
  1. 回收价格依赖于质量等级。

    The acquisition pricing is quality-dependent .

  2. 另一方面,最优回收价格在各时期需求同质分布时,随着时间而递减。

    Conversely , the optimal acquisition price is decreasing in time in the case of homogenous demand pattern .

  3. 若降低维修中心对废旧产品的单位回收价格,适当提高制造商和供应商对废旧产品残余的单位回购价格,则可提高售后服务水平达到供应链的整体最优。

    By reducing the recycling price of discarded product and raising the residual price of the discarded product , the whole optimization of supply chain was realized .

  4. 研究结果表明,实行政府对逆向供应链企业的奖惩机制可以明显改善供应链企业对于产品生产总量、回收价格和回收努力程度的最优决策,并可有效提高逆向供应链整体利润。

    The results indicate that the existence of incentive mechanism has a more positive effect on optimal decisions on production volume , recycle prices along with recycle effort , effectively improving the overall profit of the reverse supply chain .

  5. 无任何手续费,全市最高价回收,价格面议。

    Without any fee , the highest price the city 's recovery , price is negotiable .

  6. 我们是一家专门提供上门回收,价格合理,让顾客的产品能得到价值最大化。

    We are a specialized provide door-to-door recovery , the price is reasonable , let the customer 's products can get value maximization .

  7. 由于具有重量轻、可回收、价格低廉、成型灵活等优点,纸及纸板在包装工业中有着十分广泛的应用。

    A wide range of paper and paperboard is used in packaging today . The main advantages are lightness , recyclability , low cost , and flexible structure .

  8. 溶剂法回收PVC的价格远低于新PVC。

    The price of the recovered PVC by solvent process was significantly lower than that of the original PVC .

  9. 黄金的回收量对价格变化最敏感。在印度这个全球黄金珠宝购买量最大的国家里,黄金还被视为一项投资,因此价格上涨时,消费者会出售自己的珠宝。

    The most sensitive to recycling is gold – in India , the world 's biggest buyer of gold jewellery , gold is also viewed as an investment and therefore consumers sell their jewellery when prices rise .

  10. 从性能、资源、可回收刊用以及价格等方面进行了分析,钢仍是21世纪人类最重要的结构材料。

    Through the analysis of the properties of steel products , the natural resources available , the recyclability of steel and price of steel product , this paper points out : steel will still be the most important structural material for mankind .

  11. 就工业金属来说,铜回收量往往与价格的关系最为密切。

    For industrial metals , copper tends to have the closest relationship .

  12. 磺化炭类固体酸催化剂具有催化效率高、稳定性好、可回收重复利用、价格低廉等优点,在最近几年引起了新的研究热潮。

    Due to their high catalytic efficiency , good stability and reusability , sulfonated carbonaceous solid-acid catalysts have attracted much attention in past several years especially in biomass refinery .

  13. 专业生产护栏橡胶柱帽可替代原先不锈钢护栏柱帽,护栏橡胶柱帽没有回收利用价值,价格便宜,经济实惠,已开始获得广泛应用。

    Specializing in the production of rubber-parapet cap to replace the original stainless steel guardrail-hat , no guardrail rubber recycling-cap value , cheap and affordable , have begun to be widely used .

  14. 这一称为“回收价值”的价格将进而决定,在最近数月内为房贷机构提供信用担保的保险公司和银行应做的赔付。

    This price called the recovery value will in turn determine the payouts that have to be made by insurers and banks which offered credit cover on the mortgage financiers in recent months .

  15. 模型的主要假设是制造商主导、单一产品、单周期、信息完全且对称、需求量是需求价格的线性减函数,回收量是回收价格的线性增函数,销售和回收的单位渠道成本固定等。

    The main hypnoses of the models are as follows : a leading manufacturer , a single product , a single period , complete and symmetrical information , linear demand function , linear supply function of used products , average fixed cost of channel cost , et al .

  16. 在回收中,零售商的单位回收价格不超过制造商提供的单位价格一半。

    In reclamation , the retailers'unit prices couldn 't exceed half of the unit price offered by manufacturers .

  17. 在逆向物流中,回收产品的总数量由零售商提供的单位回收价格决定,而各零售商所得回收产品的份额则由零售商提供的单位回收价格与消费者偏好共同决定。

    In the reverse logistics , the total amount of returned items was determined by unit price offered by retailers , while the portions of returned items collected by retailers were decided by both unit prices from retailers and customers ' preferences .

  18. 价格是投资回收中的一个重要因素,对开发企业投资回收中的价格竞争行为和价格歧视进行了研究。

    The price is an important factor in getting back of investment , and price competition and price discrimination are researched .