
  1. 引进新技术的成功程度不尽相同。

    New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success .

  2. 即使国家利益不尽相同,他们也可以化敌为友。

    Old enemies can become new friends even if all their national interests are not in complete accord .

  3. 学生们对考试类型的偏好也不尽相同,通常取决于科目和课程的难度。

    Students ' test-form preferences vary , too , often depending on the subject and course difficulty .

  4. 结论PCV与湿性AMD不尽相同,可能是AMD的另一种特殊类型,治疗可能应有所不同,有待于进一步研究

    Conclusion PCV could be a special type of CNV of exudative AMD .

  5. 不尽相同的曲调形成调式、速度上的对比,它们由“合头”拉扯着,形成分散、聚合的效果。

    Contrasting tempos and the restraining influence of synchronism serve to produce effects of scattering and tightening .

  6. 氮肥施入土壤后的pH值变化不尽相同。

    The changes of soil pH-value after all kinds of nitrogen fertilizer applied into soil were different .

  7. 结论:FMS是一个多种病因引起的临床综合征,其临床表现不尽相同。

    Conclusions The FMS is a clinical syndrome with multiple clinical manifestation caused by a group of different mechanism .

  8. 结果表明西瓜POD同工酶和EST同工酶酶谱在不同时期,不同部位不尽相同。

    The results obtained indicated that zymograms of POD and EST varied at different stages and different parts of the plant .

  9. 作者在对C语言静态分析框架跨平台技术研究时发现,不同编译器支持的C语言语法不尽相同,语法兼容性问题是跨平台分析的难点之一。

    Because the C language syntax supported by different compilers is different , the author met so many syntax compatibility issues in study of the C language static framework that start to do cross-platform analysis .

  10. 发现Fx的植物学形态性状与已命名种不尽相同,可能为一个新种或新的变种(待鉴定)。

    A new species or mutant was found ( waiting to identify ) in the investigation .

  11. 草酸钙结石的晶体和基质的AFM图像与磷酸钙结石不尽相同,晶体尺寸有差异(P<0.05)。

    The calcium phosphate crystal could be differentiated from the calcium oxalate according to the AFM images and their differ dimensions .

  12. MSNs可提供的服务多种多样,因而衡量每类服务的服务质量(QoS)的标准也不尽相同。

    Due to the variety of services provided by MSNs , their QoS criterions are different .

  13. 为此我们选择了设计制备相对成熟、对材料性能要求的侧重面又不尽相同的器件和IC,并选择了六个与材料关系密切的参数作为评价的标称参数。

    The devices and ICs with relatively mature design and fabrication and different requirements on the material features were chosen . Six parameters were taken for nominal parameters of evaluation .

  14. U型返料阀(以下简称U阀)虽然在循环流化床锅炉中应用最广泛,但是,各生产厂的U阀结构形式不尽相同,相应的返料特性也不尽相同。

    U valves in applied extensively in the CFB boiler , but the product designed by different factory is different in construction considerably , corresponding the material convey character is also different .

  15. 然而,考察现有IM的现状表明:不同IM提供的插件开发环境不尽相同,且视频接口均未公开。

    However , the current situation of Instant Messenger shows : plug-in development environments provided by different Instant Messengers are different , and the video interfaces have not been provided .

  16. 不同于其他高级编程语言,虽然几乎所有的操作平台都支持C/C++语言,但在不同的平台下,它们对C++语言内部变量的定义以及扩展的功能却不尽相同。

    Unlike other high-level programming language , although almost all the platforms support C / C + + language , but in different platforms , they are not the same on the definition and the expansion of the internal variables have different functions .

  17. 水情测报系统包含几种基于不同数据模型的DBMS,如关系型的或对象型的数据库系统,不同商家的产品其SQLAPI不尽相同,这就面临的异种数据库的集成问题。

    Automatic hydrological telemetry systems include several no same DBMS , for example RDBMS and ODBMS , no factories of productions are no SQL API . This is no kinds database integrating questions .

