
chǎn shí
  • intrapartum
  1. 结果产前、产时、产后的某些不利因素是儿童发生MR的主要原因,社会文化因素等也可导致儿童MR。

    Results These disadvantageous factor in the antepartum 、 intrapartum and postpartum period is the main cause that the children suffer from the MR. And the social culture factor , etc. causes children to suffer from MR , too .

  2. 本文检测了15例正常产妇产前、产时及产后血浆地高辛样免疫活性物质(DLIS)的水平。

    The plasma levels of Digoxin-like immunoreactive Substanse ( s )( DLIS ) in15 normal parturients were measured with radio immunoassay in antepartum , intrapartum and postpartum .

  3. 产时胎儿头皮组织PH值测定用螺旋式合金型PH传感器的研制

    Study of alloyed pH spiral electrode for determinating fetal scalp tissue TPH during labour

  4. 结果妊娠合并室早者在孕期、产时和产褥期心功能均明显降低(P均<0.01)。

    Results The heart function of the women with premature ventricular beat decreased significantly during pregnancy , labor and delivery and puerperium ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 目的探讨声振刺激试验(VAST)在产时估价胎儿宫内健康情况的作用。

    Objective To assess the value of vibratory acoustic stimulation test ( VAST ) in evaluating fetal well-being in labor .

  6. ICP孕妇阴道产时的监护与护理体会关于保护生产前后农业妇女的建议

    Recommendation concerning the protection , before and after childbirth , of women wage-earners in agriculture

  7. 结论AI方法简单,效果肯定,是产时治疗胎膜破裂羊水过少的有效方法。

    Conclusion Amnioinfusion therapy is a simple and effective way in treating patients with rupture of membranes and oligohydramnios in labor .

  8. 方法在265例围产儿尸检中选择36例临床诊断为HIE或产前产时存在明显缺氧史的患儿观察其脑部病变。

    Methods 36 cases of newborn autopsy with brain anoxia of antenatal , natal exist were reviewed .

  9. 太原地区妊娠期感染TORCH的母婴传播及围产儿结局人工流产与产时并发症的相关性研究

    Maternal ? fetal transmission and perinatal complications during the pregnant women TORCH infection . A Study on the Relationship of the Artificial Labor and the Perinatal Complications

  10. 目的探讨羊膜腔灌注(AI)对产时出现的频发可变减速(RVD)治疗作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of amnioinfusion ( AI ) for relief of repetitive variable deceleration ( RVD ) during labor .

  11. [目的]:研究产时应用羊水置换技术(amnioinfusion,AI)治疗羊水Ⅱ、Ⅲ度胎粪污染(meconiumstainedamnioticfluid,MSAF)的疗效与安全性。

    [ Objective ] : To study the effect and security of amnioinfusion ( AI ) on labor complicated by moderate or severe meconium-stained amniotic fluid .

  12. 胎儿期缺氧中、重度HIE较产时产后缺氧发生率高,预后差,死亡率高,差异显著(P<0.05);

    There were the higher incidence and higher mortality in moderate and severe HIE induced by hypoxia at fetal period comparing to those at delivery ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 目的探讨使用产时中心电子监护系统(CEMS)对提高脐带绕颈分娩质量的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of central electronic monitoring system ( CEMS ) in foetus with umbilical cord round the neck .

  14. 目的:研究胎儿电子监护(EFM)对无妊娠合并症早产产时连续监护的临床意义。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical value of the continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring for non-high risk pregnancy during labor .

  15. 产时FEEG异常与新生儿不良预后有关。

    Abnormal FEEG was correlated with adverse neonatal outcomes .

  16. 主要对象是严重的缺氧、感染、出血性疾病、新生儿硬肿症、惊厥、高胆红素血症和ABO溶血症及其他疾病的低出生体重儿。其中部分患儿有宫内和/或产时窒息史、异常分娩史。

    1988 These newborns were admitted for the severe infection , anoxic encephalo - pathy , hemorrhage , convulsion , scleredema , hyperbilirubinemia , hemoly - sis of ABO and single light weight at birth .

  17. 研究组平均动脉压(MAP)、产时出血量多于对照组,而新生儿体重、Apgar评分均低于对照组,P<0.01,有显著性差异。

    The mean amount of parturition bleeding and MAP of the study group higher than that of the control group , newborn weight and Apgar of the study group lower than that of the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 导乐组产妇的剖宫产率、阴道助产率、产后2h出血量、新生儿窒息发生率及产时不正常心理反应率明显低于对照组(P<0.01)。

    In terms of cesarean section rate , vaginal assistant labor rate , the amount of postpartum bleeding 2 hours after delivery , incidence of neonatal asphyxia and abnormal psychological reaction during labor in test group were obviously lower than that in control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 结果所有患儿均为异常分娩,宫内窘迫占53.8%,产时窒息占38.5%,足月儿多发.占60%.临床表现多样,惊厥发生率高达75%,且多在生后48h之内发生。

    Results All neonates born abnormity . The neonates died of asphyxia of uterine occupied 53 . 8 % , intrapartum asphyxia occupied 38 . 5 % , full-term neonates occupied 60 % . The incidence of convulsion was 75 % and convulsion occured within 48 hours after birth .

  20. 持续胎心电子监护(cardiotocography,CTG)是一种产时常用的胎儿监护方法,它通过胎心率的各种图形来反映胎儿中枢神经系统的状态,具有较高的敏感性和假阳性率。

    Cardiotocography ( CTG ) is a common intrapartum fetal monitoring method , it reflects fetal central nervous system condition through kinds of different fetal heart rate wave forms . It has a high sensitivity and a high false positive predictive value .

  21. 前置胎盘剖宫产时环形间断缝合止血方法的探讨

    Discussion of interrupted circular suture during caesarean section with placenta previa

  22. 产时吸氧对分娩的影响

    Effect of Oxygen Inhalation During Labor on the Qualities of Delivery

  23. 剖宫产时发现卵巢黄素囊肿的诊断和处理

    Diagnosis and Management of Theca Luteinized Cyst Found During Cesarean Section

  24. 初产妇心理护理干预在产时的效应探讨

    Probe into effect of psychological nursing intervention for primipara in intrapartum

  25. 促进自然分娩产时服务模式的临床研究

    Clinical Research on Service Model of Promoting Natural Delivery during Labor Process

  26. 产时护理模式改变的临床观察及护理

    Clinical Observation and Nursing of the Nursing Pattern Change in Birth Process

  27. 产时胎儿持续监护和间歇性胎心听诊的分娩结果比较

    Comparing the dilivery outcome between intrapartum fetal constant monitoring and intermittent auscultation

  28. 在剖腹产时用缝合固定法放置宫内节育器的临床报告

    Intrauterine contraceptive device insertion with suture fixation at cesarean section

  29. 两次产时子宫破裂1例

    Metrorrhexis in Twice Parturition : A Report of One Case

  30. 不同的产时服务模式对母婴的影响

    Influence of different delivery service patterns on mothers and babies