
tuì chū shí jiān
  • Exit time;post-set time
  1. 冗余规则有:1.某一用户退出时间与下一次登录时间间隔小于一分钟,这两条登录记录并为一条;

    If the user 's login time and the next login time is within 1 minute , then these two login records would combine as one .

  2. 可以使用它跟踪各个软件模块的进入和退出时间戳,从而收窄导致性能瓶颈的软件范围。

    It can be used to track the entry and exit timestamps of various software modules that the application will interact with in order to narrow down the software causing the bottleneck .

  3. 对前两种情形考虑退出时间是个随机变量,对最后一种情形考虑退出时间是个随机过程。

    In the former two situations , the exit time is assumed to be a random variable and in the last situation the exit time is assumed to be a stochastic process .

  4. 近年来学术界对私募股权基金的退出时间和退出方式等问题进行了一定的研究,但总的来看,这些研究无论是从深度还是广度方面都有待进一步拓展。

    In recent years , some scholars do some reaches on the timing and way of private equity exit , but , generally speaking , these studies need to be expanded from the depth and breadth .

  5. 利率是资本的价格,可以调节私募股权基金产业风险资本的稀缺程度,对私募股权基金产业退出时间结构具有重要影响。第三,构建了影响退出方式选择的因素体系。

    The interest rate is the price of capital , which regulate the degree of scarcity of venture capital and have a great influence to the exit structure of private equity fund industry . Thirdly , we constructed a factor system of influencing selection of exit mode .

  6. 关联进程退出的时间。

    The time that the associated process exited .

  7. 277:方法进入或退出的时间戳。

    The timestamp of method entry or exit .

  8. 投资者进入证券市场后决定退出的时间是不确定的,因此承担着退出风险,且风险资产退出时需要一定的费用。

    The exit time when investors decide to withdraw securities business is uncertain , so they have to be charged with withdrawal risk , and need to pay the costs of withdrawal of risk assets .

  9. 您所使用的packstring将获取用户名、用户ID、tty线路、PID、utmp类型、终端退出代码和时间。

    The packstring you use gets the username , userid , ttyline , PID , utmp type , terminal exit code , and time .

  10. 讨论了带中途退出的离散时间MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1排队系统,其中系统含有K种类型的顾客,不同类型顾客的耐心时间服从不同的一般离散型分布。

    The discrete-time MMAP [ K ] / PH [ K ] / 1 queueing system with reneging is discussed , where there is K types of the customers , patient time of different customers is a discrete random variable and follows differently general distribution .

  11. 在程序方面,一些条约会对缔约方行使退出权的时间予以限制。

    In the aspect of procedures , some treaties impose limitations on the time of exercising exit rights .

  12. 不过,鉴于上述风险延缓了全球各国央行实施退出战略的时间,全球流动性将会支撑大宗商品价格和拉动全球大宗商品贸易。

    As these risks delay central bank exit strategies , however , global liquidity could support commodity prices and global trade in bulk goods .

  13. 肯特没有给出加拿大退出的准确时间,但表示如果不退出,按照目前的协议条款,加拿大将面临巨额罚款。

    He gave no details on when exactly Ottawa would pull out , but said Canada would be subject to enormous financial penalties under the terms of the treaty unless it withdrew .

  14. 我们退出策略的时间和次序,取决于我们对经济前景以及金融体系健康状况与我们对金融稳定的贡献是否契合的实时评估。

    The timing and sequencing of our exit strategy depends on our real-time assessment of the economic outlook and the health of the financial system in line with our contribution to financial stability .

  15. 尽管英国选择退出了和工作时间相关的部分指导法的约束,但是在病假工资和假期方面并未免除相应的责任。

    While the UK has an opt-out on parts of the directive relating to working hours , there is no exemption on sick pay and holiday .

  16. 制作过程中遭遇了伤病、事故以及原导演丹尼·博伊尔的退出,之后上映时间又被一再地推迟,现在《007:无暇赴死》终于要上映了。

    At last ! Its release has been delayed again and again , and before that its production was hampered by injuries , accidents and the withdrawal of its original director , Danny Boyle .

  17. 这家评级机构提醒,如果退出策略引入过早,可能扼杀经济增长;而如果退出策略执行时间过长,金融市场则可能出现动荡。

    The ratings agency warned that economic growth would be choked off if exit strategies were introduced too soon , while financial markets would be unsettled if they were kept in place for too long .

  18. 方法将退出疗程作为所关心的结局事件,将从登记治疗开始到退出疗程的时间作为坚持治疗时间,利用生存分析统计技术估计坚持治疗率和中位坚持治疗时间以评价结核病患者的治疗依从性。

    Methods by defining defaulting as a failure event and time from treatment starting to defaulting as survival time , we applied survival analysis technique with a real data to estimate a so called adherent rate and a median adherent time for evaluation of treatment adherence for patients with tuberculosis .