
huí fǎn
  • return;come or go back
回返 [huí fǎn]
  • [return] 返还,回来

  • 日内回返京师

  1. 赤道西太平洋海区末次盛冰期以来δ18O值显著降低,但有几次回返事件。

    It has been demonstrated that the δ ~ ( 18 ) O in the west Pacific significantly decreased since the last glacial maximum together with , however , a few return events such as the cooling events during the Younger Dryas period of 13.7 ~ 12.2 cal .

  2. 关于难民和流离失所者自愿回返的四方协定;

    Quadripartite agreement on voluntary return of refugees and displaced persons ;

  3. 它表明榴辉岩回返时首先沿俯冲带缓慢上升到较浅部位,出现与进变质过程相似的P-T轨迹;

    It indicates that the eclogites may , firstly , ascend slowly along the subduction zone to a shallow level , resulting in a P-T path similar to the prograde path ;

  4. 在蛹体内繁殖的AcNPV的游离病毒可以回返感染Sf&21细胞。

    The extracellular budded virus of Ac NPV reproduced in the silkworm pupa infected Sf - 21 cell line again .

  5. 回返动脉为ACA-A1段发出的穿动脉中最粗大的血管,起源部位、行程及数量变异大。

    Recurrent artery of Heubner was the thickest among the perforating arteries of ACA-A1 segment . It original location ? course and amount varied much .

  6. 前交通动脉全长1.9±0.3mm,在前交通动脉上方0.9±0.2mm,大脑前动脉A2段前外壁发出Heubner回返动脉,分布于胼胝体、基底节、下丘脑及额叶脑组织。

    Heubner reccurent artery arises from A2 segment of the anterior cerebral artery , 0.9 ± 0.2 mm above anterior communicating artery , and supplies to corpus callosum , basal ganglia , hypothalamus and frontal lobe .

  7. 援助流离失所者、难民和回返者方案;

    Programme in favour of displaced persons , refugees and returnees ;

  8. 你本应该回返的!

    You 're supposed to drop back into coverage , lucky !

  9. 回返家园,结束愉快旅程。

    Time to leave home with memories of a pleasant trip .

  10. 非洲境内难民、回返者和流离失所者的情况;

    Situation of refugees , returnees and displaced persons in africa ;

  11. 三门峡王官与武威沙沟黄土记录中的末次间冰期向末次冰期转换期的暖性回返事件

    A warm-return event during the transition of last interglacial-glacial cycle

  12. 在人失去意识后,这种“回返加工”也随之烟消云散。

    When somebody is unconscious , the recurrent proc-essing disappears .

  13. 向埃塞俄比亚境内的回返者提供有限援助特别方

    Special Programme of Limited Assistance to Returnees in Ethiopia

  14. 在布鲁姆餐厅共用晚餐,午夜护航回返

    dinner at Broome 's , I 'll have you home by midnight .

  15. 右江弧后盆地的关闭经历了突变式回返褶皱和渐变隆起上升两种不同的构造作用。

    The closure ofYoujiang back-arc basin went through abrupt inversing-folding and gradual uplifting .

  16. 没人知道自己还能不能回返家乡。

    None of us knew if we were gonna go back home again .

  17. 回返的作业程序问题联合工作组

    Joint Working Group on the Operational Procedures of Return

  18. 流离失所者、难民、流亡人员回返和住所方案

    Programme for the Return and Accommodation of Displaced Persons , Refugees and Exiled Persons

  19. 关于紧急情况、难民、回返者和流离失所者问题的署长高级顾问

    Senior Adviser to the Administrator on Emergency , Refugees , Returnees and Displaced Persons

  20. 关于有组织回返的方法的说明;

    Instructions on the methods for organized return ;

  21. 宋承宪将于星期四回返韩国。

    Song will return to Korea on thursday .

  22. 南海北部末次冰消期及快速气候回返事件

    The last deglaciation in the South China Sea and the rapid climate return event

  23. 钦州残余地槽回返时期的思考

    Consideration on inversion period of Qinzhou residual geosyncline

  24. 你想让不可回返的往昔纯真复活吗?

    Do you want to let incapable of going back old days naively revive ?

  25. 午餐后,将送往机场回返吉隆坡。

    After lunch , transfer to airport for your flight back to Kuala Lumpur .

  26. 烧毁了他们与文明世界间的桥梁,斩断了他们回返的念头。

    Burning the bridge between them and civilization .

  27. 成果表明,淮南矿区煤深成变质的阶段性和回返期后的变质作用相当显著;

    Results show that the post orogenic metamorphism in Huainan coal district was quite distinct ;

  28. 支持中美洲难民、回返者和流离失所者的协调行动计划

    Concerted Plan of Action in Favour of Central American Refugees , Returners and Displaced Persons

  29. 南部非洲境内难民、回返者和流离失所者困境问题国际会议

    International Conference on the Plight of Refugees , Returnees and Displaced Persons in Southern Africa

  30. 还协助了政府对那家公司的调查工作。政府回返问题协调委员会

    And it also helped the government investigate the company . Government Coordination Committee on Return