
  1. OPENCYCLE开放的双循环尽管国内市场对新发展格局很关键,但“双循环”绝对不是封闭的国内循环。

    While the domestic market is key to the new development paradigm , " dual circulation " is by no means a closed domestic loop .

  2. 中国正在加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,建设更高水平开放型经济新体制。

    Now , China is speeding up efforts to foster a new development paradigm from the world and contribute more to the world with its own development .

  3. 福建要在加快建设现代化经济体系上取得更大进步,在服务和融入新发展格局上展现更大作为,在探索海峡两岸融合发展新路上迈出更大步伐,在创造高品质生活上实现更大突破。

    Fujian should make greater progress in stepping up building a modern economic system , to make bolder moves in serving and integrating into the country 's new development paradigm , make bigger strides in exploring new approaches for integrated development across the Taiwan Straits , and to make greater breakthroughs in helping the people to achieve a higher-quality life .

  4. 生态文明建设的核心是通过科学发展,建立起人与自然和谐相处的新发展格局和新型人地关系。

    The core of the construction of ecological civilization is to create a new development pattern and a new human-land to achieve a harmony state between human and nature by scientific development .

  5. 为缓解传统语音业务量的下滑,大幅增加高端接入带宽用户群是当前新的发展格局。

    To mitigate the decline in traditional voice business , a significant increase in broadband access high-end users is currently the new trend of development .

  6. 他表示,中国将构建一种新的发展格局,使国内国际市场相互促进,这将惠及东盟在内的地区各国。

    He says China will create a new development pattern whereby domestic and foreign markets can boost each other to benefit countries including ASEAN members .

  7. 本文在新媒体发展格局的大背景下,从管理学的角度,探讨新媒体对于传统媒体和传统媒体的运作方式、新闻生产过程有什么样的冲击和影响。

    This thesis explores the impact and influence from the new media to the traditional media itself , traditional media mode of operation and the process of news production from the perspective of management in the background of new media development .

  8. 他呼吁要更好地服务和融入国家新的发展格局,在推进绿色发展方面取得新进展,更加致力于巩固和发展民族团结、社会稳定和边境安全。

    He has called on these regions to better serve and integrate into the country 's new development pattern , make new progress in advancing green development , and be more committed to consolidating and developing ethnic unity , social stability and border security .

  9. 提高高校的人事档案管理工作,将关系到高校在新世纪的发展格局。

    The management of personal file of universities is closely related with the structure of the new century .

  10. 第四,梯度发展,促进城市商业形成新发展秩序与格局。

    And fourth , promoting the formation of new order and structure for the development of urban commerce .

  11. 目前,新的区域发展格局正在形成,即:西部提速,东北攻坚,东部保持,东西互动,拉动中部。

    At present , the new area develops pattern and takes shape , namely : Raising speed in the west , assault fortified position in the Northeast , the east keeps , the things are interdynamic , pull the middle part .

  12. 亚欧关系新发展及其对世界格局影响

    New development in the Asian-European relationship and its impact on the world political pattern