
wéi chí hé pínɡ bù duì
  • peacekeeping force;the Blue Helmet
  1. 连续平幅水洗联合机联合国维持和平部队

    Continuous open-width washing range United Nations Peacekeeping Force

  2. 他说苏丹总统奥马尔·巴希尔上周同意联合国和非洲联盟的维持和平部队进入该地区,这支部队将有助于缓和暴力,但是它不足以解决达尔富尔问题。

    He says the UN-African Union peacekeeping force accepted by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir last week will help moderate the violence & but it is not enough to solve Darfur 's problems .

  3. 集体维持和平部队联合指挥部规约

    Statute of the Joint Command of the Collective Peace-keeping Forces

  4. 关于驻布干维尔的南太平洋维持和平部队的地位的协定

    Agreement concerning the Status of the South Pacific Peace-keeping Force for Bougainville

  5. 东盟区域论坛闭会期间联合国维持和平部队排雷会议;

    ASEAN Regional Forum inter-sessional meeting on demining for United Nations peacekeepers ;

  6. 联合国驻中东维持和平部队特派团首席协调员

    Chief Coordinator of the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in the Middle East

  7. 关于集体维持和平部队及其后勤支援联合措施的协定

    Agreement on Collective Peacekeeping Forces and Joint Measures for Their Logistical Support

  8. 我们对派出维持和平部队此举表示欢迎。

    We welcome the dispatch of the peace-keeping force .

  9. 关于建立集体维持和平部队和该部队开始行动的决定

    Decision on the establishment of Collective peacekeeping forces and the commencement of their operations

  10. 驻布干维尔的南太平洋维持和平部队

    South Pacific Peace-keeping Force for Bougainville

  11. 中立国家维持和平部队

    Neutral International Peace-keeping Force

  12. 有人对向那个地区派遣联合国维持和平部队的建议感到愤怒。

    There was anger at the proposal that a UN peace-keeping force should be sent to the area .

  13. 预料法国作为北大西洋条约的签署国也会派出维持和平部队。

    As a signatory to the North Atlantic treaty , France was also expected to send a peace-keeping force .

  14. 在发生公开或白热化冲突时,联合国采取一系列手段,从调解一直到派遣维持和平部队。

    In situations of manifest or simmering conflict , the UN employs tools ranging from mediation to the dispatch of peacekeeping forces .

  15. 根据协议条款,一支联合国维持和平部队将在当地维持法律和秩序

    According to the terms of the pact , a U.N. police ( or peace-keeping ) force will maintain law and order there

  16. 连锁经营企业集中订货与支援调拨策略及模型关于集体维持和平部队及其后勤支援联合措施的协定

    Policy and Model of Group Ordering and Resource Allocating for Chain Stores ; Agreement on Collective Peacekeeping Forces and Joint Measures for Their Logistical Support

  17. 他还宣布,西班牙已经接受联合国的要求,准备在近几天内派出一架运输机和20名士兵前往卢旺达,直接参与联合国维持和平部队的任务。

    He also announced that Spain had already accepted a request from the un , and prepared to send an air transport and20 soldiers to Rwanda within the next few days to participate directly in UN peacekeeping military operations .

  18. 联合国(维持和平)部队在加沙地带维持治安很长一段时间。

    United Nations forces policed the Gaza strip for a long period .

  19. 维持和平行动部队地位示范协定

    Model status-of-forces agreement for peace-keeping operations

  20. 一个历史性突破是,一名妇女接获任命,成为联合国维持和平行动部队首位女指挥官。

    In an historic breakthrough , a woman was named the first female Force Commander of a UN peacekeeping operation .

  21. 支援维持索马里和平的多国部队同欧洲盟友一起训练利比亚的安全部队和边境巡逻部队

    supporting a multinational force to keep the peace in Somalia working with European allies to train a functioning security force and border patrol in Libya