
  • 网络Avoidance principle;avoidance strategy
  1. 充分体现儒家思想的亲亲相匿的证人回避原则等特点。

    Fully embodies Confucianism " kiss the anonymous " witnesses avoid the principle characteristics .

  2. 提前介入制度与侦查保密制度、回避原则的冲突之处,是可以解决的,这有待在制度的设计上进一步完善。

    Conflicts with the secret investigation system and the challenge principle can be solved when the system is further improved .

  3. 国际米兰主席马西莫·莫拉蒂最近透露,租借条款中并没有回避原则,即规定雷科巴在与国际米兰的比赛不能代表都灵队出场。

    Inter Milan president Massimo Moratti has revealed there 's no clause in Alvaro Recoba 's loan deal preventing him from facing the Serie A champs for Torino .

  4. 第二节针对地方立法听证主持人的问题,提出确立合理的遴选原则(独立听证原则、回避原则)、严格的资质要求(法律、立法经验、能力、职业道德方面)、明确的职责权限等建议。

    In Section II , it proposes to establish a reasonable selection principle ( the principle of an independent hearing , abstention doctrine ), the strict qualification requirements including legislative experience , ability and so on , a clear responsibility and authority , to solve the problems of the chairperson .

  5. 本文拟借鉴国外经验,通过建立起职能分离和回避等原则来保障听证主持人的独立性。

    By referencing the external experience , this text plans to ensure the independent character of hearing host through setting up function separation and principles of avoiding etc.

  6. SWOT矩阵分析,通过内、外部关键因素的匹配,本着发挥优势、利用机会、克服弱点、回避威胁的原则,产生NC公司发展的备选战略。

    SWOT matrix analysis , through internal and external key factor in the match , the spirit of play to our strengths , exploit opportunities , overcome weaknesses , avoid threats to the principle , resulting in NC alternative strategy for the development . 4 .

  7. 我国当代有关公务员制度中虽也有任官回避方面的原则性规定,仍不适应新形势下的新情况。

    There are provisions in matters of principle on officials ' challenge system in the contemporary public servant system , but they don 't fit in with the new situation .

  8. 英国的“自然公正原则”源于自然法的概念,自然法要求采取回避和听取申辩原则。

    Britain 's " the principle of natural justice " originated from natural law , whose principles include the withdrawal and representations .