we accept visa , Maser and American Expre card .

  13. 随后,上百万的美国运通卡都转为了维萨和花旗卡。

    Millions of former Costco AmEx cards were subsequently transferred to Visa and Citi .

  14. 唯一到我家拜访过的男人是大通维萨公司的兰迪

    The only guy that ever calls my house is Randy from Chase Visa .

  15. 维萨信用卡发行部门规定的消费限额是1000美元。

    The credit limit set by the Visa Card office is 1 , 000 U.S.dollars .

  16. 几乎全世界都认识维萨这个美国企业。

    Visa Visa is an American company with a name that 's recognized around the world .

  17. 而据维萨公司的研究显示,在经济富裕的旅行者当中,单人旅行的次数更是增长了一倍有余。

    And among affluent travelers , solo travel has more than doubled , research from Visa shows .

  18. 信用卡业巨无霸维萨和万事达控制着美国75%的市场。

    The credit card giants Visa and Mastercard together control over 75 % of the US market .

  19. 令人意外的是,它与纽约玛尔维萨马德拉葡萄酒很相似,从各个方面讲都很美味,特别是与巧克力搭配。

    It was surprisingly similar to the New York Malmsey Madeira , delicious in every way and especially with chocolate .

  20. 好市多在去年结束了和美国通运公司的合作,并与维萨以及花旗银行建立了合作关系,这使得维萨的品牌价值激增。

    The brand got a particularly big boost after Costco ended its relationship with American Express last year in favor of a new one with Visa andCitigroup .

  21. 基本上,麦肯发现消费者认为万事达卡是为一般的人用的,而美国运通和维萨则有一个更特殊和国际化的形象。

    Basically , McCann found that customers saw MasterCard as a card for regular people , while American Express and Visa carried a more exclusive , worldly image .

  22. 1993年,史无前例地,维萨国际公司签下了价值三百万美元的合同,成为1996年奥运会主办城市-亚特兰大的官方信用卡。

    In a first-of-its-kind business arrangement , Visa International signed a $ 3 million deal in1993 to become the official credit card of Atlanta , the host city of the1996 Summer Olympics .

  23. 在展会上,维萨信用卡国际有限公司发布的一份报告称,去年外国维萨卡持有者在中国消费额超过了27亿美元。这个数字比前年增长了29%。

    Also at the exhibition , Visa International released a report saying that last year , foreign Visa card holders spent up to US $ 2.7 billion in China , up29 percent on the previous year .