
  • 网络Rounding Function;GUSS INT;truncates integer;trunc
  1. 基于预排序和上取整函数的AHP判断矩阵生成算法

    A Generating Algorithm for the Judgment Matrix in AHP Based on Pre-Ordering and Top Integral Function

  2. 计算机高级语言取整函数的典型应用

    Main applications of the integer function of high-level languages

  3. 关于取整函数的一个问题

    On One Problem of Integral Functions

  4. 取整函数与小数部分函数既相互联系又有区别,各有一些独特的性质,在数学及生活中有着较广泛的应用。

    The paper discusses several analytic characters and the extensive application of the integral function and fraction parts of functions , which have the differentiation with contact .

  5. 由此建立起的累计分布同于瑞利分布而变数只取整数值的分布函数称为离散瑞利分布函数。

    The cumulative distribution function is exactly Rayleigh 's except that only integral numbers are taken for the variable , the distribution function thus built up is named discrete Rayleigh distribution function .