
  • 网络jiashi
  1. h值在新疆伽师强震群趋势判断中的意义

    Application of h-value for strong earthquake swarms trend diagnoses in Jiashi of Xinjiang

  2. 利用GPS观测研究新疆伽师地区的水平变形特征

    Characteristics of Horizontal Deformation in Jiashi Area , Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

  3. 伽师近场观测地震资料的三维Q值成像

    3-D Q value tomography of near-field observations of Jiashi strong earthquake swarms

  4. 新疆伽师地震区三维Q值结构

    Three-dimensional Q structure in Jiashi earth-quake region of Xinjiang region

  5. 用GPS研究南天山(伽师)地区现今地壳变形GPS在物理大地测量中的应用及GPS边值问题

    Research on present crustal deformation in the southern Tianshan ( jiashi ), China by GPS geodesy

  6. 新疆伽师地区现今构造运动和地形变GPS监测的初步研究

    The preliminary study on present tectonic activity and crustal deformation monitored by GPS in Jiashi area

  7. 基于GPS技术研究新疆巴楚&伽师6.8级地震的地壳形变特征

    Study on Characteristics of Crustal Deformation of the Bachu-jiashi M_S6.8 Earthquake in Xinjiang Based on GPS Technique

  8. 新疆伽师及邻近地区现今地壳形变的GPS监测与研究

    GPS monitoring and Study on recent crustal deformation in Jiashi and its adjacent region in xinjiang , china

  9. 新疆伽师地区地应力的GPS损伤模拟研究

    On Simulation of earth stress in Jiashi area , xinjiang , by damage mechanics model with GPS data

  10. GPS监测成果反映出在伽师地区有一应力应变变化的集中区域。

    The results of GPS survey also shows that there is a focus area in the Jiashi region .

  11. 伽师及邻近地区GPS地壳形变监测及初步分析

    GPS observation in Jiashi and its vicinity and the preliminary analysis on the observed data crustal deformation of Three Gorges Area

  12. 糖代谢相关酶和GA3、ABA在嫁接伽师瓜果实糖分积累中的作用

    Roles of sugar-metabolizing enzymes and GA_3 , ABA in sugars accumulation in grafted muskmelon fruit

  13. 基于Silver的震源模型,由震源谱推断了伽师震群主要地震的破裂方向,破裂尺度及应力降。

    Based on the Silver 's seismic source model , the main fracture characteristics of the swarm have been inferred from source spectra .

  14. 使用喀什地震台记录的伽师&巴楚震群序列目录,采用em/∑e、Δm方法对序列早期震型进行判定。

    Author used Jiashi-Bachu earthquake cluster sequence catalog recorded by Kashi station , E_m / Σ E and Δ M methods to determine the earthquake sequence early kind .

  15. 伽师附近正处在下地壳C界面和壳幔边界的上隆顶部或拐点上,是强震群发生的深部构造背景。

    Jiashi is located right over the apex or the inflection point of the updoming lower crustal interface C and the crust-mantle boundary , which is the deep structural background for the occurrence of strong earthquakes .

  16. 利用GPS、连续倾斜和地震活动性资料分析了伽师地区构造活动的特点和伽师强震群的动力背景。

    On the basis of the data of GPS , continuous tilt and seismic activity we researched the tectonic characteristics in southern Tianshan mountain area and dynamic background of 1997 Jiashi earthquakes .

  17. 通过对帕米尔东北侧伽师及其周边地区两条深地震测深剖面S波资料的处理计算,结合P波研究结果,得到了S波二维地壳速度结构和波速比(vP/vS)分布。

    2-D crustal structure as well as velocity ratio ( v __P / v __S ) is revealed by processing S-wave data from two wide-angle reflection / refraction profiles in and around Jiashi in the northeastern Pamirs , with the results of P-wave data taken into consideration .

  18. 利用伽师强震群区及帕米尔东北侧地区1994~1998年的GPS监测成果,用DDA方法模拟了伽师强震群前后该地区地壳运动和应力应变的变化过程。

    Using the GPS data in the region of Jiashi and the northeast to Pamir from 1994 to 1998 , the crustal movement and stress strain rate before and after the strong earthquake swarm is simulated by DDA ( Discontinuous Deformation Analysis ) method .

  19. 2003年2月24日位于1997~1998年伽师震区东南约20km的新疆巴楚-伽师地区发生了MS6·8地震,其余震丰富、强度大。

    The Bachu-Jiashi earthquake of M_S6.8 occurred on Feb.24 , 2003 , in Xinjiang , which is 20km from the southeast Jiashi seismic region in 1997 ~ 1998 , and its aftershocks are rich and strong .

  20. 2003年2月24日至12月1日先后在伽师和昭苏县境内发生了MS6.8与MS6.0两次地震,新疆乌什台距两次地震震中200多千米,震前钻孔应变仪均记录到异常。

    On Feb 24 ~ ( th ), and Dec.1st 2003 two earthquakes of M_S 6.8 and 6.0 occured in Jiashi and ( Zhaosu ), Xinjiang region . Located about 200 kilometers from both the epicenters , the borehole strain anomalies at Wushi station had been recorded .

  21. 新疆地区重力变化与伽师6.8级地震

    Variation of gravity field of Xinjiang area and Jiashi m_s6.8 earthquake

  22. 伽师强震群活动期间地震窗异常特征研究

    On characteristics of seismic window anomaly during the Jiashi earthquakes swarm

  23. 涂膜冷藏对新疆伽师瓜保鲜效果的影响

    Influence of Coating Refrigerated on Preservation Effect of Xinjiang Jiashi Melon

  24. 伽师强震群震源破裂特征的初步分析

    A preliminary analysis on rupture characteristics of Jiashi strong earthquake swarm

  25. 分析研究了伽师地震序列目录。

    We analyzed and studied the catalog of Jiashi earthquake sequence .

  26. 新疆巴楚&伽师6.8级地震序列震源特征的初步研究

    Primary study on the source feature of BACHU-JIASHI m_s6.8 earthquake series

  27. 新疆伽师地震热红外异常分析

    Analysis of Thermal - Infrared Abnormity on Jiashi Earthquake in Xinjiang

  28. 1997年新疆伽师强震群序列活动特征

    Seismicity feature of Jiashi strong shocks swarm in Xinjian in 1997

  29. 伽师县甜瓜主要流行性病害发生与分析

    Analysis on occurrence of main diseases of melon in Jiashi

  30. 伽师强震群地震动特点与震源机制关系的研究

    Characteristics of Jiashi strong ground motion and its relation to focus mechanism