
  • 网络Galois Theory;E.Artin
  1. 长期存在的问题,指南针和直尺建设的最后解决伽罗瓦理论。

    Long standing questions about compass and straightedge construction were finally settled by Galois theory .

  2. 从目前的罗盘和直尺古代建筑的一些问题终于解决了使用伽罗瓦理论。

    A number of ancient problems concerning Compass and straightedge constructions were finally solved using Galois theory .

  3. 在数学史上,伽罗瓦理论及其创立者伽罗瓦一直是各国研究者感兴趣的主题。

    In the history of mathematics , Galois Theory and its founder Galois are always the main topics of study for mathematicians and historians .

  4. 伽罗瓦理论是方程理论的最高成就,更重要的是它在终结旧的研究的同时又为数学研究开启了一片全新的广阔大地。

    Galois Theory is the crowning achievement of the ( algebraic ) theory of equations , and the most important thing is that Galois Theory has opened another new and wide world for mathematics while it closed the door of the ( algebraic ) theory of equations .

  5. 伽罗瓦及其理论传播史

    The History of Transmission of Galois and His Theory