
  • 网络analogy
  1. 中国传统科学中取象比类的实质和意义

    Essence and significance of Qu Xiang Bi Lei in traditional Chinese Science

  2. 由于取象比类思维方式的主导地位,中医理论术语的隐喻性普遍存在。

    Because of the dominated analogue thinking way , metaphor existed extensively in Chinese medical terms .

  3. 取象比类思维是中医学理论的主要思维方式。

    The thinking of classification according to manifestation is the main thinking pattern of the Traditional Chinese Medicine theory .

  4. 提出中医取象比类法在中药理论中作为一种独立的药性概念即为法象药理;

    It puts forwards that TCM comparative states is also a pharmacological method state as a separate drug concept in Chinese medical theory ;

  5. 中医学中的取象比类特征即可归为概念隐喻,通过隐喻逻辑分析,能更直观的解释中医语言、思维中的隐喻现象。

    Through the analysis of the logic of metaphor , we can explain the phenomenon of metaphor in language , thinking of TCM more intuitively .

  6. 据传统文献的语言特点,在中医文献教学中既要善于取象比类,又要重视取类比象,从具体到抽象,或者从抽象到具体。

    From the characteristics of the ancient literature language , it 's important from concrete to abstract , and also important from abstract to concrete in TCM literature teaching ;