
xīn jì shù
  • new technique
新技术 [xīn jì shù]
  • [new technique] 新的操作方法

新技术[xīn jì shù]
  1. 这一新技术已经被用来鉴别胎儿的性别。

    The new technique has been used to identify the sex of foetuses .

  2. 这项新技术达到了世界先进水平。

    The new technique measures up to advanced world standard .

  3. 他的音乐结合了传统和新技术。

    His music is an integration of tradition and new technology .

  4. 运用新技术是我们策略的关键。

    The use of new technology is core to our strategy .

  5. 引进新技术的成功程度不尽相同。

    New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success .

  6. 我们聘用了一位专家担任新技术顾问。

    We employ an expert to advise on new technology .

  7. 为使员工学会运用新技术,对他们进行了再培训。

    Staff have been retrained to use the new technology .

  8. 学校必须迎接新技术的挑战。

    Schools must meet the challenge of new technology .

  9. 新技术已经使在线“虚拟图书馆”的发展成为可能。

    New technology has enabled development of an online ' virtual library ' .

  10. 他们打算在新技术方面投入大量资金。

    They intended to invest hugely in new technology .

  11. 这家公司已在最新技术设备方面投资。

    The company has invested in the latest technology .

  12. 新技术会改变广播的方式吗?

    Will new technology change the shape of broadcasting ?

  13. 新技术时代已经开始。

    A new technological age had dawned .

  14. 新技术应该能提供安全可靠的防火墙抵御黑客袭击。

    New technology should provide a secure firewall against hackers .

  15. 他们有投资新技术的远见。

    They had the foresight to invest in new technology .

  16. 该公司一直享有新技术研发基地的美誉。

    The company has maintained its reputation as the developing ground for new techniques

  17. 对最新技术的灵活利用必将带来成功。

    Clever exploitation of the latest technology would be a sure formula for success

  18. 更多的科学家现在能够接触到海洋学的最新技术。

    The latest techniques in oceanography are now available to many more scientists .

  19. 激光唱片等新技术使留声机黯然失色。

    The gramophone had been eclipsed by new technology such as the compact disc

  20. 他们随时准备迎接新技术的问世。

    They 'll be ready to embrace the new technology when it arrives .

  21. 把计算机业务分包出去,我们就可以更快地利用新技术。

    We can take advantage of new technology more quickly by farming out computer operations

  22. 她丢开笔记本开始使用新技术。

    She forsook her notebook for new technology .

  23. 你必须乐于学习新技术。

    You must be willing to reskill .

  24. 该协会相信新技术将可长远地解决信用卡诈骗问题。

    The association believes new technology will provide a long-term solution to credit card fraud .

  25. 我们大多数人都会认识某个总是在不停地学习新技术或研究新领域的人。

    Most of us will know someone who is always learning new skills , or studying new fields .

  26. 固定资产投资是确保企业获得最新技术的重要手段。

    Investment in fixed assets is an important vehicle for ensuring that the latest technology is available to business .

  27. 该俱乐部拟就“我方辩手认为新闻报道并没有从新技术中获益”一题进行一次公开辩论。

    The club is planning a public debate on ' This house believes that journalism has not gained from the introduction of new technology ' .

  28. 他们把新技术运用到该领域。

    They applied the new technology to this field .

  29. 这项新技术已应用于农业。

    The new technology was applied to farming .

  30. 他曾创造过几个现在广泛应用的新技术用语。

    He has coined several new technical words which are now widely used .