
  • 网络Thorndike;E.L.Thorndike;Edward Thorndike;Edward L. Thorndike;Thomdike
  1. 戴维斯目前正在桑代克剧院演出一部戏剧。

    Davis is currently appearing in a play at the Thorndike theatre .

  2. 桑代克成人学习理论及其启示

    Thorndike 's Learning Theory Of Adult and Its Enlightenment

  3. 桑代克注意到,小猫并不会通过顿悟来解决这一问题。

    And Thorndike noted that cats do not solve this problem through insight .

  4. 这个观点,是由探究动物如何学习的,桑代克所提出的。

    So , the idea itself was developed in the nicest form by Thorndike who explored how animals learn .

  5. 目的探讨桑代克的行为主义理论在脑瘫患儿运动功能训练中的作用。

    Objective To explore the function of Thorndike Edward 's behaviorism theory in the function training of infants with cerebral palsy .

  6. 单一被试设计在近代心理学史上曾得到广泛的应用,艾宾浩斯、桑代克、巴甫洛夫和斯金纳等心理学家是运用该方法的主要代表。单一被试设计包括描述性单一被试设计和实验性单一被试设计。

    The Single-Participant Research Design was used broadly in modern time by psychologists such as Ebbinghaus , Thorndike , Pavlov , and Skinner .

  7. 文章力图通过对桑代克关于学习理论的实验及结论的考察来透视对外汉语教学,探索最适应学生学习心理的教学手段与训练方法。

    This thesis applies Thorndike 's theory on learning to TCFL in order to find the best teaching and training methods suitable to the students'learning psychology .

  8. 在另一方面,正如在其著作的标题中所指明的,桑代克主要对实验科学的发端感兴趣。

    Thorndyke , on the other hand , is interested mainly , as the title of his volume indicates , in the beginnings of empirical science .

  9. 斯金纳(1904-1990)以桑代克的理论作为基础,建立了关于增强、惩罚与消弱的详细的操作制约理论。

    Skinner ( 1904-1990 ) built upon Thorndike 's ideas to construct a more detailed theory of operant conditioning based on reinforcement , punishment , and extinction .

  10. 当一个人检查在美国发展的心理学和教育的分支的贡献时,其对效果的集中分析将追溯到桑代克的影响。

    When one examines the contribution of the strains of psychology and education developed in the US , the focus on analysis of effects can be traced to Thorndike 's influence .