
gōng nuǎn
  • heating;supply heating
供暖[gōng nuǎn]
  1. 热电冷系统利用吸收式制冷技术给设备供暖和制冷。

    Combined heat and power ( CHP ) systems often use absorption technology to supply heating and cooling to a facility .

  2. 增加房子的隔热性能会有助于减少供暖费用。

    Better insulation of your home will help to reduce heating bills .

  3. 系统产生的能量足以给几千户人家供暖。

    The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes .

  4. 你们用什么供暖?

    What type of heating do you have ?

  5. 这房子是煤气供暖的。

    The house is heated by gas .

  6. 你得先把中央供暖系统的水排净再更换散热器。

    You will need to drain the central heating system before you replace the radiator .

  7. 这所房子有燃气中央供暖系统。

    The house has gas-fired central heating .

  8. 该供暖系统可自动关闭。

    The heating switches off automatically .

  9. 休所作的另一个改变是安装中央供暖系统。

    Another change that Sue made was to install central heating .

  10. 高额电费开支说明供暖系统不足或建筑隔热材料不良。

    High electricity bills point to a poor heating system or bad insulation

  11. 他们的第一份工作就是给整个房子重新布线,并安装中央供暖系统。

    Their first job was to rewire the whole house and install central heating

  12. 中央供暖系统开始工作,弄得那些老掉牙的木板嘎吱作响。

    The central heating was coming on and the ancient wooden boards creaked .

  13. 你仍可以找到包括供暖在内每周租金150英镑的度假别墅。

    You can still find cottages for £ 150 a week , including heating .

  14. 确保所有的煤气取暖器和中央供暖的锅炉每年都检修一次。

    Make sure that all gas fires and central heating boilers are serviced annually .

  15. 中央供暖系统已经关上。我又将它打开了。

    The central heating 's been turned off . I 've turned it on again

  16. 冬季供暖设施几乎毫无用处。

    The heating in winter was almost nil .

  17. 中央供暖的办公室往往闷热。

    Centrally heated offices tend to be stuffy .

  18. 小屋里没有供暖设备,所以这些狗夜里会非常冷。

    There is no heating in the shed , so the dogs would be bitterly cold at night

  19. 在他们那样的一套公寓房里安装一套新的供暖系统可能要花费3,000英镑左右。

    It would cost about £ 3,000 to install a new heating system in a flat such as theirs

  20. 可以提供一些指导原则:第一,找位供暖工程师检查系统的安全性。

    Certain guidelines can be given . First , have a heating engineer check the safety of the system .

  21. 这栋石砌房屋的条件很不错,有新铺的瓦片屋顶,装有百叶窗的窗户还有电力供暖系统。

    The stone-built property is in good condition , with a new tiled roof , shuttered windows and electric heating .

  22. 在寒冷的早晨,供暖系统会在客人起床前把温度调得暖和舒适。

    The heating system knows to make the temperature toasty on a cold morning before a guest is out of bed .

  23. 中央供暖没有了,另外屋顶也漏水。

    The central heating failed , and the roof leaked into the bargain .

  24. 在过去几十年中,来源于诸如家庭供暖和烹饪等的室内污染仍在持续中,尽管在这方面已经有所改进。

    Indoor pollution , which includes sources like home heating and cooking , has remained constant over the past several decades despite advances in the area .

  25. 该公司负责人博阿斯·勒佩(BoazLeupe)说,电子散热器起到了供暖系统的作用,节省了资金。

    Boaz Leupe , head of the company , says the e-Radiator works as a heating system and saves money .

  26. 荷兰有五位房主正在测试家中的供暖系统。

    Five homeowners in Holland are testing the heating system in their homes .

  27. 波阿斯说:“我们承担电脑使用的费用,这样一来房主们就可以获得免费供暖。”

    " We pay for the computer using , so , in that way , homeowners get heating for free , " Boaz says .

  28. 这个设计是开放式的,没有中央供暖系统,但是顶部有一个木制的燃烧器和太阳能电池板,可以为照明、音乐和计算提供电力。

    The design is open-plan , There is no central heating , but there 's a wood-burner and solar panelson the top which can provide power for lighting , music and computing .

  29. 另一方面,数字节能的好处被低估了。报告的作者表示,与其给整个家供暖,不如安装数字控制器,这样你只需要给自己所在的房间供暖。

    On the other side are the underplayed benefits of digital to save energy : why heat your whole home , the authors ask , if you can fit digital controls , so you only heat the room you 're in ?

  30. 行为心理学家表示,缺少阳光会让我们昏昏欲睡、心情抑郁,而缺少锻炼,成天待在不通风的集中供暖的屋子里,则让我们焦躁易怒,精神紧张。

    The lack of sunlight can make us feel lethargic2 and depressed3 , and the lack of exercise and the fact that we are cooped up in a stuffy4 , centrally-heated house can make us feel edgy5 , irritable6 and stressed , said a behavioural psychologist .