
  1. 具体来说,第一,外商直接投资流入一方面通过结汇直接导致外汇储备增加,我国通过FDI获得了资金,但这些资金并没有用于购买外国资本品、技术和管理经验。

    China received the funds through FDI , but these funds are not used for the purchase of foreign capital goods , technology and management experience .

  2. 欧洲央行(ECB)和国际货币基金组织(IMF)的数据显示,今年到目前为止,欧洲各国央行的黄金储备增加了2.5万盎司,即0.8吨。

    European central banks have added about 25,000 ounces , or 0.8 tonnes , of gold to their reserves in the year to date , according to data from the European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund .

  3. 结论:机体对IHT适应后,可以使心率下降,心率储备增加;机体血乳酸的消除速度加快。

    CONCLUSION : IHT can decrease HR , increase HR conservation , and accelerate the disappearing rate of LA after body adaptation to IHT .

  4. 但是由ECM模型反映的短期相关关系,外汇储备增加却会由于中央的货币政策干预及不完全的市场机制这两方面的作用,进而不会对物价水平上涨产生显著的影响。

    But by the ECM model reflecting the short-term correlation between the two , because of the central monetary policy intervention and incomplete market mechanism , foreign exchange reserves will not significantly impact on the price level .

  5. 通过分析发现,在短期,如果经济增长过快或货币供应量增加,表现为GDP平减指数上涨幅度大于CPI;如果投资或外汇储备增加,则CPI上涨幅度大于GDP平减指数。

    It is found that , in the short term , if economic grow too fast or the money supply increase , the rate of GDP deflator increase greater than CPI . It is opposite that if the investment or foreign exchange reserves increase .

  6. 过去几个月,中国公布其官方黄金储备增加了1500万盎司(约450吨),超过英国、西班牙和欧洲央行(ECB)过去6年的出售总量。

    In the past few months , China has reported a rise in its official gold holdings of 15m troy ounces ( about 450 tonnes ), more than the amount sold by the UK , Spain and the European Central Bank combined in the previous six years .

  7. 针对外汇储备增加的问题有两种途径来加以控制。

    There are two simple ways to stop reserves rising .

  8. 外汇储备增加对中国通货膨胀的影响

    Influence of foreign exchange reserve increase on China 's inflation

  9. 我国外汇储备增加的通货膨胀效应实证研究&兼评外汇冲销政策的有效性

    Empirical Research on China 's Inflation Effect from Foreign Exchange Reserve 's Increase

  10. 同时,日本的外汇储备增加了2010亿美元。

    Meanwhile , Japan 's foreign currency reserves rose by $ 201 bn .

  11. 我国外汇储备增加的通胀效应及外汇冲销有效性研究

    Research on Inflation Effect of Foreign Exchange Reserve Increase and Effectiveness of Monetary Sterilization Policy in China

  12. 但就区域整体而言,美元储备增加不仅是由于赶上了油价上涨这一时期。

    But for the region as a whole , this is about more than luck with the commodity cycle .

  13. 1999年以来,遭受亚洲金融危机影响的东亚国家出现经济复苏迹象,如汇率基本稳定,股票市场活跃,出口大幅度增长,外汇储备增加。

    Since 1999 , the East Asian countries affected by the Asian financial crisis have shown signs of economic recovery .

  14. 其原因在于我国已经形成内生性和外生性两种外汇储备增加的自我强化机制。

    In this article , the author advocates that some self-strengthening mechanism leading to the accelerating increase in Forex Reserve exists .

  15. 贸易顺差减少的情况如果持续下去,外汇储备增加的速度可能会放缓。

    The smaller trade surplus , if it is sustained , would tend to slow the rate that foreign-exchange reserves accumulate .

  16. 储备增加最多的是在5月份,当时随着美国国债收益率上升,美元大幅走弱。

    The largest increase in reserves was in May , when the dollar weakened sharply as Treasury yields in the US rose .

