
  • 网络horse archer;Cavalry Archer
  1. 库尔德弓骑兵身穿鳞甲,能有效抵御敌军攻击。

    Protected by lamellar armour , giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks .

  2. 一般类型:地方兵种这些来自游牧民族社会底层的战士长年习惯马背生涯,因此成为出色弓骑兵。

    Accustomed to life in the saddle these hardy bowmen come from the poorer level of nomad society and make excellent horse archers .

  3. 马扎尔骑兵是天生的弓骑兵,装备复合弓和轻型链甲。

    These natural horsemen are armed with a composite bow and wear light armour .

  4. 步行弓骑兵一应装备由国王拨款购置。

    Well armed and armoured by the King .

  5. 弓骑兵即便步行作战威力仍旧十分惊人。

    These light mounted missile troops have dismounted , yet they are still formidable warriors .

  6. 拜占庭弓骑兵身穿镶甲或链甲,装备复合弓和长剑。

    They wear padded or mail armour and are equipped with a composite bow and sword .

  7. 这些弓骑兵通常下马作战,因为步下射击威力更为惊人。

    They often enter battle dismounted as their bow is much more potent when used on foot .

  8. 瓦达瑞泰弓骑兵军纪森严,训练有素,身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,使用强力复合短弓。

    Disciplined and highly trained , the Vardariotai wear light armour and fire a composite bow from horseback .

  9. 重装弓骑兵尽管钟爱骑马厮杀,但有时亦会步行作战。

    Despite preferring to fight on horseback , these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot .

  10. 尽管钟意骑马厮杀,这些弓骑兵有些时候仍会步行作战。

    Despite preferring to fight on horseback , these warriors have left their mounts behind to fight on foot .

  11. 哈萨克弓骑兵自小在马背上长大,因此皆为出色弓骑兵,但近身格斗颇为脆弱。

    Kazaks are accustomed to being on horseback ; they make good horse archers , but are vulnerable in melee .

  12. 塞尔柱弓骑兵装备战弓和简陋盔甲,效力于依附十字军国家的本地埃米尔。

    Basic Seljuk missile cavalry troops armed bows and little armour , belonging to Amirs who have aligned themselves with Crusaders .

  13. 德沃亲卫骑兵为当地王子或高阶贵族效力,跻身最为出色的弓骑兵。

    In the service of the local Prince or high status Boyar , Dvors are amongst the best missile cavalry available .

  14. 迫于压力,汗国将不得不背弃哥萨克统领,携其来去如风的弓骑兵他往。

    The Crimean Khanate may be forced to betray the Cossack Hetmanate and take its lightening fast army of mounted bowmen elsewhere .

  15. 塞西亚弓骑兵是拜占庭军中服役的亚洲游牧弓骑兵,他们身穿轻甲,装备复合弓和短剑。

    Asiatic Nomads , who serve the Byzantine Empire as horse archers , wearing little armour and armed with a composite bow .

  16. 马穆鲁克弓骑兵以奴隶身份进入埃及,自童年始即接受作战训练。他们箭法如神,近战搏杀亦颇为出色。

    Bought as slaves , and trained from boyhood , these formidable soldiers excel at archery , but can also hold their own in melee .