  18. 斑马鱼抗氧化酶活性在三种ILs作用下变化则不尽相同,但高浓度都呈抑制趋势。

    Although the changes of the activities of antioxidant enzymes were different , the inhibited tendency was found at high concentrations of three ILs .

  19. 当带有复杂类型参数的Web服务方法收到null或带null值属性的实例时,LotusDominoV7.0.2和LotusDominoV8的行为不尽相同。

    When a Web service method with a complex type parameter receives a null or an instance with some attributes having null values , Lotus Domino V7.0.2 and Lotus Domino V8 behave differently .

  20. HL60细胞与原代白血病细胞在诱导分化机制方面可能不尽相同。

    The difference of JWA expressions between HL-60 cell and ANLL patient cells would be involved in different leukemia pathogenesis .

  21. MD模拟的结果说明:两个四面体即使它们是同类的,其键长和键角也不尽相同。

    The MD simulation results indicate that for any two random Si-O tetrahedra belonging to the same kind , their homologous bond lengths and bond angles are different with each other because of their different microenvironments .

  22. 加拿大的ICT产业在不同地区其发展并不同步,组建集群的起因不同,各个节点在ICT创新网络中的各个成熟阶段扮演者不尽相同的角色,网络具有不同程度的融合性和凝聚力。

    The cause of the formation of different clusters , each node in the network of ICT innovation in different stages of maturity of the role varies , the network with different levels of integration and cohesion .

  23. 在不同种族中,同一SNPs分布频率不同,而且同&SNPs对血脂水平和冠状动脉狭窄程度的影响也不尽相同。

    In various races , there was different distribution frequency of the same SNPs and there were absolutely different effects of the same SNPs on plasma lipids levels and severity of coronary atherosclerotic lesions .

  24. 细化和超细化3种原煤在燃烧过程中SO2的释放曲线是3峰曲线,而脱灰样品SO2的释放曲线是双峰曲线,并且出现峰值的温度范围不尽相同。

    Three kinds of pulverised and micro-pulverised coal show 3-peak SO2 emission course in process of combustion , but SO2 emission course of deashed sample is double peak course . Temperature range for peak value occurring is not same neither .

  25. CDN的出现有效的解决了访问量与网络带宽之间的矛盾,但是CDN的标准远未统一,CDN架构方式和负载平衡模式都在不断的更新当中,在不同行业的应用方式也不尽相同。

    But the CDN standard has not unified . The CDN construction and the load balancing are under continuously updating , and , its application mode is also different in the different fields .

  26. 通过实证分析,本文发现,无论是传统经济地理因素、新经济地理因素还是经济政策因素,都对FDI的分布具有一定程度的影响,但在不同阶段的表现不尽相同。

    Through empirical analysis , this article found that all factors has affected the distribution of FDI to a certain extent , including traditional economic geography factors , new economic geography factors and economic policy factors . The numerical value of different factors varies in different stages .

  27. 实验结果表明,在不同压强下,贫氧推进剂各组分的热分解特征有所不同;在同一压强下,TMO催化剂对贫氧推进剂中不同组分的催化作用不尽相同;

    The results showed that the environmental pressure and catalysts have various actions on the thermal decomposition characteristics of the propellant and its ingredients .

  28. 各泥质区中HCHs和DDTs的分布特征不尽相同。

    The Okinawa Trough has the highest average concentration of HCHs and its distribution characteristic is different from that of the other mud areas , indicating that its ' source may be different from the others .

  29. 结果表明,健康人尿样与疾病患者的尿样对BZ化学振荡体系的影响明显不同,而且不同疾病患者的尿样对体系的影响也不尽相同。

    The results showed that the effects of the urine of the healthy people were different from that of the patient . Furthermore , the urine of people who had varieties of diseases had different effects on the B-Z oscillating chemical system .

  30. 分子进化树分析反映了不同植物间IPI的亲缘关系,虽与自然进化不尽相同,但对判断不同物种间的亲缘关系有一定的借鉴意义。

    The phylogenetic analysis reflects the phylogenetic relationship among the IPI in the different plants , and natural evolution are not the same , but have a certain reference to determine the phylogenetic relationships among different species . 2 .