
  • 网络ovipositor
  1. 2条侧输卵管在产卵管基部会合形成1条总输卵管与产卵管相接。

    Two lateral oviducts formed a common oviduct and opened into the ovipositor .

  2. 88%的雌蜂产卵管插入蛹的位置与上蛹的部位一致。

    88 % of the female wasp inserted their ovipositor at the same place climbed up the same position of the pupa .

  3. 中华按蚊和嗜人按蚊产卵次数与卵泡管膨大部数的关系

    The relationship between the number of ovipositions and ovariole dilations of Anopheles sinensis and an . ANTHROPOPHAGUS