
  • 网络President of Singapore
  1. 新加坡总统警告,这是最糟糕的年景,经济将收缩百分之6到百分之9。

    Taiwan 's president proclaimed the worst is over , although the economy is still in recession . Singapore 's president warned of a worse year , with the economy contracting by between six to nine percent .

  2. 陈庆炎当选新加坡新总统。

    Tony Tan wins Singapore presidential election .

  3. 新加坡共和国总统纳丹先生

    The President of the Republic of Singapore , Mr S.R.Nathan

  4. 他活跃新加坡政坛13年,从事社区和政治活动长达25年,荣获新加坡共和国总统颁赐的公共服务奖章。

    Enlivened in the filed of Singapore politics about 13 years and engaged in the community and political matter about 25 years , He has gotten Public Service Medal awarded by Singaporean President .