
huí ɡù zhǎn
  • retrospective exhibition
回顾展 [huí gù zhǎn]
  • [review exhibit] 为回顾过去而举办的展览会(指重演或重映优秀的戏曲、电影等)

  1. 他们在1987年为他举办了一次回顾展,以示敬意。

    They honoured him with a retrospective exhibition in 1987 .

  2. 过去3个月,伟大的纽约大都会博物馆(MetropolitanMuseum)一直在举办已故英国时装设计师麦昆的作品回顾展。

    For the past three months , the mighty Metropolitan Museum in New York has been running a retrospective exhibition of the work of McQueen , the late British fashion designer .

  3. 这是自1998年以来的首场罗思科作品大型回顾展,包括他鲜艳的色场(ColorField)帆布画。

    The first major retrospective of Rothko 's work since 1998 , featuring his luminous Color Field canvases divided into hovering rectangles .

  4. 德国电影节基本上由中国的歌德学院(Goethe-InstitutChina)主办,施隆多夫作品的回顾展是本届电影节的重头戏。

    The German film festival , largely organized by the Goethe-Institut China , had as its centerpiece a retrospective of Mr. Schl ? ndorff 's films .

  5. 他们广博丰富的作品与墨西哥建筑师路易斯?巴拉甘(LuisBarragan)的作品一同在墨西哥现代艺术博物馆(Mexico'sMuseumofModernArt)的一个回顾展上亮相,该展览已在10月下旬开幕。

    The breadth of Neri & Hu 's work is being featured in a retrospective at Mexico 's Museum of Modern Art , which opened this week , alongside that of Mexican architect Luis Barragan .

  6. 明年,惠特尼美术馆(Whitney)将为东村肮脏艺术第一人大卫·沃伊纳洛维茨(DavidWojnarowicz)举办15年来的首场回顾展;

    Next year , the Whitney will mount the first retrospective of David Wojnarowicz , the ultimate East Village grunge artist , in over 15 years ;

  7. 本届电影节将举办让-吕克·戈达尔(Jean-LucGodard)的回顾展,并在中国首次展映《星球大战》(StarWars)系列的全部六部影片。

    The festival will feature a Jean-Luc Godard retrospective as well as a first-ever screening in China of the six-film " Star Wars " saga .

  8. 夏威夷大学人类学家克里斯汀·R·矢野(ChristineR.Yano)正在为全美日裔国立博物馆的凯蒂猫艺术回顾展撰写文字说明,《洛杉矶时报》引述了她的考证。

    The Times quotes Christine R. Yano , an anthropologist from the University of Hawaii , who was preparing the written text for a retrospective of Hello Kitty art at the Japanese American National Museum .

  9. 去年秋天,静安嘉里中心——该中心在上海有几个连锁店——举办了《Elle》中国版的25年摄影回顾展;

    Last fall Jing'an Kerry Center , a chain throughout the city , held a 25-year retrospective of photography from Elle China ;

  10. 杰奎琳是巴黎贵族,曾是伊夫·圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)和瓦伦蒂诺(Valentino)的灵感缪斯,而且经营自己的设计生意。这是一个关于她的回顾展。

    A Parisian aristocrat who served as a muse to Yves Saint Laurent and Valentino , but also ran her own design business , gets a retrospective .

  11. 他还装上了礼服,因为他已经知道自己要去洛杉矶参加一场盛大的活动——马塞尔·杜尚(MarcelDuchamp)的作品回顾展。

    And he packed his tuxedo because he knew he was going to a big event in L.A. - a retrospective of Marcel Duchamp 's work .

  12. 他的摊位上最醒目地展示出一尊闪亮的蓝色不锈钢海豚雕塑,是杰夫·库恩斯(JeffKoons)的作品,他的回顾展本月将在惠特尼美国艺术馆展出。

    Prominently displayed in his booth is a shiny blue stainless-steel sculpture of a dolphin by Jeff Koons , whose retrospective is opening this month at the Whitney Museum of American Art .

