
zhuǎn jìn
  • retreat
  1. 格林菲尔德转进下一个小巷,停好车。

    Greenfield turned into the next side street and parked

  2. 另外还将P1943-GUS转进烟草中,研究其在双子叶植物中的特异性。

    In addition , the same P1943-GUS fusion construct was introduced into tobacco to analyze its specificity in dicotyledon .

  3. 敌军撤退,能是在转进,重组队形。

    A retreating enemy is probably just falling back and regrouping .

  4. 联营各方转进转出资金的汇兑损失

    Exchange losses arising from transfers of funds to and from related parties

  5. 钱转进帐户又转出去了。

    The money is moving in and then out of the account .

  6. 看有无机会轻易转进更多资料

    Look for opportunities to easily convert and import more data

  7. 汽车突然转进停车场,差点撞着我。

    The car swung into the car park and nearly hit me .

  8. 我想把钱全转进新帐户。

    I would like to move all my money into a new account .

  9. 钱已经转进我的账户。

    The money has been transferred into my account .

  10. 他转进苏合的幽静的角落里。

    He turned into the quiet corner in Soho .

  11. 兰登急忙将目光转进车内,深深地吸了口气。

    Langdon turned his gaze back inside the cab and took a deep breath .

  12. 转进中心的二级帐户了。

    Furthered it into a secondary center account .

  13. 羊跟着放羊的转进村庄,

    Sheep follow the shepherd into the village ,

  14. 学校转学率极佳,学生在本校完成课程后,不论转进或转出华盛顿州均很容易。

    SFCC has an excellent transfer reputation to colleges in and out of Washington state .

  15. 把你的财产转进人头户里。

    Transferring your holdings into dummy accounts .

  16. 福特猛然转进了一个小隔间,手一动,把机器人也扯了进来。

    Ford turned sharply into a small alcove , cupped his hand and yanked the flying robot in with him .

  17. 自1861年开埠,汉口开始了由传统商业市镇向近代化都市的快速转进。

    Since the trading port opened in 1861 , Hankou turned into a modern city from a traditional commerce town .

  18. 朱熹美学的真正价值就在于对中国古典诠释学美学的创造性转进与拓展。

    The true value of Zhuxi 's Aesthetics lays in which it creatively transferred and expanded the classical Hermeneutics Aesthetics of China .

  19. 此后他为了避免自己的军队被俘,向新泽西转进。把炮口转向敌人开火

    After that he marched away into New Jersey to save his army from being taken . swing the gun towards the enemy and fire

  20. 随后在IT业负责的同伴,为我日本语博客工作的朋友拒尽在博客贴出文章或者转进认购款项。

    Then the company in charge of IT for my Japanese language subscription blog refused to put up the blog or pass on subscription payments .

  21. 实际上,这就意味着当顾客在网上进行预订时,它会自动转进酒店自身的管理系统而不会受到任何人为干扰。

    Practically it means , when on-line reservation is made , it is automatically transfered to hotel management system of the particular hotel without any human interference .

  22. 我打亮指示灯,朝一边看看那条车道上有没有车,然后打方向盘把车转进了另一条车道。

    I put the indicator on , looked over my shoulder to make sure the lane was clear and turned the wheel to move the car into the other lane .

  23. 他急忙下往,赶到大路上,正好看见一辆马车转进小银行家街,回巴黎城区往了。

    He descended in all haste , and reached the boulevard in time to see a fiacre turning the corner of the Rue du Petit-Banquier , on its way back to Paris .

  24. 随着人类社会实现从农业文明到工业文明的转进,工业文明的极大发展给我们赖以生存和发展的自然生态环境带来了空前的毁坏。

    As the human society to achieve transfer from agricultural civilization to industrial civilization , industrial civilization of great development for our survival and development of the natural ecological environment has brought the unprecedented destruction .

  25. 我们转进停车场,看见七、八个抗议者沿着栅栏站着:几个年长的妇女和看起来象一家人-一个男人,一个女人带着两个孩子。

    We turned into the parking lot and saw7 or8 protesters gathered along a fence : several older women and what looked to be a family – a man and woman with two young children .

  26. 考察先秦儒家民本思想现代转进的模式,大致分为中体西用、西体中用、中西互通三种。

    Inspect the modern transformable pattern of pre-qin Confucian people-based thought , roughly divided into three kinds , including " Chinese-substance western-use ", " western-body Chinese-use "," communicate Chinese and western with each other " .

  27. 沿着大运公路走进晋商大院,便是走进了晋商文化的脉络,在晋商大院里转进转出,就像是翻开了一本本关于传统文化、风俗习惯、晋商历史的大书。

    Along the transports road enter to the Shanxi business courtyard , as entered to the culture vein of the Shanxi business . When you walks along the Shanxi business courtyard , as if opens a book on the traditional culture , the manners and customs and Shanxi business history .

  28. 比尔脑筋一转,进了店门。

    An idea came to Bill and e went into the store .

  29. 比尔脑筋一转,进了商店。

    An idea came to bill and he went into the store .

  30. 给出并分析了高中压转于进汽区在不同温升率下启动时的金属温差及转子表面热应力随时间的变化规律。

    The time-dependent metal temperature difference and thermal stress on the surface for the inlet portion of the H.