
  1. 我站在他面前,脑袋都快炸了,努力解释为什么会有给妈妈买套房子和赚大钱的梦想,让他对我失望。

    I stood before him with my head banging , trying to think of the words that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his disappointment in me .

  2. 颁奖典礼需穿正装,因此我得买套时髦的衣服。

    A formal event where male guests wear black bow ties with tuxedos10 The awards ceremony will be a black tie event , so I 'll have to buy a smart suit .

  3. 想用你那点薪水买套房子是根本不可能的。

    Buy a house on your salary doesn 't make sence .

  4. 我和我太太正想着尽快买套房子。

    My wife and I are looking to buy a house soon .

  5. 他会买套房子。

    He was going to buy a new house .

  6. 想法用这个给你自己买套新衣服吧。

    Try buying yourself a new frock with that .

  7. 迈克尔答应我在南汉普顿买套房子

    Michael promised to buy a place in Southampton .

  8. 我觉得我们应该买套房子。

    I feei Iike we shouid buy a house .

  9. 那就在这个波罗的海小国买套房子吧。

    Just buy property in this Baltic state .

  10. 想让我给你买套衣服吗?

    Want me to buy you a suit ?

  11. 罗书全――一位为了买套房子而拼命工作的软件工程师;

    Luo Shuquan , a software engineer who works hard to buy an apartment ;

  12. 看来我要帮你买套衣服了。

    I would have bought you a suit .

  13. 给你买套全新的西装。

    I 'm getting you a brand-new suit .

  14. 当你要买套公寓,你要考虑哪些因素?

    What factors concern you most when you 'll buy an apartment to live in ?

  15. 或者给自己买套房子吧。

    Buy a house on your own .

  16. 我给她买套睡衣。

    I 'll get her another nightgown .

  17. 妈学校的才艺表演我能买套新西服吗?

    Hey , Mom , can I get a new suit for the school talent show ?

  18. 想成为欧盟的居民吗?那就在这个波罗的海小国买套房子吧。

    Want to become a resident of the European Union ? Just buy property in this Baltic State .

  19. 车抛锚不用担心或者随心所欲地买套套装都很令我感到满意。

    The freedom to not worry when a car breaks down or I need a suit is satisfying .

  20. 他答应给我买套新公寓,但我知道那是遥遥无期的事情。

    He promised to buy me a new apartment , but I knew it was on the Greek calends .

  21. 常言道,买套房子可能是人一生中最重要的财务决策。

    Buying a house is the most important financial decision you will ever make , so the adage goes .

  22. 麦克:下班后我想去买套滑雪服。这个周末我也想去滑雪。

    Mike : I want to get some skiwear after work . I 'm going skiing this weekend , too .

  23. 举例:假如你想独自旅行,那就去旅途上认识天南海北的新朋友吧;或者给自己买套房子吧。

    For example , if you travel alone , look to meet new people on your travels . Buy a house on your own .

  24. 依我看,你可以给他买套茶具。他喜欢喝茶。

    In my opinion / I think / As I see it , you can buy him a tea set . He likes drinking tea .

  25. 他的父母在湖南做街道清洁和建筑工人,一直在努力想给他在北京买套房子。

    His parents , a street cleaner and a construction worker in Hunan , have been trying to help him buy an apartment in Beijing .

  26. 手里拿着一生辛劳所得,又只有一个孩子,如今的父母过于热心帮孩子买套房子&有时甚至是两套。

    Armed with a lifetime of savings and with just one child , parents are only too willing to lend a hand & and sometimes twice .

  27. 我相当质疑你的说法要防止我在满屋子人面前晕倒买套新西装有个毛用了

    I question your premise . How is a new suit going to prevent me from passing out in front of a ballroom full of people ?

  28. 而一旦你决定重新买套西装,那就在你承受能力范围之内买一套最好的,但是不要买太新潮的。

    If you do decide to purchase a new suit , buy the best one you can afford and make sure you don 't get anything too trendy .

  29. 对于数千万中国年轻人来说,买套房子是他们人生计划的核心内容,这样他们才能过上中产阶级的生活。

    For the tens of millions of young Chinese graduates , buying a flat is a central part of their plan to live a modern , middle-class life .

  30. 年关马上就要到了,买套骨瓷餐具回去,不管是送人还是自己用,都是一个相当不错的选择。

    Of the year soon to buy sets of bone china tableware to go back , either give as gifts or own use , are a very good choice .