
  1. 婴儿发育情况良好。

    The baby is coming on well .

  2. 二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)对胎儿、婴儿发育的重要生理作用已经引起了营养学界的广泛关注。

    The important physiological function of decosahexaenoic acid ( DHA ) is being the focus of nutriology fields .

  3. 不同出生体重婴儿发育水平有差异,低出生体重与正常出生体重婴儿比较,发育商(DQ)和智力指数(MI)均低。

    The scores of developmental quotient ( DQ ) and mental index ( MI ) in low birth weight infant were obviously lower than normal infant .

  4. 【目的】检验贝莉婴儿发育量表-Ⅱ(BayleyScalesofInfantDevelopment-Ⅱ,BSID-Ⅱ)的信度和效度及家长的可接受性,探讨其在我国引进和使用的可行性。

    【 Objective 】 To explore the applicability of Bayley Scales of Infant Development - ⅱ( BSID - ⅱ) in China and to test the reliability and validity of BSID - ⅱ .

  5. 于6月、1岁时分别进行Gesell婴儿发育量表及婴儿视觉注意习惯化测试。

    Gesell test and the test of visual attention habituation were performed among three groups in six months and one year old .

  6. 来自牛津大学的神经系统科学家RussellFoster说:“我们不是迷信,也不是支持占星术什么的,但是不能否认的是季节性影响会会婴儿发育有巨大影响。”

    Speaking earlier this year Russell Foster , an Oxford University neuroscientist , said : ' These are small effects but they are very , very clear . I am not giving voice to astrology - it 's nonsense - but we are not immune to seasonal interference . "

  7. 缺铁对婴儿发育水平测试分的影响

    The effects of iron deficiency on infants ' developmental test performance

  8. 486名婴儿发育筛查结果评价与分析

    Evaluation and Analysis of the Results of Developmental Screening in 486 Infants

  9. 哺乳期辅助食物对婴儿发育的影响

    The influence of weaning food on the growth of infants while breast-feeding

  10. 婴儿发育性髋关节异常的早期诊断

    Early diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of hip in infants

  11. 贝莉婴儿发育量表在上海地区的修订

    Revised Bayley Scales of infant development in Shanghai

  12. 流产通常是由于阻止婴儿发育的染色体问题导致。

    Miscarriages are usually caused by chromosome problems that prevent the baby from developing .

  13. 超声诊断婴儿发育性髋关节异常的价值

    The value of ultrasonography in diagnosis of DDH

  14. 贝莉婴儿发育量表-Ⅱ在我国的引进和使用初探

    Initiative study on the applicability of bayley scales of infant development - ⅱ in China

  15. 人巨细胞病毒感染对胎、婴儿发育影响的前瞻性研究

    A Prospective Study of the Effects on Fetal and Infant 's Development after Human Cytomegalovirus Infection

  16. 多中心婴儿发育基准研究

    Multicentre Infant Growth Reference Study

  17. 结果:23例均安全度过妊娠期,顺利分娩,无人工流产现象,婴儿发育正常。

    Result : 23 cases all survived through pregnant period , without any abortion and infants were normal .

  18. 孕早期阴道出血对足月分娩婴儿发育影响的回顾性定群研究

    The retrospective cohort study of vaginal bleeding in the first-trimester of pregnancy on full-term infant 's development Effect

  19. 妊娠的计划性对母亲情绪泌乳时间与婴儿发育的影响

    The influence caused by desire or non-desire before cyesis on mother emotion , postpartum lactating time and neonate growth

  20. 所有的证据都支持它有益于婴儿发育,并可降低(心血管疾病)的风险。

    All evidence was in favor of net benefits for infant development and ( cardiovascular disease ) risk reduction , the panel wrote .

  21. 这些新的发现引发了更多的问题,即母乳中尼古丁对婴儿发育有何影响。

    As a result of these new findings more questions have arisen about the effects nicotine in breast milk is having on a babies'development .

  22. 此外,妊娠期感染弓形虫可通过胎盘垂直传播,引起早产、流产、死胎、畸胎或婴儿发育畸形等。

    Toxoplasma gondii could be transmitted vertically to foetus through placenta and cause premature birth , abortion , fetal death , abnormity or a baby with developmental malformation .

  23. 为了保证自身和肚里婴儿发育所需营养,孕妇必须吃很多食物,消化系统负担很重。

    In order to ensure the baby and the mother 's nutrition , the pregnant woman must eat more foods ; it increases the burden of digestive system .

  24. 这些照片故事展示这些婴儿发育得如何-他们吃些什么,接受过哪些免疫接种,以及他们的家庭如何适应他们中间的一名新成员。

    The photo stories reveal how the babies are progressing-what they are eating , what immunizations they have received and how their families are adjusting to a new person in their midst .

  25. 但是这种情况下的某些症状,比如说体重增加和糖类代谢缓慢都对孕妇身体有益处,有助于孕妇储存能量,以促使婴儿发育。

    But some of the symptoms of that condition - like weight-gain and slower sugar metabolism - can be beneficial to pregnant women , supporting energy storage that helps a fetus develop .

  26. 方法对1996年6月至2001年12月本院出生正常新生儿3000例建立系统管理资料,纵向监测1年,与本地区1987年正常婴儿发育衡量数字比较。

    Methods Systematical management data of 3000 babies bron from June , 1996 to December , 2001 in the affiliated hospital of Hainan Medical College were longitudinal studied for a year and compared with the usual infant physical growth data collected in 1987 in Haikou city .

  27. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,研究表明,备孕期间或怀孕早期饮酒不会对婴儿发育产生危害。适度饮酒,比如一天一杯,不会影响孩子的智力和其它脑功能。

    Drinking alcohol while trying to conceive or during early pregnancy will not harm the baby 's development , research has claimed , the Daily Mail reported . The research also shows how moderate drinking , one unit a day , does not affect the child 's IQ and other brain functions .

  28. 精子DNA完整性对自然受精或人工授精,胚胎、胎儿和婴儿的发育至关重要。

    The sperm DNA integrity is important for the success of natural or assisted fertilization , as well as normal development of the embryo , fetus and child .

  29. 目的探讨母体二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)对足月胎婴儿智能发育的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of maternal docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA ) on the neurodevelopmental quotient of normal term babies .

  30. 结果:两组婴儿智力发育指数(MDI)和心理运动发育指数(PDI)比较,MDI方面的差异有极显著性(P<0.01),PDI方面的差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    Results : Both mental developmental index ( MDI ) and psychomotor developmental index ( PDI ) of two groups were significantly different ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.05 ) .