
  • 网络misconduct;iniquity;inequitable conduct
  1. 对粗野或危险的动作,不正当行为,裁判会给予适当处罚。

    For rough or dangerous p = lay , misconduct , the appropriate penalty shall be awarded by the umpire .

  2. 对诗歌而言,语词只是附加的,而不是本质性的-弗雷德里克w鲁宾逊;他们不得不判断他的不正当行为是出于偶然还是由于性格缺陷。

    Poetry is something to which words are the accidental , not by any means the essential form-frederick w.robertson ; they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character .

  3. 他因隐瞒竞选活动中的不正当行为而被起诉。

    He was prosecuted for concealing irregularities in the election campaign .

  4. 被指称竞选运动中的不正当行为

    alleged irregularities in the election campaign

  5. Pro10Management同样否认有任何不正当行为,在8月12日发表声明称公司一直完全依照规则正确行事。

    Pro 10 Management also denies any wrongdoing , saying in a statement released on 12 August that it had always acted properly and fully in line with the guidelines .

  6. 上周接受RTE采访时,希基否认了一切与门票倒卖相关的不正当行为。

    In an interview with RTE last week , Mr Hickey denied any wrongdoing in relation to ticket sales .

  7. 但是不正当行为似乎有愈演愈烈之势。

    But the level of illicit activity seems to be rising .

  8. 足球比赛中犯规与不正当行为判罚的研究

    Study on foul and penalty of illegitimate behavior in football game

  9. 二有不正当行为,妨害公司利益者。

    Or2.improper conduct detrimental to the interest of the company .

  10. 我就在想如果康拉德与不正当行为有关

    I keep thinking , if Conrad were engaged in some impropriety ,

  11. 浅议投标不正当行为和招标人应对措施

    Discussion on tender unfair behavior and bidder 's replying measures

  12. 她强烈地否认了经济方面有不正当行为的指控。

    She has strenuously denied the allegations of financial impropriety .

  13. 犯规与不正当行为是足球竞赛规则的主要章节之一。

    Foul and improper conduct are one main chapter of football match principles .

  14. 对股票交易中的不正当行为进行调查

    To conduct an investigation into irregularity in share dealings

  15. 我们并不是在这里肯定的断言起诉人有不正当行为。

    We 're not necessarily alleging prosecutorial misconduct here .

  16. 然而,我的不正当行为激怒了你。

    However , my offensive malfeasance irritates you .

  17. 他通过不正当行为获得提升。

    He got the promotion by behaving deviously .

  18. 他们一直在监视着竞选以防有不正当行为。

    They 've been observing the elections in case there are any irregular ties .

  19. 我们决不会支持这种不正当行为。

    We will never countenance such unseemly behavior .

  20. 首先,我不能容忍骚扰或任何其它形式的不正当行为。

    First , I will not tolerate harassment or any other form of misconduct .

  21. 没有不正当行为的证据

    There 's no evidence of foul play .

  22. 调查股票交易中的不正当行为

    To investigate irregularity in the share dealings

  23. 晚会的目的是揭露商业不正当行为,保护消费者权益。

    The program aims to reveal business misconduct and help consumers fight for their rights .

  24. 它可以具体分为自由竞争的权与正当竞争的权,分别对应的是垄断行为与不正当行为所指的权利侵犯对象。

    It consists of the right to free competition and the right to legitimate competition .

  25. 介绍了企业在收入确认方面出现的各种不正当行为以及针对这些行为应当如何正确对待。

    This paper presents the misconducts of enterprises in income confirmation and discusses the related preventions .

  26. 公众通常希望记者发挥监督作用,对政府的不正当行为保持警觉。

    The public generally expects journalists to act as watchdogs , guarding against improper government behavior .

  27. 费用单据必须如实填写,不得弄虚作假报大数等不正当行为,如有违反,一经查出,严肃处理。

    The bill should be filled according to the facts , or the breaker will be punished seriously .

  28. 就算不是犯罪行为也是有过错的;应该受责备的不正当行为;该受谴责的疏忽。

    Deserving of or open to censure . blameworthy if not criminal behavior ; censurable misconduct ; culpable negligence .

  29. 如果民事诉讼制度无法遏制当事人的此种不正当行为,那么制度的合理性将受到质疑。

    If the occurrence of false action cannot be restrained , the rationality of civil procedure will be doubted .

  30. 经多次调查,尚未发现任何可以证明政府官员有不正当行为的证据,而且涉嫌金额总数也相当少。

    Investigations have not unearthed any evidence of wrongdoing by government officials , and the sums involved are fairly small .