
wéi chí yuán pàn
  • affirm the judgment or sentence of first instance;maintain the original judgment or sentence;uphold the decision
  • affirmation of first instance judgment or sentence;maintenance of the original judgment or sentence;judgment or sentence affirmed in status quo
  1. 考虑到法律的明确规定,考虑到CS市中院因此案已经造成的负面影响考虑到我们的社会关系和公关能力,省高院最后还是维持原判。

    Thinking of the provisions of the law , the negative impact to CS court of the case , our social relations and capacity of public relations , HN province high court finally affirm the original judgment .

  2. 上诉法庭经三日聆讯,驳回申请,维持原判。

    The court of Appeal dismissed the appeal and upheld the original sentence after a three-day hearing .

  3. 到目前为止,法庭仍维持原判,裁定这项安排符合宪法,不过有关的法律诉讼仍继续进行。

    The courts have so far upheld the constitutionality of this arrangement but legal proceedings are continuing .

  4. 一审之后,被告人不服判决,提出上诉,二审法院经审理,维持原判。

    The defendant arrested the judgment and lodged on an appeal . The court of second instance upheld the verdict .

  5. 此案我们重新召开审判委员会讨论,大家认为应当维持原判,否则将会造成负面的影响。

    All the people hold the opinion that the ruling should be affirmed . Otherwise , it will bring about negative impact .

  6. (一)原判决认定事实清楚,适用法律、法规正确的,判决驳回上诉,维持原判;

    If the facts are clearly ascertained and the law and regulations are correctly applied in the original judgment , the appeal shall be rejected and the original judgment sustained ;

  7. 此案与“太平洋煤气电力公司”一案一起清楚地阐明,自从法院在1972年对“北方合众国电力公司”一案维持原判后,在核能地区先占权的热情已经相当低落。

    Together with PG & E , Silkwood makes it clear that the Court 's enthusiasm for preemption in the nuclear area has waned considerably since it affirmed Northern States Power in1972 .

  8. 这些企业上诉至省高级人民法院,后者维持了原判。

    The companies appealed that verdict to the higher provincial court , which upheld the lower court 's ruling .

  9. 法庭维持了原判,法官表示,用匿名电话揭露婚外情是一种不道德的行为,无论揭露的事实是否属实。

    The court upheld the original conviction of harassment , with judges saying that an anonymous call to reveal an affair is a reprehensible act regardless of whether the claim is true .

  10. 本院一致决定,维持下级法院的原判。

    Decision of the lower court is unanimously confirmed .

  11. 所下的判决支持原告。维持初级法院的原判。

    The judgment was made in favor of the plaintiff . The judgement of the lower court was upheld .