
  • 网络FOMC;The Federal Open Market Committee
  1. 这无疑在最新的联邦公开市场委员会声明中扮演了关键角色,声明强调了通胀的上行风险与经济增长的下行风险。

    This no doubt played a key role in the latest FOMC statement , which highlighted the upward risks to inflation and downward risks to growth .

  2. 与经常展示权威作风的前任艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)形成对比的是,伯南克喜欢在联邦公开市场委员会构建共识。

    In contrast to Alan Greenspan , his often autocratic predecessor , Mr Bernanke likes to build consensus on the FOMC .

  3. 美国联邦公开市场委员会(FederalOpenMarketCommittee)周二放出消息,政府计划大幅降低利率。

    The Federal Open Market Committee today signaled plans to keep interest rates exceptionally low .

  4. 联邦公开市场委员会(Federalopenmarketcommittee)发布的这份声明重申,随着劳动力市场进一步的改善,以及能源价格下降等因素的暂时性影响的消退,美联储官员预计通胀水平将出现反弹。

    But the statement issued by the Federal Open Market Committee reiterated that Fed officials expect inflation to rebound as the labor market improves further and the transitory effect of lower energy prices and other factors dissipate .

  5. 而在上周五,联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)的4位成员在会上发表了事先准备好的讲话。

    Today four members of the Federal open market committee will deliver prepared remarks .

  6. NPR的约翰,参阅于今天联邦公开市场委员会制定和发布的美联邦政策。

    NPR 's John Ydstie on the statement released today by the Fed 's policymaking Federal Open Market Committee .

  7. 并且,联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)明显从来自实体经济的及时反馈中受益。

    It is also clear the Federal Open Market Committee benefits from the time-sensitive feedback it gets from the real economy .

  8. 上周,联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)12月份会议的会议记录显示,美联储(Fed)最早可能会在今年4月把利率从0%到0.25%的水平提升上来。

    Last week , minutes from the December meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee showed the US Federal Reserve could raise interest rates from 0-0.25 per cent as soon as April .

  9. 转折点出现在利率决策机构联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)去年8月份的会议上。

    The crunch point came at the August meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee ( FOMC ) , which sets interest rates .

  10. 在一次联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)会议上,他坦承股市存在泡沫,但拒绝采取任何行动。

    In a Federal Open Market Committee meeting , he conceded there was an equity bubble but declined to do anything about it .

  11. 现在唯一的问题是,美联储是会在本周的联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)会议上抢先一步采取行动,还是会再次选择等到秋天再说?

    The only question is whether the Fed will move pre-emptively at its open market committee meeting this week or choose again to wait until autumn .

  12. 以11票支持、1票反对的压倒性多数,联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)上周决定出台每月一次的资产购买计划以改善就业市场形势。

    By a majority of 11 to one , they decided last week to undertake a monthly programme of asset purchases aimed at the labour market .

  13. 在公开讲话中,伯南克解释了联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)保持短期利率接近零的决定。

    In his opening comments . Mr. Bernanke explained a decision by the Federal Open Market Committee to leave its main short-term interest rate near zero .

  14. 联邦公开市场委员会(federalopenmarketcommittee,fomc)9月21日会议的官方纪要显示,“许多”官员认为,新一轮货币放松,可能是向美国疲弱的复苏注入活力的必要之举。

    The official record from the September 21 gathering of the Federal Open Market Committee , which sets interest rates , showed that " many " officials thought a new round of monetary easing might be necessary to breathe life into the sluggish US recovery .

  15. 6月份时,负责设定利率的联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)仍预计,今后数年失业率会下滑,尽管下滑速度将十分缓慢。

    In June , the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee still forecast a decline in the unemployment rate over the next few years , albeit very slowly .

  16. 美国联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)成员尤其关注的是,如果银行将这些准备金转化为贷款和存款,将有潜在通胀效应。

    Of particular concern to members of the Federal Open Market Committee is the inflationary potential of these reserves if the banks turn them into loans and deposits .

  17. 但其它市场所关注的,与其说是这项新行动可能达到什么效果,不如说是美国联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)为证明行动合理而再度展现的悲观论调。

    But other markets paid less attention to what the new action may achieve than to the renewed pessimism by which the Federal Open Market Committee justified it .

