
  • 网络loop resistance;resistance loop;RL-ohms
  1. 防护特性在于:它减小了腐蚀介质在电极表面的集聚,阻挡了反应物和腐蚀产物的传输,增加了回路电阻,表面缺陷率是决定处理后耐蚀性的重要因素。

    Protective character depends on : it reduced the corrosive medium in the electrode surface of the cluster , blocking the reactant and corrosion product transmission , increased the loop resistance , the surface defects is decided after the corrosion resistance of handling important factors .

  2. 将串联回路电阻间的电压分配原理作为基本出发点,分析解决低压电工作业中的几个常见问题,提出了相应的对策和注意事项。

    Based on the voltage sharing principles among series loop resistance , analyzes common problems of work under low voltage , presents relevant countermeasures .

  3. 回路电阻测试仪是根据电力、电器生产和使用部门的要求,研制开发的智能型微欧级数字化工业仪表。

    Circuit resistance instrument is applied in electric power and electrical apparatus manufactory .

  4. 断路器导电回路电阻的测量

    Measurement of Contact Resistance of Circuit Breaker

  5. 断路器导电回路电阻主要取决于动、静触头之间的接触电阻。

    The resistance mostly lies on the contact resistance between moving and static contact of breaker .

  6. 用机助实验设计法解决断路器回路电阻超差问题

    Use of the Microcomputer-aided Experimental Design Method in Solving the Problems of Over-tolerance of Circuit Resistance

  7. 与传统的测试方法相比高压断路器回路电阻测试仪的特点是:测试精度高、试验速度快。

    Comparing to the traditional method this device has high testing accuracy and high testing speed to fit the testing requirement .

  8. 线圈匝数和尺寸对电磁力的影响与回路电阻和回路电感相关。

    The effect of number of turns and dimension of coil on EM force is related to the circuit resistance and inductance .

  9. 回路电阻是影响断路器运行质量的基本要素之一,通过分析断路器回路电阻值超标的原因,可有效提高设备安全运行的可靠性。

    Through analysis of causes of excess circuit resistance values of the disconnector circuit , it may increase safe operation effect of the devices .

  10. 介绍采用倒推法计算供电器的馈电级数以及通过降低回路电阻提高供电级数的方法;

    Introduces the method that calculates the power supply appliances ' series from the end and increase the power supply series by lowering return resistance .

  11. 本文提出了绕线式感应电机转子回路电阻的斩波调节原理,设计了双环调速系统,并进行了计算机辅助设计和仿真研究。

    This paper presents a chopper adapting principle of rotor 's resistance of induction motor , develops a two loops speed governing system , and gives computer simulation results .

  12. 研究发现,随着回路电阻、回路电感、线圈-工件间隙和板厚的增加,最大轴向力密度呈指数减小。

    The results indicate that the maximum EM force density is decreased with increasing the circuit resistance , the inductance , the gap distance between coil and workpiece and the workpiece thickness .

  13. 文中还分析了影响暂态过程仿真精度的因素,认为铁心局部饱和、铁心剩磁、转速变化及回路电阻变化是产生仿真误差的重要原因。

    This paper also analyzes the causes of transient simulation errors , and recognizes the iron partial saturation , iron residual magnetic , rotation speed change and circuit resistance change cause the errors .

  14. 研究设计了无损检测系统,分析讨论了环境温度、回路电阻对温升曲线的影响,并对瞬态脉冲试验的无损性进行了验证试验和分析。

    Having designed the non-wearing testing system the essay analyzes the influence on the temperature-rising curve by the surrounding temperature and the loop resistance and then the non-wearing nature of the transient pulse test is verified .

  15. 传统的模拟伺服回路其电阻、电容等器件受工作环境影响,易老化、漂移,且无法实现复杂控制,DSP以及控制算法的发展为伺服回路的数字化设计提供了可能;

    For traditional analog servo loop , aging and temperature can cause component variations , especially in complex environment , and it 's hard to implement complex algorithm with analog system .

