
  • 网络neotectonics
  1. 赣南新构造运动特征明显,NNE向、NW向及EW向构造体系受近东西向应力场作用在局部形成应力集中,并在多组构造交接复合处释放;

    The neotectonics features of that area are very evident . The stress concentrates under the action of the NNE-trending , NW-trending and EW-trending tectonic and releases at the conjunct part of several groups of tectonics .

  2. 南海东北部新构造运动及其动力学机制

    Neotectonics in the northeastern South China Sea and its dynamic mechanism

  3. GIS和RS支持下新构造应力场方向提取

    Extracting direction of Neotectonic stress field via GIS and remote sensing

  4. 任意k元Huffman树的新构造

    A New Construction Method for Arbitrary Huffman Trees with k Elements

  5. 基于可逆Hash函数的DES型超伪随机置换的新构造

    On the Construction of Super-Pseudorandom DES-Model Permutations Based on the Reversible Hash Functions

  6. 很重要的一点是新构造的这三种数值算法都保持Hamilton系统的辛结构。

    The important thing is that these new structures maintain symplectic structure of Hamilton system .

  7. 在WebSphereEnterpriseServiceBus中,导入(import)定义到现有服务的连接,而导出(export)定义新构造的服务如何向外部应用程序公开。

    In WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus , imports define the connection to existing services , whereas exports define how a newly constructed service is exposed to external applications .

  8. 双曲型线性方程三阶和四阶TVD格式的新构造

    New Construction of Third-and Fourth-Order Accuracy Total Variation Diminishing Schemes for Linear Hyperbolic Equations

  9. 伴生气中CO2含量的增加可能与新构造运动频繁及地球深部热量上涌有关。

    The reason of the increase of CO2 content is mostly related with frequency of new-tectonic movement and the rising of heat flow from the deep earth .

  10. 4n阶完美幻方的新构造法

    A new structuring method of perfect magic square of 4n orders

  11. 脚本从源文档中读取Members字段,然后对于该字段中的每一个人,脚本执行一个新构造的关键字为“fullname=”+doc.members(x)的搜索。

    The script reads the Members field from the source document , and for each person in that field , the script performs a new search with the new constructed keyword " fullname = " + doc . members ( x ) .

  12. 讨论了n维2~r阶Hadamard矩阵所对应的一类特殊逻辑函数(即H2函数)的一些性质,讨论了它与Bent函数的关系,以及它的一些新构造法。

    In this paper , the author discusses the properties ( especial the relationship with function Bent ) and some new construction methods of function H2 , which comes from Hadamard matrix of order 2 ' .

  13. 新构造运动活跃,晚更新世以来的活动断裂带就有24条之多,断裂带展布的上风方向以NW及NWW向为主。

    Neotectonic movement is active , since the epipleistocene active fault zone has had24 to be many , the predominant direction of fault zone by NW and NWW to primarily .

  14. 原因是for/in设置的方式,特别是因为它没有显式地使用Iterator,所以使用这个新构造时,有些事情是您不能做的。

    Because of how for / in is setup , and specifically because it leaves out explicit usage of Iterator , there are things you just can 't get done with this new construct .

  15. 由多个推覆体板片和形成众多Siwalik期山前褶皱的印度次大陆俯冲断层构成的体系展示了喜马拉雅新构造动力学的主要过程。

    The Hindus subcontinental underthrust fault system consisting of several nappe plates and many piedmont folds of Siwalik demonstrates the main processes of Himalayan neotectonic dynamics .

  16. 珠江三角洲地区的基岩地质、新构造运动、航磁和重力资料都反映NEE向是最主要的构造方向,NEE向的恩平-海丰一线把研究区分成南北两区。

    The NEE striking faults are the main active fults in the Pearl River Delta area . The study region may be divided into the south part and north part with a Haifeng-Enping line in the direction of NEE .

  17. 断裂是这一时期新构造运动最直观、最重要的表现形式,这一时期(5.3Ma以来)的断裂活动称为晚期断裂活动。

    Fault is the most direct and important form to reflect the new structural movements in this period . The fault activities in this stage ( since 5.3Ma ) are called the late-stage faults .

  18. 青岛市第四纪地层与新构造活动的研究

    The Study on the Quaternary Stratum and Neotectonic Movement in QingDao

  19. 用α径迹法寻找新构造裂隙水

    Search for crevice water in new structure using the alpha-track method

  20. 吉林省新构造运动的基本特征

    The basic character of the recent tectonic movements in Jilin Province

  21. 滇西北三江地区新构造运动特征

    New Formation Features in the Three River Region in Northwest Yunnan

  22. 断层相关褶皱&鄂尔多斯盆地中的新构造样式

    Fault related fold & the structural style in the Ordos Basin

  23. 新构造差异运动与泉州海外8级地震

    Differential neotectonic movement and the Quanzhou offshore earthquake of M 8

  24. 太原盆地边缘地貌与新构造运动及其意义

    Edge Geomorphology and Neotectonic Movement in Taiyuan Basin and Their Meanings

  25. 滇西新构造运动时期陆内伸展作用

    A study of continental extension during neotectonic movement in West Yunnan

  26. 川滇地区强地震活动与区域新构造运动的关系

    Strong Earthquake Activity and Relation to Regional Neotectonic Movement in Sichuan-Yunnan Region

  27. 川西山地公路水毁与新构造应力场

    Highway Waste-Watering and Neotectonic Stress Field in Mountainous regions in Western Sichuan

  28. 长江中游段新构造运动

    A study on the new tectonic movement of the middle Changjiang River

  29. 云南新构造运动年代学特征及其与地震活动关系研究

    The neotectonic movement and the chronological feature of active fault in Yunnan

  30. 渭河地堑盆地新构造运动及其基本特征

    The neotectonic movement and its basic characteristics in the Weihe graben basin