  13. 在惠特尼市中心的新馆,展着《弗兰克·斯特拉:回顾展》(FrankStella:ARetrospective)。罗伯塔史密斯写道:“这个展览提供了这位神话般、邪恶面的艺术家固执呈现的作品。”

    Downtown , at the Whitney 's new home , there 's " Frank Stella : A Retrospective . " Ms. Smith wrote that " the show provides an overdue update on the mythic , maligned artist who has adamantly done it his way . "

  14. 英国艺术家(CorneliaParker)的作品回顾展正在进行,将持续至5月31日;中国艺术家蔡国强的作品正在新的景观展厅展出,将持续至6月21日。

    Through May 31 , a retrospective of the English artist Cornelia Parker 's work is on display , and one on the Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang continues through June 21 in the new landscape gallery .

  15. 去年惠特尼美国艺术博物馆在自己的杰夫·昆斯(JeffKoons)回顾展上分发卡片,上面用大写字母写道:昆斯的作品很适合自拍!鼓励游客把自拍照发到Instagram上。

    The Whitney Museum of American Art , at its Jeff Koons retrospective last year , passed out cards proclaiming , in capital letters , Koons Is Great for Selfies ! and urged visitors to post their work on Instagram .

  16. 此次的全面回顾展由蓬皮杜的副馆长弗雷德里克·米盖鲁(FrédéricMigayrou)策展,此外他还在基金会大楼组织了一个规模小一些的精品展,展出盖里先生的展开图。

    Fr é d é ric Migayrou , the deputy director of the Pompidou , organized the full retrospective and a smaller boutique show of Mr. Gehry 's development drawings that will be on view at the Foundation .

  17. 当然,阿玛尼已经证明,所有人都错了:在古根海姆博物馆(Guggenheim)近日举办的阿玛尼回顾展中,他的晚礼服占了很大一部分,而他的配饰业务在2003年到2005年间增长了200%。

    Armani has , of course , proved everyone wrong regarding all the above , with his evening wear composing a large chunk of the Guggenheim 's recent Armani retrospective and his accessories growing 200 per cent from 2003 to 2005 .

  18. 我们在柏林波参观波塔贝拉回顾展。

    We 're at the portabella retrospective in berlin .

  19. 这次回顾展有两点明显的例外。

    There are two conspicuous exclusions from the retrospective .

  20. 然而1994年泰特美术馆的一场回顾展引来了针对个人的尖刻评论。

    A retrospective at the Tate Gallery in 1994 had drawn caustic personal reviews .

  21. 一场好的博物馆回顾展总能投射出一位艺术家作品的新意。

    A good museum retrospective invariably casts fresh light on an artist 's work .

  22. 现代艺术博物馆正在举办雷伊全部作品的回顾展。

    The Museum of modern art is presenting a complete retrospective of ray 's work .

  23. 法国电影的永恒魅力&2005法国电影回顾展影片扫描

    The Eternal Charm of the French Cinema

  24. 法国国家图书馆为他的绘画作品举办了个人回顾展。

    The Biblioth è que nationale de France in Paris organizes a retrospective of his graphic work .

  25. 参加油画学会“大河上下&新时期中国油画回顾展”,中国美术馆;

    " Along the Great River " organized by the Oil Painting Society , NAMOC , Beijing .

  26. 1992年在上海举办“胡善余先生从艺六十年油画作品回顾展”,并召开胡善馀油画艺术研讨会。

    In1992 , Hu Shanyu 's Retrospective Oil Painting Exhibition and a symposium were held in Shanghai .

  27. 这位杰出的英国摄影师已在加利福尼亚生活多年,而他的回顾展已准备就绪。

    This outstanding British photographer has lived in California for many years but the retrospective is ready and waiting .

  28. 资料馆每年均会与社区文娱中心合办两个影片回顾展,以引起市民对本地电影的兴趣。

    It co-organises two film retrospectives with the community arts centres each year to arouse public interest in local cinema .

  29. (2014年11月28日)至2015年3月22日,罗丹雕塑回顾展在中国国家博物馆举行。

    The National Museum of China is hosting a retrospective show of Rodin 's creations until March 22 , 2015 .

  30. 比如说我们再举个例子,以前我看到一个美国的博物馆的展览报道,基费儿的大型回顾展《五十年的辉煌》。

    Ok , let me give you an example . I read a report on an exhibition of American museum early on ;