
  • 网络impossible crime;non posse peccare;disguised impossible crime
  1. 谁都知道他不可能犯罪。

    Everybody knows he couldn 't be guilty .

  2. 女:她不可能犯罪,因为当时我和她在一起。

    W : She couldn 't have committed that crime because I was with her .

  3. 一件跨越十年时光的难解之谜案,一次难倒两代刑警的“不可能犯罪”。

    This is an unintelligible mystery happened ten years ago , which had puzzled two generations of police .

  4. 受到父母恰当照顾的孩子们不太可能犯罪。

    Children taken proper care of by their parents are less likely to commit crime .

  5. 不可能再硬说犯罪与失业无关了。

    It 's no longer possible to argue that crime is unconnected with unemployment .

  6. 交通肇事罪作为最为典型的过失犯罪,当然也就不可能存在共同犯罪一说。

    As one of the most typical negligence criminal , there is also no joint crime .

  7. 可以说没有票据以及相应的票据结算制度,就不可能有票据犯罪。

    We can say that without commercial bill and relative commercial bill settlement system , without commercial bill crime .

  8. 假想防卫只能构成疏忽大意的过失或者意外事件或者一般违法行为,而不可能构成故意犯罪。

    Imaginary defense can only form careless and inadvertent fault or accidental event or general illegal activities in imagination , cannot form the intentional crime .

  9. 虽然,通过良好的环境设计也不可能解决所有的犯罪问题,但却能减少或消除犯罪发生的机会和概率,特别是,这种方法对居住空间中的犯罪预防尤为有效。

    Although environmental design cannot handle all crime problems , it can instantly eliminate the crime environment and effectively prevent the crime in residential areas .

  10. 虽说这样的立法模式对于所规定的罪名有更具体的指导作用。但是,刑法规定不可能穷尽所有的犯罪现象。所以,在刑法总则中建立相关规定也是必要的。

    Although the legislative mode such as prescribed by the guidance of more specific . However , the provisions of the criminal law , do not include all the phenomenon of crime . So , in the general provisions of criminal law is necessary to establish the relevant provisions .

  11. 他们还重申,这对夫妻的婚姻已经完全破裂,他们几乎都不跟对方说话,所以他们不可能共谋犯罪。

    They also repeated their contention that the couple 's marriage was so broken they were barely speaking and so couldn 't have conspired together .