
  1. AV及IT设备用X、Y电容器产品技术要求和标准概述

    The Summary to Technical Requirements and Standards of Applying X , Y Capacitor Product by AV and IT Equipment

  2. 通过加入无定形硅粉,并延长球磨时间10h,绝缘电阻、桥丝熔断时间等指标均符合产品技术要求。

    By adding amorphous silica powder , and prolonging the grinding time 10h , the insulate resistance and the fusing time of bridge wire are all satisfied with the requirement .

  3. 环境标志产品技术要求无汞镉铅充电电池

    Technical Requirements for Environmental Labelling Hg Cd Pb Free-Rechargeable Battery

  4. 无汞干电池环境标志产品技术要求

    The Technical Request for Environmental Labelling Products Hg-free Dry Cells and Batteries

  5. 检查电磁式继电器的动作、返回值及返回系数应符合产品技术要求。

    Check Electromagnetic relay operation , return value and return coefficient shall comply with product technology requirement .

  6. 本文介绍了在气冲造型线上生产平板类铸钢件的铸造工艺。用该工艺生产的平板类铸钢件,尺寸精度、外观质量和内在质量均符合产品技术要求,达到了美国铁路协会AAR。

    Technology of plate type steel castings produced by air impact molding line has been introduced with products meeting standard of AAR .

  7. 采用本文所述技术,实现了对超大型铝合金铸件的焊修补,质量达到了产品技术要求。

    This welding repair technique can be successfully used for salvage of large Al-alloy castings , the quality of which achieves the specification for design .

  8. 项目产品技术要求说明书的逐步完善务必要与项目范围的恰当定义谨慎地协调起来,在项目是按合同实施时,尤其应当如此。

    Progressive elaboration of a project 's specifications needs to be carefully coordinated with proper project scope definition , particularly if the project is performed under contract .

  9. 如果项目范围即需要完成的任务,规定得恰如其分,则即便是在产品技术要求说明书的逐步完善过程中,项目范围仍应保持控制状态。

    When properly defined , the scope of the project the work to be done should be controlled as the project and product specifications are progressively elaborated .

  10. 利用内圆磨加工双曲面达到产品技术要求的理论依据和设备改进方法作为一个课题研究。

    This article describes not only theoretical basis for achieving Product 's technical requirements by internal grinding processing double curved surface , but also improvement of equipment .

  11. 根据平衡重类产品技术要求,提出要控制铸件重量偏差必须从控制铸件密度偏差和提高铸件尺寸精度入手。

    In accordance with the technical requirements of the counterweights it was proposed that the control of the casting weight deviation must be started with controling casting density deviation and increasing dimension accuracy of the castings .

  12. GB/T14093.1-1993机械产品环境技术要求湿热环境用

    Environmental technical requirements of machinery products for the warm-damp environments

  13. 国家标准《机械产品环境技术要求高原环境用》介绍

    Introduction of the state standard Environmental technical requirements of machinery products for plateau environment

  14. 用该炉进行气门的离子渗氮,其硬度、表面质量和尺寸精度均能达到产品的技术要求。

    The hardness , surface quality and size precision of gas valves treated by above double heating ionitriding furnace can be attained the technical requirements of products .

  15. 近年来,随着人们对汽车的经济性和环保性的认识逐渐深入,对汽车产品技术升级要求越来越迫切。

    In recent years , it deepens gradually that the economic and environmental protection understanding of the car , more and more urgent to the car technology upgrading requirement .

  16. 介绍了试制过程中的生产技术准备、产品的技术要求、工艺规程、产品质量控制、产品质量的检验及应用情况。

    Productive technical preparation , technical requisition of products , technological procedure , quality control of products , qualitication test of products , and conditions of application and dissemination are introduced .

  17. 表明,所选择的非对称性触头的使用性能优于原使用的Ag&W自配对触头,完全满足电器产品的技术要求,并比原用触头节银50%。

    It has shown that ths performance of Graphite-Copper non-symmetrical contactors is superior to that of Ag-W self-matching contactors and completely satisfied for technical requirements of electrical products . As compared with conventional contactors silver by 50 % can be saved .

  18. 该炉经一年多的使用,处理的产品质量达到技术要求,单耗很低,仅为180kW·h/t。

    This furnace has been operated for more than one year , the quality of workpieces treated conforms to their technical requirements . The specific power consumption is very low , only 180kW · h / t.

  19. GB/T15626-1995散装液体化工产品港口装卸技术要求

    The specifications for port handling of liquid chemicals in bulk

  20. 电子产品的主要技术要求及其质量检验

    Main Technical Requirement and Its Inspection for Electronic Products

  21. 触头参数是接触器产品重要的技术要求之一。

    Contact parameter is one of the major technical requirements for contactor product .

  22. 通过对储罐材质的焊接性分析,设计的焊接工艺应用于储罐现场的焊接,焊缝质量达到了产品的焊接技术要求。

    Through analysis of weldability of the base metals , a welding procedure is proposed .

  23. 介绍了选择产品标准的技术要求的基本原则和依据。

    The basic rule and foundation for selecting technical requirement of product standard is briefly described .

  24. 结果表明,所选择的工艺流程和参数能满足产品的技术质量要求。

    The result show ; that the selected technological process and parameters can be met with the technical requirements .

  25. 根据不同国家对产品不同的技术要求,我们可以按照美标、欧标、日标等其他国外标准进行生产并出口。

    According to the different countries'requirements we can supply the American standard , European-standard , Japanese and other foreign standards for production to export .

  26. 国家参照国际先进的产品标准和技术要求,推行产品质量认证制度。

    The State shall institute the system for certifying the product quality in reference to the internationally advanced product quality standards and technical requirements .

  27. 采用了高质量焊接材料和适当的焊接规范参数范围,焊接工艺评定试验结果完全满足产品制造技术条件要求;

    High quality welding material and suitable welding parameters were used for the welding procedure qualification test results fully meeting the requirement of the product manufacturing specification .

  28. 研究结果表明,将爆炸复合焊技术应用于低加管板,完全能够满足产品及相关技术要求。

    And the research result indicates that applying the explosive compound welding technique to tube plate for the low-pressure heater can completely satisfy the requirements of products and relevant technique .

  29. 通过实验验证了控制方法的可行性,位置控制性能可以满足该大型产品的装配技术要求,同时该工装平台对同类型大型机械产品的装配具有借鉴意义。

    The position control performance meets the requirements of the assembly technology of the large military products through experimental verification . This platform can provide some reference for assembly of some large mechanical product .

  30. 介绍了为开发研制的新型汽车尾气净化器用奥氏体超低碳不锈钢焊管,阐述了该产品的主要技术要求、采用标准及研制中的工艺流程、材料、真空退火等关键技术。

    This article introduces the austenitic low carbon stainless pipe used in new kind of car caudal gas clarifier . It describes the main technical requirements , adopting standard and the key techniques of process , material , vacuum anneal .