  17. 去年上半年中国外汇储备增加了2806亿美元,主要是由于人民币会持续升值的预期。

    In the first half of 2008 , Chinese reserves rose by $ 280.6bn , largely on expectations the renminbi would continue to appreciate .

  18. 当前中国愈演愈烈的通胀风暴,并非由贸易顺差或外汇储备增加等国际因素造成,他表示。

    China 's gathering inflationary storm today is not powered by international factors , like trade surpluses or increased foreign reserves , he says .

  19. 随着时间的推移,当补贴储备增加到一定规模,股东(不是监管机构,也不是政客)就会要求银行缩减规模。

    Over time , the reserve would accumulate such that it would be shareholders not regulators or politicians that would demand the shrinking of the bank .

  20. 第三季度1410亿美元的外汇储备增加额远远高于同期392.7亿美元的贸易顺差。

    The $ 141 billion increase in reserves in the third quarter was substantially larger than China 's trade surplus for the quarter of $ 39.27 billion .

  21. 南亚区域合作联盟表示,自去年起,已经将粮食储备增加了一倍,同时计划开设一个地区种子银行。

    And the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation says it has doubled its food reserves since last year and plans to open a regional seed bank .

  22. 首先,对外贸易的高顺差造成外汇储备增加,致使人民币面临更大的升值压力,对我国的出口产业带来较大的负面影响。

    First , the high foreign exchange reserves results in a great pressure on the appreciation of the RMB , which created negative impact on the export industry .

  23. 而这次事态发生的顺序表明,沙特政府已感觉到,市场供应充足,这一点可以从美国原油储备增加中看出。

    The order of events this time reflected riyadh 's perception that the market was well supplied with oil , as seen in the increase in US crude stockpiles .

  24. 科学家使用了一种新方法让疫苗储备增加,他们说这能让更多人在流感大流行期间接种疫苗。

    Scientists have used a new method to make stockpiles of bird flu vaccine go further , saying more people could be vaccinated in the event of a pandemic .

  25. 东亚地区不断上升的经常项目盈余在2006年第二季度超过3000亿美元,继续构成外汇储备增加的主要来源。经常项目盈余比一年前上升了13.5%。

    The region 's rising current account surplus-up to over $ 300 billion in the year to the second quarter of2006-continues to finance the lion 's share of reserves growth .

  26. 例如,过去5年,这家美国巨头的油气储备增加了6%,中石油则增加了19%。

    While over the past five years the US giant has added 6 per cent to its oil and gas reserves , for example , PetroChina has added 19 per cent .

  27. 政府眼看着在截至6月底的3个月内,外汇储备增加了1300亿美元,远超过贸易顺差和外国直接投资。

    Witness the $ 130bn of foreign exchange reserves accumulated in the three months to the end of June , well in excess of the trade surplus and foreign direct investment .

  28. 为保持人民币币值稳定和防范通货膨胀,中国人民银行多次实施货币冲销政策,试图将外汇储备增加产生的通货膨胀效应降低到最低程度。

    To keep its currency stable and prevent inflation , the PBC has been implementing monetary sterilization policies many times in an attempt to minimize inflationary effects produced by increased foreign exchange reserves .

  29. 我国目前主要是通过公开市场操作和再贴现再贷款政策来冲销由于外汇储备增加引起的基础货币投放。

    Now our central bank 's sterilizing measures conclude open market operate , rediscount and re-loan , with continuous increase of foreign exchange reserve and continuous sterilization , the measures cannot achieve sterilizing target .

  30. 汇率制度一直都影响着我国货币政策的实施效果,尤其是近几年随外汇储备增加带来的外汇占款问题以及以央行票据为代表的冲销干预政策使得货币政策的实施效应产生更复杂的影响。

    Especially in recent years , along with the increasing in reserves and the foreign exchange as a representative of the central bank bills in sterilizing intervention policies , the monetary policy effect is more complex .