
  • Return receipt;Receipt list
  1. 填写参会回执单,阐明合作项目意愿;

    Fills in the senate to meet the receipt list , Expounds the cooperation project wish ;

  2. 回执单也以附件形式送出。

    Enclosed please also find the confirmation note .

  3. 收到确认出席的回执单,我们将向您发出正式邀请函。

    We will send the formal invitation letter upon receipt of your confirming note .

  4. 标书由招标公司以邮件的形式发送到回执单指定邮箱。

    The bidding documents will be sent by Tending Company to thee-mail address which is written on the return receipt .

  5. 你不能只是说--好吧,我不会作为首席执行官去找董事会,说我需要1亿美元用于这个技术平台,然后收到,“批准。这是回执单。”

    We all know you can 't just say -- I say , well , I don 't go in as CEO , go to the board , say I need 100 million dollars for this tech platform and then , " Approved . Here 's the return . "