  18. 在决定利率的联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)上,威廉姆斯被视为一名靠近重心的人物,今年他是该委员会的投票成员。

    Mr Williams is regarded as close to the centre of gravity on the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee , of which he is a voting member this year .

  19. 纽约联储选出一批精英机构作为一级交易商,来执行货币政策,分销美国国债后者是联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)操作的一部分。

    The New York Fed selects an elite group of primary dealers to carry out monetary policy , distributing US debt as part of its Federal Open Market Committee operations .

  20. 如果周三FOMC(联邦公开市场委员会)没有意外政策公布,很可能造成新一轮美元兑非日风险货币的强势上涨。

    Short of another shock - & - awe policy announcement this Wednesday , the FOMC decision is likely to generate fresh dollar strength against risk currencies ( non-JPY ) .

  21. 在声明中,联邦公开市场委员会放弃了它通常提到的“政策适应”(policyaccommodation),表明它“的升息进程多少已经过半”,argusresearch首席经济学家理查德亚麦隆(richardyamarone)说。

    In its statement , the FOMC dropped its usual reference to " policy accommodation , " suggesting it is " somewhat past the midway point in its rate hike campaign " , said Richard Yamarone , chief economist at Argus research .

  22. 这份会议纪要显示,在就业和通胀前景都罕见地不确定的情况下,任何进一步放松货币政策的举措,都可能导致负责设定利率的联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)出现严重分歧。

    The minutes suggest that the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee would be deeply split over any move towards further easing amid an unusually uncertain outlook for both employment and inflation .

  23. 3月18日议息会议的会议纪要指出,联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)几名成员认为,考虑到经济前景已经改善,预计6月份加息举措的时机就会成熟。

    Minutes from the March 18 rate-setting meeting noted that several members of the Federal Open Market Committee expected a move to be merited in June given the improved economic outlook .

  24. 负责制定利率的联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)继续预计,将维持低利率水平至2014年年末,从而击碎了市场对于它可能将这一时间延后至2015年的期盼。

    The rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee continued to forecast that it will keep interest rates low until late-2014 , dashing market hopes that it might extend that date into 2015 .

  25. 达德利在负责设定利率的联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)中是个著名的鸽派。他的这番言论表明,美联储QE3减速已成共识。

    The comments by a prominent dove on the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee show that there is a consensus on tapering off the Fed 's third round of quantitative easing .

  26. 每次联邦公开市场委员会(federalopenmarketcommittee)召开会议,华尔街都对其会议记录屏息以待,寄望于qe3或qe4很快出台,而不是寻找机会,投资于那些满足消费者需求的真实产品。

    Instead of looking for opportunities to invest in real products that will serve the needs of consumers , Wall Street awaits the minutes of each Federal Open Market Committee meeting with bated breath , hoping that qe3 and qe4 are just around the corner .

  27. 面对近期疲软的实际增长、实际消费支出和就业指标,联邦公开市场委员会将不得不下调其对经济的评估,环球透视(GlobalInsight)经济学家布莱恩贝休恩(BrianBethune)和奈杰尔高尔特(NigelGault)表示。

    The FOMC will have to tone down its assessment of the economy in view of recent weak indicators on real growth , real consumption spending and employment , said Brian Bethune and Nigel Gault , economists at Global Insight .

  28. 美联储主席珍妮特耶伦(JanetYellen)周三表示,在美国经济存在相当大的根本层面力量的大背景下,联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)的多数成员预计今年将上调利率。

    Janet Yellen , the Fed chairwoman , said on Wednesday that the majority of members of the Federal Open Market Committee were expecting rates to rise this year amid considerable underlying strength in the economy .

  29. 不过,负责设定利率的联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)表示,该委员会将耐心判断何时应该开始加息。这种新的措辞旨在安抚市场情绪,告诉它们利率不会马上上调。

    But the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee said it could be patient in judging when to start raising rates , in new language designed to reassure markets that rate rises are not imminent .

  30. 2014年12月,美联储曾表示会耐心对待加息问题。这一表态意味着,至少在其联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)随后两次会议中,该行不太可能采取加息措施。

    The Fed said in December it would be patient in raising interest rates , meaning it was unlikely to act for at least the subsequent two meetings of its Federal Open Market Committee .