
  • 网络recycled Plastic;Recycled Material
  1. 农业剩余物纤维-回收塑料复合材料界面偶联剂的合成及表征

    Synthesis and Characteristics of Interfacial Coupling Agents for Agro-residues / Recycled Plastics Composite

  2. 显示器同样符合能源标准和绿电金奖的要求。显示器同样使用无卤素材料制作,底座还采用了25%可回收塑料。

    The device meets Energy Star and EPEAT Gold standards , while integrating halogen-free laminates and using a chassis composed of25-percent post-consumer recycled plastics .

  3. 例如,回收塑料和铝所消耗的能量只有生产新塑料或冶炼铝的5%到10%。

    Recycling plastics and aluminum , for instance , uses only 5 % to l0 % as much energy as producing new plastic or smelting aluminum .

  4. 你可以回收塑料瓶和杯子来种东西。

    You can recycle plastic bottles and cups to grow something .

  5. 他的制造商是东南亚的“mrgreen”公司,而greenpac公司已经签订了合同,保证自己享有在英国和欧洲独家销售回收塑料瓶纺织品的权利。

    His manufacturer is the " Mr Green " of South-East Asia and greenpac has contracts in place guaranteeing the business exclusive rights to market the recycled bottle fabric in the UK and Europe .

  6. 这组塑像是有不同种类不同色彩的可回收塑料袋制作而成。

    These are made from a wide range of colorful recycled plastic .

  7. 奥比斯公司是一家从事设计和制造可回收塑料包装。

    ORBIS Corporation is engaged in designing and manufacturing returnable plastic packaging .

  8. 多用布袋子、回收塑料袋。

    Carry a cloth bag for carrying things in and recycle your plastic bags .

  9. 木材纤维/回收塑料复合材料工艺及性能的研究

    A Study on the Process and Performance of Wood Fiber / Recycled Plastic Composites

  10. 可回收塑料袋制作的靴子。

    Boots made of recycled plastic bags .

  11. 这顶帽子是用家得宝连锁店和艾伯森公司的可回收塑料购物袋做成的。

    This hat was made from recycled plastic shopping bags from The Home Depot and Albertson 's.

  12. 致电当地杂货店和零售商店,看一下在何处回收塑料袋。

    Call your local grocery and retail stores to see where you can recycle your plastic bags .

  13. 难民村里一个建筑是用主要由回收塑料袋制作的砖头建造的。

    One of the structures in the SMU village was built with bricks made mostly from recycled plastic bags .

  14. 这个很结实的1米见方的回收塑料盒能适合个人需要。

    It is1 metre cubed and made of a robust recycled plastic that can be adapted to individual needs .

  15. 从空水瓶中回收塑料树脂的公司声称他们无法得到收集到足够的旧瓶子。

    Companies that reclaim the plastic resin from empty beverage bottles say they can 't get enough of the stuff .

  16. 这款文胸由可回收塑料制作而成,两个文胸绑在一起就成了种植用的花盆,盆子还可兼作水杯使用。

    The bra , made of recyclable plastic , can be tied together to create pots that also double as the cups .

  17. 木/塑复合材料的制备对寻求木材的替代材料具有重要意义,也是回收塑料再生利用的有效途径之一。

    Preparation of wood plastic composites ( WPC ) is one of the important methods to replace natural wood and recycle waste plastics .

  18. 文胸罩杯由可回收塑料制成,可拼接成一个小花盆。

    The bra ( see photo ), made of recyclable plastic , can be tied together to create pots out of the bra 's cups .

  19. 该公司专注于提供的产品和服务有关的可回收塑料包装,瓦楞纸箱包装和购买点显示,药品的标签和包装产品。

    The company focuses on providing products and services related to returnable plastic packaging , corrugated packaging and point-of-purchase displays , pharmaceutical labeling and packaging products .

  20. 办公设备多年来一直是污染和废物的来源,产生大量数以吨计的不可回收塑料、危险化学品和非生物降解的成分。

    Office equipment has been for years a source of pollution and waste , producing tons of non-recyclable plastics , dangerous chemicals , and massive amounts of non-biodegradable components .

  21. 尽量少用,重复使用,回收塑料购物袋,不要将它们丢到垃圾填埋场,既可以减少浪费,又可以保持环境清洁。

    Help reduce waste and keep our environment clean by making an effort to reduce , reuse , and recycle plastic grocery bags , keeping them out of the landfills .

  22. 在每一张购物清单顶部写下“回收塑料袋”字样,以便下次购物时不要忘记携带可回收塑料袋。

    Write down the words , " recycle plastic bags , " at the top of every grocery list as to not forget to bring your recyclable plastic bags with you on your next grocery store visit .

  23. 介绍了低温破碎的国内外研究现状,低温破碎的原理与制冷技术,着重分析了低温破碎在回收塑料、橡胶、金属、电子废弃物等固物中的应用。

    This paper presents a description on cryogenic grinding progress at home and abroad , the principle of cryogenic grinding and the typical refrigeration systems , as well as its application in the recovery of solid materials such as discarded plastic , rubber , metal , electronic wastes , etc.

  24. 回收PET塑料的低温固相反应挤出

    Solid-state and Reactive Extrusion of Recycled PET

  25. 当初Steelcase公司寻找一种能够替代PVC(一种可引发致癌隐患、排出有毒气体的材料)的材料时,这家家具制造商选择了一种名为TPU、更加安全、进而可升级回收的塑料。

    When the furniture maker Steelcase ( SCS ) was looking to replace PVCs , which is a carcinogenic precursor and will off-gas toxins , it turned to a plastic called TPU which was safer and therefore could be upcycled .

  26. 马克·库姆就是这其中的一员,他的公司正在回收工业塑料废品。

    One of them is Mark Combe , whose company is recycling industrial plastic waste .

  27. 同时它是由可回收的塑料材质制成,对于环保也是有益的。

    It 's even made from recycled plastic , which is an added bonus for the enivronment !

  28. 一种新型的人造板&木塑复合刨花板本研究得出了木材-回收聚苯乙烯塑料复合刨花板较优的生产工艺,并采用重复试验的方法验证了这一工艺条件。

    A sort of new type flakeboard-wood-plastic flake board In this paper the rational composite-manufacturing conditions were obtained .

  29. 收集其他可回收的塑料袋,包括干燥清洁的袋子,面包袋,报纸袋和农产品包装袋。

    Collect other recyclable plastic bags including dry-cleaning bags , bread bags , newspaper bags , and produce bags .

  30. 华丽时�这是一个巴塔哥尼亚新生产的85美元的套衫,由大约25个可回收的塑料的软饮料瓶制造而成。

    Pop Fashion This is Patagonia 's new $ 85 pullover , made from about 25 recycled plastic soft - drink bottles .