
tuì xiū
  • retire
退休 [tuì xiū]
  • [retire] 职工因年老或因公致残而离开工作岗位,按期领取生活费用

退休[tuì xiū]
  1. 我的梦想是退休后在法国住上一栋别墅。

    My dream is to retire to a villa in France .

  2. 他已经向我们透露了他要退休的打算。

    He has already intimated to us his intention to retire .

  3. 他决心在退休前最后痛痛快快地玩乐一番。

    He was determined to have one last fling before retiring .

  4. 他们把钱存着以备退休后使用。

    The money was being kept in reserve for their retirement .

  5. 他退休后过着悠闲舒适的生活。

    In his retirement , he lived a life of ease .

  6. 我原以为她退休了,但显然她还没有退。

    I thought she had retired , but apparently she hasn 't.

  7. 现在你已退休了,怎样打发你的日子?

    How do you fill your day now that you 've retired ?

  8. 他退休之后又被力劝出山帮助濒临破产的公司。

    He was coaxed out of retirement to help the failing company .

  9. 他真的想通了——打算在55岁时退休。

    He 's certainly got the right idea ─ retiring at 55 .

  10. 我看他们俩都是退休教师。

    I 'd put them both down as retired teachers .

  11. 他还不打算从杂志编辑的位子上退休。

    He has no plans to retire as editor of the magazine .

  12. 他退休后这个职位就会撤掉。

    On his retirement the post will cease to exist .

  13. 我们大家祝愿你的退休生活长久而幸福。

    We all wish you a long and happy retirement .

  14. 她私下告诉我她要提早退休。

    She told me confidentially that she is going to retire early .

  15. 退休后,他便尽量使自己置身于政治之外。

    When he retired , he tried to distance himself from politics .

  16. 退休后到法国南方去,这个主意令人心驰神往。

    The idea of retiring to the south of France is highly seductive .

  17. 他已经暗示他打算退休。

    He has already intimated he intends to retire .

  18. 他被迫退休,工作交给了一个年轻一些的人。

    He was pensioned off and his job given to a younger man .

  19. 我们祝愿他们两位退休后颐养天年。

    We wish them both well in their retirement .

  20. 公司正式的退休年龄为65岁。

    The company 's official retiring age is 65 .

  21. 她由于身体不好而被迫早早地从教学岗位上退休。

    She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health .

  22. 他在退休时获赠这块手表。

    He was presented with the watch on the occasion of his retirement .

  23. 你考虑退休还太年轻。

    You 're too young to be contemplating retirement .

  24. 他由于身体不好而提早退休。

    He retired early on grounds of ill health .

  25. 他60岁了,就要退休了。

    At 60 , he was now approaching retirement .

  26. 提早退休者有增加的趋势。

    There is a growing trend towards earlier retirement .

  27. 苏珊要提前退休。

    Susan is going to take early retirement .

  28. 他在意大利一直工作到退休。

    He saw out his career in Italy .

  29. 去年他因身体不好被迫退休了。

    Last year ill health compelled his retirement .

  30. 几位职员自愿提前退休。

    Several staff members volunteered for early retirement .