- not equal to;neq

No , SOA is definitely not equal to the sum of the technologies used to implement or realize SOA .
If the student 's past due balance does not equal zero , then the sequence skips sending any of the messages in the option combination fragment .
Two wrongs don 't make a right .
Empathy for the criminal 's childhood misery does not imply exoneration of the crimes he committed as an adult .
The absence of a value resolves to False when comparing for equality or inequality .
WangLeilei : Uniting Capital Not Equals Running Better TOM Online : Maybe Antagonizing by Purchasing
Being judged in CS court is just as being judged by yourself .
The computation of DC resistivity sounding curves on horizontal layered earth based on Mn unequal to zero
On the other hand the shear moment in the nth . storey is no longer equals to 1 , but some new value a.
The other print statement ( line # 5 ) will only be executed when the value of a is not equal to that of b , regardless of the values of c and d.
Her song " A Feather 's Not a Bird " took best performance and best song , and " The River & the Thread " took best Americana album .
If this prediction of num_proc2 equal to1 is false , then branch misprediction occurs .
The RPG program uses this parameter ( p_Ind_Ary ) to determine if the input parameter contains a value other than NULL ( - 1 ) .
The function expects that the sum variable will be zero ( checksum is valid for the packet ) and that the ip_summed variable is not equal to CHECKSUM_HW .
In this paper , we construct some maximum subalgebras of the Matrix Algebra which dimension is not equal to n 2-n + 1 , and make out the problem supported by Li Libin in [ 1 ] .
Clinton is stressing that the aid package contains no weapons and does not amount to a " blank check " of unlimited U.
A new improved algorithm was set up in the dissertation , and it can solve the problems caused by the fact that the measured polarimetric data are always not equal to the real scattering matrixes of the target .
The Chinese people are very clear in mind that compare with the change of total volume of GDP , per capita reflects a better picture of the development level , and big state does not mean strong state .
When the bonus rate is not zero , it is much more difficult to prove the uniqueness and existence of Black-Scholes pricing model , and this step is the base of non-numerical methods .
V3 + 1 if C1 equals C2 , or V3 if C1 is not equal to C2 , where C1 is the character above the current cell and C2 is the character to the left of the current cell
Due to the energy compaction properties of DCT , spectral lea-kage of conventional Discrete-time Fourier Transform ( DFT ) - based estimation could be mitigated when the path delays aren 't integer multiples of sampling period , or when not all sub-carriers are used .
The TG curve of FZ , was not equal to the sum of GZ and BZ , intercrossed with the other two curves , which indicated the synergistic effect of fire retardants between GUP and boric acid .
Computation cases show that the scale of pellet and the porosity of bed have great impact on the reaction process taking place in reactor , which can be measured by Thiele module and Peclet module , the reaction behavior of REV is not the same as that of reactor .
Can continue to use , because differ oldly at bad .
Spirit dissemination is different from public dissemination and social dissemination .
Confucianism is , therefore , not equal to a religion .
Does the budget represent a departure from stated government policy ?
We believe : The past doesn 't equal to the future !
Party 's ruling capacity is different from Party leaders ' capabilities .
The present happy life is not future 's but its premise .