  16. 220kV组合电器主回路直流电阻增大的原因分析

    Causal Analysis of Main Circuit DC Resistance Increasing in a 220 kV Gas-insulated Metal-enclosed Switchgear

  17. 本文从原理和实验两个方面都证明采用GTR斩波器,自动调节他励直流电动机电枢回路附加电阻Rc,使其等效阻值与转速成线性变化。

    This paper demonstrated that with a GTR chopper and the autoregulations of the external resistance Rc in the amature circuits of a separately excited DC motor , the equivalent values of Rc varied with the motor speed linearly from principles and experiments .

  18. 彩电中放谐振回路并联电阻展宽通频带原理分析

    How the Resistance Broadens Transmission Bands in Parallel Resonance Loop

  19. 介绍了断路器导电回路的电阻测量的常见方法,主要介绍了微欧仪的测量原理。

    Several ways of measuring contact resistance of circuit breaker are introduced in this paper , and the μΩ instrument is mainly discussed .

  20. 噪声试验中,通过变换回路采样电阻值的大小来验证阻值不同对输出的影响。

    In the noise testing , we changed the value of the sampling resistor of the closed-loop to observe its influence on the output noise level .

  21. 该方法通过分级调节转子回路附加电阻,难以实现无级平滑调速,调节性能差。

    This method regulates speed by changing the number of steps of the additional resistor in the rotor circuit , so it 's hard to realize smooth speed-regulation .

  22. 据此仿真模型,进行了并励直流电动机的直接起动、降压起动、电枢回路串电阻起动的实例仿真实验,给出了有关仿真结果。

    Then the model is applied to simulate the direct start-up process , the reduced voltage starting process and the starting process with series resistance in the armature circuit .

  23. 以上的降压起动都属有级起动,起动特性不理想,切除时造成二次冲击电流无法解决,不能实现频繁起动。对绕线型电动机通常采用转子回路串电阻的起动方法。

    These starting methods listed are not perfectly , which is step to step starting . Frequent starting and stopping can not be realized because it create a great impact on the current .

  24. 得出如下结论:选择适当的仪器和回路的电阻使标准激励回路与待测激励回路的脉冲电流时间常数相近可以很好地减少系统误差。

    Because of the appropriate selection of the equipment and resistance in circuit , time constants in standard circuit and those in pulse circuit are nearly the same , thus system error can be deduced .

  25. 本文分析变频器输入回路分布电阻和分布电感对输入电流的影响,并推导出输入电流的数值解。

    This paper firstly analyzes the influence of the distributed resistance and inductance on the input current in the input circuit of frequency inverter , and then derives the numerical solution of the input current .

  26. 并于分析振荡频率偏移的原因之后指出:对于小功率发射机,用在其功放级基极回路串电阻的简单方法,也能有效地提高其振荡频率的稳定性。

    It is pointed out in the paper that , for a low-powered transmitter , the frequency stability may be effectively improved by simply inserting a resistance in series with the base circuit of the power amplifer stage .

  27. 在熔滴与熔池发生短路及液体小桥爆断这两个最容易产生飞溅的时刻,利用大功率电子开关元件切换焊接回路外串电阻的方法及时降低焊接回路中的电流。

    At the two moments when spatter is most easily produced short circuiting between droplet and welding puddle and the liquid bridge exploding welding current is reduced in time by the method of high power element switching the resistance which is in settes connection with the welding circuit .

  28. 传统的励磁回路采用线性电阻灭磁,间隙保护作为转子过电压保护,这种励磁接线具有很多缺点。

    Traditional excitation circuit adopts linear resistant for demagnetization and clearance protection as rotor over voltage protection .

  29. 对于没有提刷装置,外接电阻的短接靠外接接触器执行的现有绕线电动机,提出了将其滑环直接短接,改转子回路外接电阻起动为降压起动的办法。

    For the existing wound-rotor type electric motor without brush lifting device and its external rotor resistance short circuited by external contactor . the method of directly short circuiting the slip rings and transforming the external rotor resistance starting to reduced-voltage starting is put forward .

  30. 通过引入金属桥箔电阻非线性变化的FIRESET模型,考虑回路电感及回路电阻,计算了负载为铜桥箔时的铁电体的电响应。

    The non-linear resistance model was used for the metal bridge foil .