
  • 网络UTC;United Technologies;united technologies corp;Utx;United Technologies Corporation
  1. 当联合技术公司(UnitedTechnologiesCorp.)的两位工程师第一次看到他们公司参与装备的中国直升机时,两人被眼前的一幕震惊了。

    When two United Technologies Corp. engineers first laid eyes on the Chinese helicopter their company was helping outfit , they were shocked by what they saw .

  2. 本周一,即11月24日早上7点,联合技术公司(UnitedTechnologies)宣布,57岁的CEO路易斯o切尼维特即将退休。切尼维特从2008年4月开始担任公司CEO。

    At 7 a.m. on Monday , November 24 , United Technologies announced that Louis Chenevert , its CEO since April 2008 , was stepping down immediately at age 57 .

  3. 在联合技术公司旗下的普惠发动机公司(Pratt&Whitney),营业利润率为12.9%。

    At United 's engine-maker Pratt & Whitney , operating margins stand at 12.9 % .

  4. 中国军方官员周四否认中国使用联合技术公司(UnitedTechnologiesCorp.)旗下子公司的技术研发中国的武装直升机,并说相关指控与事实严重不符。

    Chinese military officials denied Thursday that they used technology from an arm of United Technologies Corp. to build an attack helicopter , saying the allegation is ' seriously inconsistent with the facts . '

  5. 霍尼韦尔的这一表现在工业集团中排行第二,仅次于回报率达229%的丹纳赫公司(Danaher),领先于回报210%的联合技术公司(UnitedTechnologies)。

    That puts Honeywell in second place among industrial conglomerates & just behind Danaher ( DHR ) , which returned 229 % , and ahead of United Technologies ( UTX ) , which has returned 210 % .

  6. 联合技术公司在今年曾遭遇过多次打击,包括庞巴迪C系列的齿轮传动式涡轮风扇发动机原型起火,还有F-35联合攻击战斗机的引擎爆炸。

    United Technologies has suffered a few setbacks this year , including a fire in the prototype for the geared turbofan on the Bombardier C-Series and an engine blowout on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter .

  7. 航空航天业历史上规模最大的一笔交易——2010年,联合技术公司斥资163亿美元收购古德里奇公司(Goodrich)——正是出自切尼维特之手。

    It was Chenevert who orchestrated the biggest deal in aerospace history , United Technologies " $ 16.3 billion acquisition of Goodrich in 2010 .

  8. 航空航天业历史上规模最大的一笔交易2010年,联合技术公司斥资163亿美元收购古德里奇公司(Goodrich)正是出自切尼维特之手。

    It was Chenevert who orchestrated the biggest deal in aerospace history , United Technologies ' $ 16.3 billion acquisition of Goodrich in 2010 .

  9. 美国联合技术公司(UTX)认为,建筑市场已经相当不错,可能事实上正越来越好。

    From the view of United Technologies ( UTX ), the building market has been pretty good and may in fact be getting better .

  10. 但也有可能是因为他为联合技术公司设立的目标过高,而作为一支传统经济的中坚力量,不论这家成熟的公司运转得多么良好,或者多么善于利用新鲜技术,都不可能达到这位CEO飞行计划所要求的高度和速度。

    But it 's also possible that he has simply set the bar too high for United Technologies , and that a mature , old-economy stalwart , no matter how well run or how adept at harnessing fresh technology , simply cannot soar as high , and as fast , as the CEO 's flight plan demands .

  11. 司法部说,联合技术公司在2006年7月和9月之间披露的信息中有许多内容并不真实,比如该公司指出,联合技术公司及其两家子公司的管理人员不知道Z-10实际上是个军事项目。

    The Justice Department said the company 's disclosures between July and September 2006 contained a number of false statements , including that officials at UTC and its two units companies were unaware the Z-10 program was military in nature .

  12. 在海耶斯的领导下,我们或许将看到一个更保守的联合技术公司。

    Under Hayes , we 'll probably see a more conservative United Technologies .

  13. 切尼维特始终坚信,联合技术公司应该坚持“两条腿走路”。

    Chenevert is a big believer that United Technologies should stand on two strong legs .

  14. 一直有传闻称,联合技术公司正在考虑出售西科斯基。

    It 's long been rumored that United Technologies is pondering a sale of Sikorsky .

  15. 在切尼维特的领导下,联合技术公司一举成为美国最赚钱的大型企业集团。

    Under Chenevert , United Technologies reigned as arguably the most profitable conglomerate in America .

  16. 联合技术公司拒绝就此事置评。

    United Technologies declined to comment .

  17. 事实上,联合技术公司已经调低了今年的每股收益增长预期。

    In fact , United Technologies already downgraded its expectations for this year 's EPS growth .

  18. 他引进并与一个日本管理顾问一起完善这一概念,然后用在联合技术公司的车间管理上。

    He has imported this concept , complete with a Japanese management consultant , to United Technologies ' factories .

  19. 在这次评估中,公司查出了576项违反不同法规的做法,其中许多大体上违反的是行政法规,联合技术公司将这一情况向国务院进行了汇报。

    During that review , the company unearthed 576 different violations , many largely administrative in nature , and disclosed them to the State Department .

  20. 美国司法部说,直到2004年,普拉特惠特尼加拿大公司美国办事处和联合技术公司的高管才认识到此前的做法可能违反了美国的有关规定。

    By 2004 , executives in the U.S. offices of Pratt and United Technologies learned of the possible breaches , according to the Justice Department .

  21. 上个月,联合技术公司对于非法向中国提供受限军事技术一事表示认罪,并同意支付超过7500万美元的罚金。

    Last month , United Technologies pleaded guilty to illegally supplying China with restricted military technology and agreed to pay more than $ 75 million in penalties .

  22. 此外,在最大的窄体机喷气式发动机市场,切尼维特让联合技术公司重新回归领先地位。

    Chenevert also restored United Technologies UTX - 1.37 % to the front ranks in the largest market for jet engines , those designed for narrow-body airplanes .

  23. 接着详细介绍了联合技术公司的研究开发管理模式和项目管理流程,分析了联合技术研究中心的运营模式、项目的控制与管理、绩效考核等。

    It analyzed the operation system of United Technologies Research Center , the control of the R & D projects , and performance assessment in the Research Center .

  24. 联合技术公司表示,在此过程中,它投入了3000万美元用以改善公司在合规方面的表现,目前公司有175名管理人员负责确保公司各项业务符合政府的法规。

    In the process , United Technologies says it has spent $ 30 million improving its adherence to the law and now has a stable of 175 executives to maintain compliance .

  25. 美国奥的斯电梯公司,美国联合技术公司的子公司,现在所生产的所有电梯都有地震传感器,这样电梯就能判断是否有地震。

    All elevators currently made by the American company Otis Elevator , a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation , have a seismic sensor so that they know if there is an earthquake .

  26. 这笔并购交易也使联合技术公司从大型引擎制造商变成一家综合性制造商,提供的产品几乎涵盖大型客机除航空电子设备之外的所有部件。

    That merger made United Technologies , which was already a big engine-maker , a full-service manufacturer that provides everything that goes on an airliner , from tail to nose , except avionics .

  27. 分析了联合技术公司研发管理所面临的问题,同时对其所面对的问题提出了建议。最后,根据对优秀跨国公司在研发管理方面的介绍和分析,揭示了对我国企业的启示。

    Then it analyzed the problems United Technologies is facing in R D aspect and gave a list of suggestions based on the analysis . Lastly , based on the introduction and analysis of good R D management styles of those transnational companies , it summarized several revelatory conclusions .

  28. 联合半导体技术公司

    USTC Union Semiconductor Technology Corp