
  • 网络Baby shower;infant baptism
  1. 接受过婴儿洗礼的会员在接受坚信礼之后方可领受圣餐。

    A member with infant baptism shall partake of the Holy Communion in this congregation after the rite of confirmation .

  2. 今天有太多人强调表面的标记,例如婴儿洗礼,甚或教会聚会的出席率。

    Too many people today put great emphasis on outward evidences , such as infant baptism or even church attendance .

  3. 他们为初新婴儿洗礼。

    They baptized the new-born child .

  4. 他们给这个婴儿洗礼时命名为约翰。

    They christened the baby john .

  5. 洗礼命名基督教中给婴儿洗礼和命名的圣礼锅应放在洗碗池下方。

    The Christian sacrament of baptizing and naming an infant . The pan belongs under the sink .

  6. 强调教会完全脱离国家,以圣经为本,不为婴儿洗礼的一种宗教信仰。

    Belief in : the primacy of the Bible ; baptism of believers not infants ; complete separation of church and state .

  7. 为什麽婴儿洗礼(一个十九世纪早期被广泛讨论的议题)在摩罗乃书第八章被咒诅?

    Why is infant baptism ( a much discussed issue in the early 19th century ) condemned in Chapter 8 of Moroni ?

  8. 2002年在休斯敦,莉萨·诺瓦克和她的丈夫怀抱他们的双胞胎女儿在婴儿洗礼上。

    Astronaut Lisa Nowak and her husband Rich pose with their twin daughters on the occasion of the babies'baptisms in the spring of2002 in Houston .

  9. 你可能记得在儿童或婴儿洗礼中,家长向教会承诺,会教导孩子认识天主教信仰。

    As you may remember at the time of Baptism , parents make a promise to the Church that their children will be instructed into the Catholic faith .

  10. 一个妇女要买庆贺婴儿受洗礼时命名的杯子。

    There was a woman who wanted a christening mug for a baby .

  11. 这是在更晚的日期,第二次讨论起源,其中的主题是婴儿的洗礼点。

    It was at a much later date that the second discussion originated , in which the subject of infant baptism was the point controverted .

  12. 这小婴儿正在接受基督教洗礼。

    The little baby is accepting his baptism .